Latest NBC Poll Tracks Biden’s Continuing Slide into Oblivion
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The most telling of President Biden’s slide into obscurity and ultimately into oblivion comes from Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt. He conducted the latest NBC News poll for Hart Research Associates along with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. Said Horwitt:

What is most concerning is the erosion of Biden’s standing against Trump compared to four years ago. On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined.

Most damning, the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job — the chief tenet of the Biden candidacy — has evaporated.

Here are those measures:

On securing the nation’s southern border: Trump leads Biden 57% to 22%. That’s a 19-point swing in Trump’s favor since September 2020.

On the economy: Trump ahead of Biden by 22 points, up 15 points since October 2020.

On crime: Trump leads Biden by 21 points, a 26-point swing from the 2020 summer of discontent, riots, burnings, and killings.

On competence: Trump leads Biden by 19 points today, up from a 9-point deficit in June 2020 – a swing of 25 points.

On mental and physical health: Trump leads Biden by 23 points today, a 24-point swing from October 2020.

The Republican pollster, Bill McInturff said the poll’s results reveal “a presidency in peril.”

Indeed, no matter where one looks the Biden presidency has been and continues to be disastrous: Trump leads in seven key states and he has cut into the Democrat advantage enjoyed among Latinos, young voters, and Independents:

Among Latinos: just 35% approve of Biden

Among young voters: just 29% approve of Biden

Among independents: just 27% approve

In a rematch of 2020, Trump has expanded his two-point lead over Biden in November to five points today.

Biden failed to generate any kind of turnout for the Democrat Party’s primary in South Carolina. Out of the state’s 3,226,353 registered voters, Biden received votes from just 131,286 of them — four percent. The other 96 percent stayed home, an extraordinary vote of no confidence for the current Oval Office resident.

For those seeking an exit from this rolling and accelerating disaster, where can they find succor? Kamala Harris? Gavin Newsom? Michelle Obama?

For those hoping for a turnaround in the economy sufficient to sweep Biden back in for a second term, those hopes are bleak. Said Horwitt: “Biden can take solace that we are in January [the poll was taken the last week of January] and not October. At this stage in prior [election] cycles, attitudes can change.”

Indeed, they can. But is nine months enough time? The economy is slow to recover from the frequent beatings suffered under Bidenomics. Attitudes are even slower to change. And prices? Even if the Federal Reserve were to stop inflating the money supply and begin a huge shrinkage instead — a highly unlikely prospect — it would plunge the economy into a recession.

And Biden’s mental and physical health? The question answers itself. His obvious decline in both attributes will continue over the next months. It is a natural result of the dementia from which he is suffering.

Experts report that there are seven stages of dementia decline and to the most casual observer Biden is somewhere between Stage 5 and State 6:

Stage 5: Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline

From this stage onward, the person may no longer be able to function without some assistance.

These are some of the symptoms of this stage:

Difficulty recalling an important detail such as their address, phone number, or high school

Disorientation in terms of place and time, such as confusion regarding the season, date, day of the week, or time of day

Difficulty counting backward from 20 by 2s or from 40s by 4s (provided they are educated and were once able to do this calculation)

Trouble with making decisions

In this stage, the person can likely still remember their own name and the names of their spouse and children, but they may struggle with recalling the names of their grandchildren. They may be able to eat and use the bathroom without assistance, but may need help with tasks such as deciding what to wear.

Stage 6: Severe Cognitive Decline

At this stage, the person may require a high degree of care, as they may have symptoms such as:

Difficulty remembering the names of their spouse, children, or primary caregivers

Lack of awareness regarding all the recent events and experiences in their life

Patchy or skewed recollection of their early life

Difficulty counting backward or forward to 10

Lack of awareness regarding their surroundings as well as the time and place

Inability to travel alone without assistance

Tendency to wander

The person is also likely to experience emotional and personality changes, such as:

Paranoia, hallucinations, and delusional behavior, such as talking to themselves or believing their caregivers are trying to harm them

Obsessive symptoms, such as repeatedly performing cleaning activities

Agitation, anxiety, and even violent behavior

Loss of willpower, due to being unable to carry a thought long enough to complete the action

During this stage, the person is likely to still be able to remember their name, as well as distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people in their environment. They will probably need assistance with daily living activities and may experience incontinence as well as sleep-related difficulties.