Imposter Found at Rand Paul Event
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

With the latest Rasmussen Report showing Republican Rand Paul in the lead for the Kentucky Senate race against Democrat Jack Conway, it’s no wonder Conway’s supporters have succumbed to less than dignifying measures to bolster Conway’s ratings.

At the Fancy Farm picnic in Kentucky this week, a cameraman caught a “Rand Paul fan” bearing a racist anti-immigration sign that read, “They Take Our Jobs! Corrupt Our Children! Steal the American Dream!” Attached to the sign was a “Dora the Explorer” doll with a “Conway for Senate” sticker.

The phony fan, who called himself “Tyler, I’m a Randfan,” was inadvertently identified as a Conway supporter by other Jack Conway campaigners present at the Fancy Farm picnic.

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Dave Wiegel, the videographer who overhead the conversation between the imposter and the other Conway advocates, confronted the fraudster. “Obviously you’re a Conway fan because I just heard one of the Conway guys say ‘You work for Conway!’”, said Wiegel.

Though the “fan” denied it, the cameraman went on: “They said you were going to say the most racist things you could so people would think Rand stands for that. You were bragging about it to the Conway folks they said.”

Despite his determined denials, the same fan was later caught marching with Jack Conway supporters.

To view the video footage of the events, click here.

Even the leftist media outlet could not defend the reprehensible actions of this Conway campaigner. “Tea Partiers should take comfort in the fact that, if all liberal spies are as dumb as this one, they shouldn’t be that hard to suss out.”

Ironically, Tyler Collins, the true identity of the infiltrator, wrote a column back in June for the Crittenden County newspaper bashing the Tea Party movement, and specifically, the use of “distasteful” signs at Tea Parties.

Collins’ behavior is reminiscent of those within the “Crash the Tea Party” movement, all of whom intended to crash local Tea Parties and present themselves as racist, violent, or simply loony in order to discredit the Tea Party movement. Fortunately for Tea Partiers across the nation, the “anonymous” creator of was outed days before the crashers infiltrated local Tea Parties.

However, the outing has not prevented rogue crashers from making appearances like that seen with Tyler Collins.

Despite Collins’ best efforts, the facts speak for themselves. July’s Rasmussen Report shows Rand Paul with a 49 percent approval rating, while Conway trails with 41 percent. According to Rasmussen, “support for Paul has been at 49 percent for three straight surveys while Conway has held steady at 41 percent.”

Voters surveyed cited the economy as a primary cause for concern. Similarly, 61 percent of Kentucky supporters are in support of a repeal of the healthcare law. Furthermore, 60 percent would like Kentucky to adopt an immigration law similar to that found in Arizona.

In other words, despite the sleazy campaign efforts utilized by some of Conway’s supporters, the issues will make the difference in November, and on those, Paul appears to be the stronger candidate.

Photo of Rand Paul: AP Images