In “Trump Card,” Dinesh D’Souza Says Trump Is ‘Political General’ in Fight Against Socialism
Dinesh D’Souza/"Trump Card"
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In his new film — Trump CardNew York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza argues the American Dream is not only at stake in this presidential election, but the Democratic Left wants to propel America headlong into socialism and tyranny.

As the 2020 presidential election looms, D’Souza told The New American that the country is divided between one party that wants to preserve our founding principles and another that wants to catapult America into what is “arguably the most discredited idea in history after slavery.”

Since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels helped popularize socialist ideologies in their Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848, socialism and communism have amassed a “huge body count — over 100 million casualties, a massive toll of misery and human suffering,” D’Souza says.

Today, a new form of socialism – identity socialism – has captured the minds of the progressive Left and is spreading throughout American culture at breakneck speed.

In the film — and his new book, United States of Socialism: Who’s Behind It. Why It’s Evil. How to Stop It — D’Souza refutes the new identity socialism advanced by Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, documenting the left’s “gangster tendencies” to enforce socialist ideology in America and socialism’s embrace by the Democratic Party.

D’Souza exposes in the film, released October 6 on DVD, Amazon Prime, and other on-demand movie services, the ideology and the tactics of these modern socialists, arguing the one person now standing in the way of the future portrayed in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 — a book depicting the tyrannical dimension of socialism — is President Donald Trump.

“Whatever you think of Trump, there is no question that he loves America and there is no question that he is, in his bones, a capitalist,” D’Souza says. “So, in the movie, we treat Trump in two capacities. He is both the quintessential entrepreneur and, in this sense, anti-socialist. And he’s also the political general or leader in the fight against socialism.”

In his fifth documentary film exploring similar themes of political corruption in America (the first one, 2016: Obama’s America, was released in 2012, followed by America: Imagine the World Without Her, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, and Death of a Nation), D’Souza focuses on the Trump presidency because “Trump is the colossus, he’s the guy around whom the debate resolves.”

I think the people voting for Biden are mostly voting against Trump so it makes sense to have Trump be the sort of title of the movie, but the theme of the movie is socialism and most of my movies revolve around a single, big question.

The big question here is how did socialism, this discredited ideology that was tried across half the planet in the last century, collapsed everywhere, all the big countries – India, China, Russia, all moved away from socialism. So, how could socialism now in the 21st century make a comeback and enter the American political mainstream for the first time in this country’s history? That’s the question I set out to answer.

Trump Card explores how this new form of socialism is a marriage between classic socialism and identity politics. Identity socialism goes beyond socialism’s class divisions to stoke unrest based on white vs. black, male vs. female, straight vs. gay, legal vs. illegal, and pit Americans against each other.

The Left is using naked propaganda, shameless deception, and various forms of intimidation, outright coercion, and the politics of personal destruction to achieve their socialist dreams, D’Souza argues.

“The answer to the question is there is a whole generation of young people who have been indoctrinated into the virtues of socialism,” D’Souza says. “These are people who have a very dim sense, if they have at all, about the actual record of socialist regimes. That record has been obscured or blotted out by their teachers and professors.”

Yet, despite polls showing over half of young adults give socialism positive ratings, D’Souza believes the cumulative effect of his five films are opening the eyes of many people not only to the reality of the Democratic Party and mainstream media, but the “attack on truth” that has had such a devastating impact on America.

“Orwell saw all of this,” D’Souza says. “He saw in the middle of the last century the attack on truth, he saw the corruption of the media – what he called Newspeak. He also came up with this idea of Doublespeak, which is to say you state the exact opposite of the truth — ‘War is Peace,’ ‘Freedom is Slavery.’ These are Orwellian slogans and we often hear something very similar today.”

The American Dream is at stake, and the presidential election will determine its fate, D’Souza says.

Will the American ideals of free markets, liberty for all, and equality under the law prevail, or will America succumb to the socialist ideals of repression, conformity, and tyranny, D’Souza asks?

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling co-author of The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse, senior editor of Godspeed Magazine, and former executive editor or Charisma magazine and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. His latest book, The Military Guide to Armageddon, will be released January 5. He lives with his family in Irvine, California. Find out more at and