MSNBC “Intelligence Analyst”: GOP Is a Terrorist Insurgency
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A former Navy officer and reputed “intelligence analyst” is retailing the lie that the Republican Party is an “insurgency,” and that soon leftist Americans must fight their GOP neighbors.

Malcolm Nance offered the opinion on a program that no one watches, Peacock’s eponymous Zerlina, hosted by yet another leftist you’ve never heard of, Zerlina Maxwell.

Nance also offered the preposterous claim that the mostly peaceful protest on January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol was a serious attempt to overthrow the U.S. government. And the would-be insurrectionists, he said, would crown Donald John Trump king.

But Nance’s strained relationship with the truth is nothing new. He has a history of peddling falsehoods and debunked conspiracy theories.

Nutty as a Snickers

Nance is among a group of crackpot “contributors” to the program, including Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and race-hustling lawyer Benjamin Crump, who, for some reason, are permitted to spew their nonsense to a national television audience. 

“Here is the United States — to characterize that to understand what kind of terrorism we might be dealing with, you have to label it as white extremism because we have 30% of the population of the United States who no longer believe in the democratic norms that we established in the founding of the country,” Nance began

How Nance calculated that 100 million Americans “no longer believe in the democratic norms that we established in the founding of the country” we don’t know, but perhaps he used Common Core math.

Nance’s high jinks with numbers aside, he continued: 

Let’s just be honest about that. The January 6 uprising was an attempt to overthrow American democracy. And we have now learned from the hearing that Donald Trump intended to go there to march down to the well of the House of Representatives and essentially be crowned as a king.

Maxwell pitched a slow one over the plate.

“You call what is happening an insurgency. We have heard that term in foreign wars recently in Iraq,” she said. “Talk about why you apply the term insurgency to what you see here as a persistent and ongoing threat of domestic extremists?”

“I was reading their forums. I was reading their own intelligence about what they intended to do,” Nance replied:

It was pretty clear at that point that they were going to try to either overthrow the government or they were going to settle in for a long-term series of destabilizing actions using a political party, the Republican party, as their political base and then using violence, threat of violent extremism as a way to manifest change in the street. So remove politics from the halls of power and change politics through violence on the street. 

Hard it is to believe a man of Nance’s intelligence believes what he said. But he does, and declared that the GOP is an insurgent terrorist outfit:

This is called an insurgency. The insurrection that happened on January 6, that was one event. An insurgency is a chain of events. It’s common knowledge. A year and a half ago, when I was calling this an insurgency, people were saying, that’s crazy, this isn’t an insurgency, this isn’t like Iraq, it’s not like Libya, it’s not like Syria. Well, it is. And it’s well on its way. It’s closer to the beginnings of the Irish Republican Army. You know Irish Republicanism, where now the Republican Party is Sinn Fein, and it’s just a matter of seeing who comes up as the original Irish Republicans in this story and starts carrying out acts of violence to affect [sic] change. So we are well on our way to a multi-year campaign that we are already two years into this campaign where we may have to fight them. And the “they” in my title is those who want to kill Americans, are your neighbors.

Nance vs. Greenwald

One might just wonder whether Nance believes Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, but anyway, the latest from the “intelligence analyst” isn’t his first departure from the truth.

As Glenn Greenwald reminded readers more than once, Nance smeared Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein by falsely claiming she was a Russian asset.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid helped Nance push that lie.

“On August 20, 2016, weekend host Joy Reid asked Nance about the supposed ‘affinity’ for Russia harbored by Jill Stein supporters,” Greenwald wrote. “In response, Nance told MSNBC viewers: ‘Jill Stein has a show on Russia Today.’” 

Continued Greenwald:

Whatever your views might be about Stein and her third-party candidacy, there is no disputing the fact that Nance’s statement was a falsehood, a fabrication, a lie. Stein did not have a show on RT, nor did she ever host a show on RT. What Nance said was made up out of whole cloth — fabricated — in order to encourage MSNBC viewers to believe that Stein, one of the candidates running against Clinton, was a paid agent of the Kremlin and employee of RT.

Nance has said similar things about Greenwald, whom he falsely accused of being “deep in the Kremlin’s pocket.”

But Nance isn’t alone in attempting to portray the GOP as a party of “terrorists” and “insurrectionists,” the aim of which is to dehumanize rank-and-file Trump voters. 

The notion is a running thread on Twitter, in keeping with another serious falsehood: “White supremacists,” we are to believe, are a more serious domestic threat than the communist goons of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who left cities across the country in flames and ruin. They attacked police and even threatened to kill GOP Senator Mitch McConnell.

But Republicans in general and Trump supporters in particular are the real “insurgents.”

H/T: Breitbart