HHS’s Levine Pushed “Trans” Group to Drop Age Restrictions for “Gender-Affirming Care”
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Richard "Rachel" Levine
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Admiral” “Rachel” Levine, the “trans woman,” and No. 2 health official in the federal government, wants no restrictions on the age at which a child can “transition” to the opposite sex.

Levine — real name Richard — pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the disgraced “transgender” health outfit, to remove minimum-age guidelines for minors to receive “gender-affirming care.”

That news is hardly a surprise. One of Levine’s top priorities as second in command at the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) is chemically castrating and otherwise sexually mutilating kids who falsely believe they are the “wrong sex.”

No Age Restrictions

Man-lady Levine was clear in his instructions to WPATH, Reduxx reported.

He “‘strongly pressured WPATH leadership to rush the development and issuance of SOC-8,’ according to a recently unsealed court document presented as evidence in the ongoing court case Boe v. Marshall.”

That lawsuit involves leftists who sued over Alabama’s law forbidding the mutilation and poisoning of children under the guise of “gender-affirming” care.

SOC-8 is WPATH’s Standards of Care guidelines.

Continued Reduxx:

The document, titled “Appendix A to Supplemental Expert Report of James Cantor, PhD,” contains testimony from Cantor, a controversial American-Canadian sexologist and psychologist who has served as an expert witness against the medical transitioning of child[ren] on multiple occasions. Cantor points to internal communications from members of the Guideline Development Group which demonstrate that Admiral Levine was in contact with WPATH leaders and “very keen” to have the updated revisions released.

“WPATH’s internal communications reveal that the SOC-8 development process was influenced by pressure from high-level government appointees,” states section D of the document, which was declassified as confidential material on June 24.

According to Cantor … Levine “attempted to and did influence the substantive content of SOC-8, based on political goals rather than science.”

Cantor alleged that Levine told WPATH to “to remove recommended minimum ages for medical transition treatments from SOC-8.”

Internal messages from Levine’s chief of staff, Sarah Boateng — touted as one of Biden’s “LGBTQ” appointments — show just what Levine was up to.

“[Levine] is confident, based on the rhetoric [he] is hearing in DC, and from what we have already seen, that these specific listings of ages, under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care. [He] wonders if the specific ages can be taken out,” one message read. 

Read another:

The issue of ages and treatment has been quite controversial (mainly for surgery) and it has come up again. We sent the document to Admiral Levine … [He] likes the SOC-8 very much but [he] was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to health care for trans youth. [He] asked us to remove them.

And, it turned out, WPATH followed the man-lady “admiral’s” orders, Reduxx reported:

In September 2022, WPATH released the SOC-8 guidelines, which reduced the age at which youth could potentially receive “puberty-blocking” drugs, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries. At the time of the initial release, the specific recommended ages were 14 for hormones; 15 for double mastectomy surgery; 16 for breast implants and facial cosmetic surgery; and 17 for metoidioplasty, orchidectomy (castration), and hysterectomy.

But on September 15, WPATH abruptly issued a correction and removed those specific age guidelines.

The New York Times and other media also reported the story.

WPATH Dirty Secret

Remarkably, Levine’s lunatic request makes the disgraced WPATH look sane — and that’s after WPATH was revealed as quite the opposite in March, as The New American reported, when its internal files went public. 

Explained Michael Shellenberger of Environmental Progress, the files show that “what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine. … It’s not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent.”

“Activist members of WPATH know that the so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ they provide can result in life-long complications and sterility and that their patients do not understand the implications, such as loss of sexual function and the ability to experience orgasm,” Shellenberger said.

As well, WPATH cares little about “long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments,” a news release from Environmental Progress continued:

Messages in the files show that patients with severe mental health issues, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder, and other vulnerabilities such as homelessness, are being allowed to consent to hormonal and surgical interventions. …

The files provide clear evidence that doctors and therapists are aware they are offering minors life-changing treatments they cannot fully understand. WPATH members know that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will cause infertility and other complications, including cancer and pelvic floor dysfunction. Yet they consider life-altering medical interventions for young patients, including vaginoplasty for a 14-year-old and hormones for a developmentally delayed 13-year-old.

But, again, Levine’s agenda is to poison children with toxic hormones and mutilate their genitals.

As The New American reported when President Joe Biden appointed Levine, citing the Washington Examiner, he’s never been shy about what he wants to do to kids. First, they get puberty blockers, then “cross-gender hormones” between 14 and 16 years old.

Continued Levine:

They never go through the wrong puberty. That way, for a transgender woman, male to female, their voice doesn’t drop, they don’t have hair, they don’t have to have electrolysis. For a transgender man, they don’t have breast development that will need surgery, they don’t have periods, etc.

“Bottom surgery” would come next. That’s code for amputating the genitals, meaning castration for boys.

Yet Levine’s obsession with that procedure — some might call it a fetish — might not be as inexplicable as it seems.

“The link between pedophilia advocacy, sexology, and trans activism can further be seen in how criteria put forward by WPATH, at Levine’s behest, reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found to have been working intimately with WPATH leaders in a series of Reduxx investigations,” the website reported.

One of the “resources” in WPATH’s standards of care is the Eunuch Archive, which is “home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature – of which nearly 4,000 feature themes of the rape, castration, torture, and / or killing of children.”

In its original report on the link between WPATH and the Eunuch Archive, Reduxx revealed the archives’ unspeakable collection of child porn that “eroticizes” child castration.