Ohio Voter Rolls Just Got Worse
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The following is a press release issued October 15 by the elections watchdog group United Sovereign Americans concerning voter rolls in Ohio:

Only one year after “red” Ohio voted to amend its constitution and grant abortion providers unlimited discretion over late-term abortion, the voter rolls just got significantly worse. More than 100,000 new registration violations were exposed last week by analysts volunteering for United Sovereign Americans (USA). Of these suspicious edits, 32,480 are existing registrants who registration dates have suddenly shifted backward in time, and 74,576 are existing registrants whose ID number has inexplicably changed, when federal law requires a single, unique ID.

A lawsuit filed in August against [Republican] Secretary of State Frank LaRose by USA alleges that he has lost control of the voting system. “Unfortunately for the people of Ohio, that emergency is still here. Why can’t we get clarity about these blatantly suspicious edits?” asked USA chairman Harry Haury. “This is not limited to Ohio. Our direct measurements show this problem in at least 21 states. The right to vote is being destroyed; meanwhile, the band plays on.”

By auditing Ohio’s official records, USA showed that in the 2022 election in Columbus, Ohio, every third vote was cast by a voter registered on January 1st, a false date. [Republican] Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost has filed for dismissal of the lawsuit. “The man paid to protect the citizens of Ohio by enforcing election law is standing down. He might as well wave a giant sign saying, ‘Cheat Here!,'” said USA CEO Marly Hornik. “We identified over 600,000 votes in 2022 that originated from voters with false information in their registration. LaRose and Yost are now fighting us in court, after dismissing us in closed-door meetings, to make sure the 2024 election is illegitimate as well. Is Ohio even in America anymore?”

Here’s the good news: When Americans see their rights eroding, they act to protect the country. The USA lawsuit was funded by hundreds of Ohio citizens who are simply fed up. “We have more lawsuits being written right now,” continued Haury, who is a volunteer like everyone in USA. “The right to choose our representatives is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. No politician is allowed to override that. We will take this fight to the mat in Ohio, and everywhere, until we have legally valid elections. This is an historic moment for the ‘manly firmness’ our Founders showed, and all those who have fought and died for America since. We cannot allow self-dealers and tyrants another shot at the greatest country in history. We are asking Secretary LaRose, Governor [Mike] Dewine (R) and Attorney General Yost to be the heroes, abandon your compromised election system and adopt a rational, safe alternative before the 2024 election.”

United Sovereign Americans has already filed nine federal civil rights lawsuits protecting the right to vote in a fair election. With only weeks to go before we choose our next President, in a nation divided against itself, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Hornik continued, “We all must be able to trust that a legitimate process has taken place. That has always been, and will always be, the peace treaty that holds Americans together. Everyone who values civil rights is invited to join us.”