NBC’s Chuck Todd: Cabinet Official Told Him Two Years Ago Biden Couldn’t Run Again “Like This.”
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Chuck Todd
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A top leftist “journalist” has confessed that a Cabinet official told him that President Joe Biden shouldn’t run again for president.

But NBC talker Chuck Todd didn’t add he didn’t bother reporting it.

The confession from the pro-Biden “journalist” came as Democrats scramble to persuade Biden to drop out of the race, lest the former President Trump defeat Biden, and possibly, the GOP takes control of Capitol Hill.

“Not a New Story”

Todd revealed the conversation with a “senior” Cabinet member during Wednesday’s ChuckToddCast with Politico columnist Jonathan Martin.

“The politicians of the Democratic Party in the last few days have shown that a lot of them don’t have the courage of their convictions,” Martin said. “They simply aren’t going to stand up and say in public what they’ve been telling folks like us in private for years. This is not a new story.”

And, Martin continued, Democrats “don’t have the courage of their convictions” because they won’t say publicly what they discuss privately.

Then Todd delivered this shocker, or maybe it isn’t:

Jonathan, I don’t want to out the — I’m not gonna out the Cabinet secretary. But I had a Cabinet secretary two years ago, okay? Two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘You really think he’s gonna — he can’t run again like this.’ And I said ‘Well, you have more interaction with him than I do,’ and they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior Cabinet secretary.

So, and this was two years ago. This is one of those, you know, it’s the classic open secret, nonversation, right? It’s the story everybody knows and everybody was afraid to talk about.

“Like this,” of course, meant running with such severe cognitive and physical decline. Included in that “nonversation,” apparently, was Todd and the rest of the pro-Biden, hate-Trump media. They refused to focus on Biden’s obvious mental and physical decline until he calamitously collapsed in his debate with Trump on June 27.

Then, suddenly, with Biden behind in the national election and battleground state polls, Democrats — including former President Barack Obama and former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times (twice), and Hollywood big shots, including leftist George Clooney — decided that Biden had to step aside.

Noting that Biden vowed to be a one-term president, Todd continued:

Everything I’ve learned, it has made me rethink a lot of the Biden biography. I still can’t believe he ran for president in the first place, given that his family was in crisis in 2018. You look at what has happened, I can’t believe he has put his family through this. And now, looking at his behavior now, in clinging to this, I think the entire narrative on Joe Biden is gonna change. Everything’s been about his ambition, and his ambition comes first.

Dementia Concerns Began Before 2020 Election

Now he tells us.

Todd, of course, is right about one thing: Biden’s unfitness for office is not a “new story.”

Democrats discussed it among themselves before they nominated him in 2020, as The New American reported.

Intercept founder Glenn Greenwald, one of the last of the honest leftist journalists, tweeted that Democrats knew about Biden’s cognitive decline, but were so anxious to deep-six primary opponent Senator Bernie Sanders, they ignored it.

“The steadfast, willful refusal of Dem political & media elites to address what is increasingly visible to the naked eye — Biden’s serious cognitive decline — is frightening indeed, not only for what it portends for 2020 but what it says about the ease of snapping them into line,” Greenwald wrote.

Greenwald tweeted a photo of Biden with this line: “I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message.”

Replied Intercept scribe Ryan Grim, “What’s fascinating is that in these replies not a single Biden supporter argued that he’s not actually sundowning and it’s being blown out of proportion. Even (and especially) his supporters know it’s happening. This is frightening.”

And, wrote Sanders supporter Matt Stoller,  “Democratic insiders know Biden has cognitive decline issues. They joke about it. They don’t care.”

A furious leftist cartoonist Ted Rall explained for a piece at the Rasmussen Reports website.

“Democrats are conspiring to gaslight the American people by engineering the election of a man clearly suffering from dementia,” he wrote.

Some 14.3 percent of Americans older than 70 years have dementia, Rall reported. Biden was 77. “You don’t need an astronomer to know that the sun rises in the east. If you have encountered dementia, you know Joe Biden has it,” Rall wrote:

Deliberately casting a vote for someone clearly suffering from dementia, or turning a blind eye to it, or being simply unaware of Biden’s mental state, is inexcusable.

No one who has been close to someone deteriorating from that disease could fail to see the same signs in Joe Biden.

In online discussions, Biden apologists sometimes say that a senile Biden is better than an evil Trump. Is this really where we are? Congratulations, Democrats, you literally picked the worst of the bunch.

Biden repeatedly confirmed that diagnosis in the ensuing four years with myriad false memories and inappropriate public behavior and anger. During his catastrophic debate with Trump on June 27, he was clearly “sundowning.”

And while Biden has confessed that he shuts down after 8:00 p.m., aides confirmed to Axios that his operating system freezes after about 4:00 p.m. 

Worse still for the 82-year-old president, a neurologist said Biden suffers with Parkinson’s Disease.

Physician Tom Pitts said he sees patients such as Biden “20 times a day in clinic” and that Biden has the “classic features of neurodegeneration.”

Said Pitts, “I could have diagnosed him from across the mall.” 

H/T: Mediaite, Fox News, Ace of Spades