Harris’ Far-left Answers to 2019 ACLU Candidate Questionnaire Resurface
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A look back at vice president and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ answers to the 2019 candidate questionnaire from the American Civil Liberties Union shows that she might be the most far-left candidate her party ever nominated for president.

She favored the pro-communist group’s crackpot positions on issues such as immigration, “transgender rights,” criminal justice “reform,” and more. 

Harris appears to have reversed herself on some positions, apparently to show that she has left the fever swamps of the radical Left. But her answers to the inquiry squarely placed her in the farthest fringe of the American Left.

Indeed, during tonight’s presidential debate, former president and GOP nominee Donald Trump might remind her of a few things.

Open Borders, Immigration

Harris’ most radical positions were those on immigration, detained illegal aliens, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

When asked whether she would “provide fair and achievable paths to citizenship for [the then] 11 million” illegal aliens, the candidate answered yes. Indeed, she would “prioritize” it. She also promised to keep those illegals under President Barack Hussein Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the country for good. “All DACA recipients” would get work permits. Plus, she said:

I will also make sure that parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, as well as other law-abiding immigrants with ties to our communities, are able to apply for deferred action to protect them from the prospect of deportation.

ACLU also asked whether the then-candidate would “commit to ending the use of ICE detainers.” ICE issues detainers to state and local authorities to hold illegals arrested for a crime until ICE can take them into custody for deportation. State and local authorities often ignore them.

Yes, she answered, no more detainers. As California attorney general, Harris noted, she told state and local authorities not to honor detainers. She continued:

As president I will focus enforcement on increasing public safety, not tearing apart immigrant families. This includes requiring ICE to obtain a warrant where probable cause exists [and] to end the use of detainers.

As for detaining illegals who jumped the border, Harris vowed to end detention:

Our immigrant detention system is out of control, and I believe we must end the unfair incarceration of thousands of individuals, families and children. I was one of the first Senators after President Trump was elected to advocate for a decrease in funding to ICE. I have led efforts to urge the Senate Appropriations Committee to decrease detention dollars. As president, I will fight to pass my DONE (Detention Oversight Not Expansion) Act into law which would increase oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities, slash detention by at least 50%, and halt funding for the construction or expansion of new facilities.

“Transition” Surgery for Inmates/Detainees

Even more radical is Harris’ position on so-called transgender prison inmates and detained illegals.

ACLU asked whether she would use executive authority to provide taxpayer-funded “transition surgery” for “trans” prison inmates and illegals in detention.

Yes, she answered. As California attorney general, Harris pushed the state department of corrections to provide the surgery for inmates. “I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained,” she answered:

Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment.

Releasing Criminals

Frighteningly, ACLU asked whether Harris would immediately grant clemency to 25,000 federal prisoners, and push the state to release another 250,000. Total criminals to be released: 275,000.

Harris didn’t commit to a number. But she did say she would “use my clemency and pardon power on a broader basis than has been done in the past to overturn the convictions of people incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses.”

Such were the answers that even hate-Trump CNN’s Erin Burnett was taken aback. CNN reporter Andy Kaczynski told Burnett that Harris was attempting to run to the left of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, both rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Other Radical Positions

Amusingly, as The New American reported, Harris said that her candidacy was a “fight for our American values.”

Not really.

That not-insignificant truth aside, Harris has also backed banning private health insurance, falsely claimed that illegal aliens are not criminals, and promoted gun confiscation through a mandatory buyback plan.

But perhaps her most dangerous policy proposal is “equity,” as The New American reported when she replaced President Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate, is her plan to redistribute wealth.

Noting that equality and equity are different things, Harris has called for the latter repeatedly.

“Equality suggests often everybody should get the same thing,” she once said:

Well, that often assumes everybody started out in the same place, as opposed to equity, which is everyone should end up in the same place. And if you then understand not everybody started out in the same place, you understand some people need more, so we all end up in the same place. Right?

“We see that people in our country are having an experience that is not equal,” she said on another occasion: 

So when we talk about the work we are doing here together, it is recognizing that, and being guided by this principle of what we must do in the spirit and in the interest of equity … to put equity firmly at the center of our economic policy.

After clips of her far-left policies went viral, claims that Harris is a communist exploded on social media.

On his Truth Social network on August 17, Trump called her “Comrade Harris” over a doctored photo of the Democratic candidate in front of a hammer-and-sickle flag.

He wrote a day later: “She is a Communist, has always been a Communist, and will always be a Communist.”