New Poll: Nearly Half of Registered Voters “Strongly Disapprove” of Biden’s Performance
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The Wall Street Journal launched a new poll of its own, headed by lead pollsters from each party. On Tuesday, the Journal released its results: Just 19 percent of registered voters “strongly approve” of the job Biden is doing, while 46 percent “strongly disapprove,” generating an astonishing “underwater rating” of 16 points.

And, thanks to the pollsters’ larger sample size, they can also examine demographic groups more closely. Among independent voters, Biden is underwater by 36 points (30/66), and among undecided voters he’s underwater by 34 points (29/63).

As the pollsters admitted, “That’s abysmal.”

While Biden and Harris tour the country pushing his ill-conceived and pork-laden Build Back Better agenda, voters are worried about inflation eating into their paychecks. “The number one issue facing voters,” they wrote, “[is] the economy [where] Republicans hold a double-digit advantage, 46 to 35 percent.”

The poll also revealed just how voters feel on other related issues. Sixty-three percent say “the country is on the wrong track.” Republicans lead Democrats on the economy by 11 percent, on inflation by 18 percent, and on securing the border by 36 percent.

The pollsters drilled down into the demographics and found that “one year after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60% of their vote … the Journal survey found that Hispanic voters are [now] evenly split in their choice for Congress.

The Journal’s poll came just one day after another poll, this one by highly respected and accurate pollster TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP), revealed that only 22 percent of American voters want Biden to run for reelection in 2024. When TIPP polled for Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) in the previous four election cycles, they were the most accurate in predicting the outcomes.

Even Democrats are giving up on Biden, according to TIPP, now partnering with Issues and Insights (I&I). Just 37 percent of registered Democrats want Biden on the ticket in 2024, and even fewer want Harris, at 16 percent.

That led TIPP to ask those surveyed whom they would rather have on the ticket. They posited the names of 16 potential Democrat candidates as alternatives to Biden, including Pete Buttigieg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Kennedy, Stacey Adams, Corey Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Gavin Newsom, Michael Bennet, Gretchen Whitmer, Jay Inslee, Michelle Lujan Grisham, and J.B. Pritzker. These are the leading lights of the Democratic Party.

None of them “rose above single digits,” said the pollsters. Most were in the low single digits — one to four percent.

The pollsters didn’t offer another choice — “none of the above“ — but if they had, a whopping 31 percent who said they were “unsure” would likely have checked that box.

In other words, according to the latest polling from skilled, experienced, and highly accurate pollsters, the Democrat Party’s brightest and best don’t even light up a 50-watt bulb.