Mashup of Harris’ Far-left Ideology Goes Viral
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Though far-left Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris is justly famous for the streams of word salad and nonsense she regularly emits, at times she clearly explains her ideology — and delivers bald-faced lies to advance it.

Now, some of those remarks and comments are going viral, as did her fountains of gibberish earlier this week.

Upshot: A President Harris would make President Joe Biden look like former President Donald Trump.

Communist Leanings?

Harris’ schtick sounds as if she lifted it directly from The Communist Manifesto and playbook of hard-left, anti-police, open-borders activists.

One mashup of her comments has Harris repeatedly suggesting the redistribution of wealth along communist lines without using those words. As well, some of the redistribution would be racial.

Americans must have a “goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place,” she once said. “And since we didn’t start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution.”

As well, she said, we must be “giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding and not everyone starts out at the same place.”

“So there is a big difference between equality and equity,” she said on another occasion:

Equality suggests often everybody should get the same thing. Well, that often assumes everybody started out in the same place, as opposed to equity, which is everyone should end up in the same place. And if you then understand not everybody started out in the same place, you understand some people need more, so we all end up in the same place. Right?

“We are proud of the fact that equity is one of our … guiding principles,” she said. “Proud of the fact that we understand equality is important, but not everybody starts out on the same base.”

Here is Harris on another occasion:

We see that people in our country are having an experience that is not equal. So when we talk about the work we are doing here together, it is recognizing that, and being guided by this principle of what we must do in the spirit and in the interest of equity … to put equity firmly at the center of our economic policy.

“If you look at the reality of who will benefit from certain policies,” she said, “when you take into account that they’re not starting at the same place, and they’re not starting on equal footing, it will directly benefit black children, black families, black homeowners.”

Anti-police Rhetoric

Asked what she thought about defunding the police, Harris said “that we need to reimagine how we are creating safety.”

Cities, she said, spend too much money on policing, and “we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way to achieve safety.”

And “for too long the status quo thinking has been you get more safety by putting more cops on the street.”

“Well, that’s wrong,” she opined:

Because by the way, if you want to look at upper middle class suburban neighborhoods, they don’t have that patrol car. They don’t have those police walking those streets. But what they do have, they have well-funded schools. What they do have is home ownership, high-home ownership rates. What they do have are thriving small businesses. What they do have is access to public health and mental health services.

Nor does Harris think illegal aliens are, well, here illegally: “It is wrong to somehow suggest that an undocumented immigrant is a criminal,” she said.

“Being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime,” she said. “I know what a crime looks like,” she said as well, “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” 

Indeed, “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal” is a mantra akin to her cultish “to see what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

Nor does she like the term “radical Islamic terrorism.”

Far-left, Anti-Catholic Extremist

In three Senate Judiciary Committee hearings from 2018 through 2020, Harris proved herself a far-left, anti-Catholic extremist.

During confirmation hearings for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, she lied about a dissent Kavanaugh, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, had written in Priests for Life vs. United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Harris and other Democrats falsely claimed that Kavanaugh wrote that all contraceptive drugs were abortifacients. In fact, Kavanaugh’s dissent merely reprised the arguments of Priests for Life and claimed no such thing. For that whopper, The Washington Post awarded Harris four Pinocchios.

She also suggested that Kavanaugh was a racist, and went along with the lie that he raped feminist crackpot Christine Blasey Ford and was a gang rapist.

Later that year, Harris likened Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who deport illegal aliens to Ku Klux Klansmen.

In keeping with her smear of the Catholic Kavanaugh, she attempted to impose a religious test on Brian Buescher, a nominee for the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska. His moral failing was membership in the Knights of Columbus.

Harris hectored Buescher because the Knights are pro-life and against homosexual “marriage.” She not-so-subtly implied that Catholics in general — and members of the Knights of Columbus in particular — are unable to discharge their judicial duties fairly and should not serve on federal courts.