Last week, we received definitive proof that Vice President Joe Biden was deeply involved in son Hunter Biden’s global business empire, despite the “Big Guy’s” claims to the contrary. Hunter’s former business pal, Devon Archer, divulged the truth in testimony before the U.S. House Oversight Committee.
Yet the extent to which veep Biden was involved went well beyond some two dozen phone calls with Hunter and his business cronies. Nor did it merely include meeting for dinner at the ritzy Cafe Milano in Washington, D.C., with Archer; a Russian billionaireness who invested in Hunter’s real estate company; and Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma Holdings, the energy company at the center of the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme.
Rather, one of Hunter’s other business buddies, Eric Schwerin, went to the White House 36 times while Biden, Sr. was vice president. And he wasn’t there to admire the wallpaper.
He was there to cash in big time with the help of Moneybags Joe.
Three Dozen Visits in Seven Years
How much Hunter and Schwerin pocketed thanks to the vice president is unknown. Here’s what is known, Fox News reported, having previously explained that he visited a mere 27 times:
Schwerin actually made at least 36 visits during that same time frame.
Schwerin was the founding partner and managing director of Hunter Biden’s now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca Partners when he was appointed by then-President Obama to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, an independent U.S. government agency, in early 2015. Obama reappointed him to the commission in January 2017.
“Eric asked for one of these the day after the election in 2008,” Hunter Biden revealed about Schwerin’s initial appointment in an email on March 13, 2015.
Worse still, because the White House won’t release logs of “purely personal guests,” Fox reported, the account of Schwerin’s White House visits could be incomplete. He might have checked in at 1600 Pennsylvania more than 36 times.
But even if the visits numbered only three dozen, he visited five times annually for seven straight years.
And, Fox reported, Schwerin met with the “Big Guy” in the West Wing in November 2010, and “visited Joe Biden’s residence at least 15 times for various holiday receptions, including the Dec. 12 holiday reception in 2015 that came a couple of days after then-Vice President Biden’s infamous trip to Ukraine, where he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid if the country’s leaders did not fire their top prosecutor.”
At that reception were Hunter, Archer, and another member of Hunter’s business orbit. And in another coincidence, Schwerin met with Biden a day before the meeting at Cafe Milano that included Pozharsky.
Reported Fox:
Archer confirmed last week that the elder Biden showed up at the upscale Georgetown restaurant Cafe Milano on April 16 and “had dinner” with several of Hunter’s business associates including “Vadym P. from Burisma,” blowing the lid off the narrative that the Biden campaign and Biden White House repeatedly pushed denying Biden attended the dinner.
Schwerin also met with “several of Biden’s aides throughout the tenure of the Obama-Biden administration,” Fox continued.
I Know Nothing!
Despite all these meetings, and the phone calls that Archer divulged, Biden has repeatedly denied any knowledge of his son’s remarkably lucrative business dealings. We are also to believe that the Bidens never discussed those dealings.
Fox included three of Biden’s denials.
August, 2019 — First of all, I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period. There wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there. It was the same kind of strict, strict rules. That’s why I never talk with my son or my brother or anyone else, even distant family about their business interest, period.
September 2019 — I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. You should be looking at Trump. Trump’s doing this because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum.… Everybody’s looked at it and said there’s nothing there.
October 2019 — I don’t discuss business with my son.
False. False. And false again.
Biden did more than “discuss” those dealings, or offer fatherly advice, although what advice he might offer is questionable on two counts. First, Biden has never held a real job or run a business. Second, Hunter is the “smartest guy” he knows. The sex and crack addict would hardly need an amateur’s advice.
Long before Archer surfaced as a witness, Hunter’s now famous laptop proved that Biden, Sr. lied. The laptop contained two smoking-gun emails. One was a note from Pozharsky to thank Hunter for setting up the meeting at Cafe Milano. A second was the email that said Hunter would hold 10 percent of the proceeds from a deal with Chinese Reds for the “Big Guy.” Hunter’s biz pal Tony Bobulinski confirmed that Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” just before the 2020 election. Bobulinski described meeting with Biden, Sr.