Bush Unwittingly Sums Up His Presidency
President Bush unwittingly summed up the eight years of his presidency in what was expected to be the final press conference on January...
Why Ron Paul Opposed the Gaza Resolution
On January 8, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (along with 11 House colleagues) introduced House Resolution 34, whose title reads: "Recognizing Israel's...
Read moreMore Covert War Against Iran
The United States has escalated its covert war against Iran, the New York Times reported on January 10. The article reported that the...
Read moreBush Designates New Marine Sanctuaries
With just two weeks left in office, President Bush designated almost 200,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean as a national monument using...
Read moreTrying to Uphold Federalism in Federal Court
"Federalism" is one of those words that turns many readers aside, as it conjures up images of boring old theoretical interpretations of John...
Read moreKissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
Rahm Emanuel, President-elect Barack Obama's chief of staff, has declared that "you don't ever want a crisis to go to waste." As reported...
Read moreObama’s New Course: More of the Same
President Bush leaves office amidst the greatest economic calamity in several generations, perhaps ever. The federal budget deficit is poised to triple last...
Read moreThe Trouble With Leon Panetta
On January 5, the nation's new media learned that President-elect Barack Obama would nominate former congressman and Clinton administration official Leon Panetta as...
Read moreObama’s Plan: Increase the $1.2 Trillion Deficit
President-elect Barack Obama has a plan to bring the federal budget under control: spend more and increase the record $1.2 trillion deficit projected...
Read moreKissinger Urges Obama to Build a “New World Order”
According to Henry Kissinger, the various political and economic crises currently conflicting the world offer President-elect Barack Obama an opportunity to create a...
Read moreNeoconservatism in the Obama Age
Neoconservatives are elated with Obama's appointments, recognizing that the new guard is very much like the old. ...
Read moreSkepticism About Second Amendment Support
ITEM: The Chicago Sun-Times reported on December 8: "As gun sales shoot up around the country, President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday that gun-owning...
Read moreIs Conservatism Dead?
The rise of the neoconservatives within the GOP has not only discredited the Grand Old Party but tarnished the image of conservatism. ...
Read morePaul Weyrich Passes Away
A leader of what became known as the "New Right," veteran conservative activist Paul Weyrich passed away on December 18 after a long...
Read moreRick Warren, the CFR, and Barack Obama
Is Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to give the invocation at the presidential inauguration purposefully driven? The news media, Evangelicals, the gay community,...
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