Narrative Fail: Harris, Dems, Say Trump, Vance Weird After Four Years of Biden’s Weirdness
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In one of the most risible fits of projection in the annals of projection, presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Democrat backers — who believe men can turn into women and think everyone wants to know their “pronouns” — are calling former President Donald Trump and his vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, “weird.”

The new narrative is especially strange given the nuts, fruits, freaks, and weirdos whom Democrats have permitted to run their party, and indeed the nuts, fruits, freaks, and weirdos that President Joe Biden has permitted to run the country.

But alas, we learn that the label “resonates,” as they say, with Harris’ supporters. Maybe so. But the message doesn’t likely “resonate” with non-weird Americans. That includes the 74.2 million who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 and will vote for him again.

Flooding Social Media

The term apparently originated with Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Tim Walz, a hard-bitten leftist.

“Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz , a potential Harris running mate who’s been using this description for months, said it during his first viral TV appearance of the week, and then in others,” Politico reported:

The Democratic Governors Association, which Walz leads, amplified it on social media. And the Harris campaign has adopted it as well, incorporating the label repeatedly this week in press releases and posts on X and TikTok.

“These are weird people on the other side,” Walz said on the really weird MSNBC:

They wanna take books away. They wanna be in your exam room. That’s what it comes down to. And don’t get sugar-coating this. These are weird ideas. Listen to them speak. Listen to how they talk about things.

“I’m telling you: these guys are weird,” Walz wrote on X over a clip of his appearance. 

“It’s getting weird,” the Harris campaign chimed in.

Continued Politico:

As this simple and quintessentially Midwestern description of Trump and Vance catches on, it marks a notable rhetorical shift — away from Biden’s apocalyptic, high-minded messaging toward a more gut-level vernacular that may better capture how many voters react to far-right rhetoric of the kind Vance in particular trades in.

“It perfectly describes the uneasiness people feel. It’s how people who don’t live and breathe politics every day react to hearing the Republican vice presidential candidate denigrate people without children,” said Tim Hogan, a Democratic strategist who worked on the 2020 presidential campaign of another Minnesotan, Sen. Amy Klobuchar. “It’s simple. It’s how you might talk to your neighbor about the crazy political climate we’re living in.”

Last week in an email, the Harris campaign claimed that “Trump is old and quite weird” and called Vance a “creep” and “weird” because he opposes abortion, The Hill noted.

The Associated Press explained that the label is brilliant politics:

The “weird” message appears to have given Democrats a narrative advantage that they rarely had when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection. Trump’s campaign, which so often shapes political discussions with the former president’s pronouncements, has spent days trying to flip the script by highlighting things about Democrats it says are weird.

“I don’t know who came up with the message, but I salute them,” said David Karpf, a strategic communication professor at George Washington University.

The Real Weirdos

Harris supporters and homosexual George Takei — Mr. Sulu on Star Trek — joined the chorus, too.

“Trump and Vance are just too weird for America,” said the thespian who confuses exits and entrances. “And I attend Star Trek conventions”

The narrative isn’t working well on social media, least of all for Takei. Users quickly posted photos of Takei doing something obscene to two naked men.

And quickly enough after Harris and her weird supporters began the narrative, photos of the last four years of the Biden administration went viral. So did video of Harris and her husband greeting a man with a beard in a long gown. Another features Harris and a drag queen.

Indeed, when it comes to weird, the White House has assembled a cast of characters that makes The Addams Family look normal.

One of Biden’s first acts was appointing a man who thinks he is a woman to head his Defense Department transition, which was followed by his appointing “Rachel” Levine — real name, Richard — a “transgender” woman — to be No. 2 at the Health and Human Services Department. Levine wants to poison and mutilate children with “gender-affirming” care.

Indeed, Biden is nothing if not obsessed with pushing “transgender”and homosexual ideology on Americans, notably by permitting them to serve openly in the military.

Biden’s Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, thinks he is married to man. “Husband” Chasten was caught grooming kids on video.

His press secretary is a lesbian, Haitian immigrant, Karine Jean-Pierre.

Another auspicious appointment was that of Sam Brinton, a bald, “non-binary” sadist who gives spanking seminars and is involved in “pup play.” Brinton, who supports underage prostitution, held a gop job at the Energy Department until he was caught stealing women’s luggage from airport carousels.

Biden hired Demetre Daskalakis, a homosexual leather weirdo, to help coordinate the federal government’s response to monkeypox, a malady that runs rampant among homosexuals.

Most recently, Biden hired a homosexual who resembles a cross between Freddie Mercury and one of the Village People as associate communications director at the White House.

Such is Biden’s commitment to the weird that he permitted an anti-white, pro-communist dance company to stage a perverted performance of The Nutcracker at the White House.

Before that, the White House permitted a homosexual called Benny Drama — real name, Benito Skinner — to flit about the White House as an “intern” to promote vaccinations against the China Virus.

If Trump and Vance are weird, what word could describe the last four years of Biden and Harris is unknown.