Georgetown Law Professor: Constitution Outdated, Holds Americans in “Bondage”
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Georgetown Law Professor Rosa Brooks
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Georgetown University law professor who peddled the crazy conspiracy theory that President Trump would cancel the 2020 presidential election, and said a military coup might be needed to remove him from office, is at it again.

This time, Rosa Brooks wants everyone to know that the U.S. Constitution is outdated. It’s an “ancient” document that still holds Americans in “bondage.”

And well, maybe it’s just time to jettison the Constitution and come up with a governing charter more to the liking of Brooks and her interlocutors on The ReidOut, crackpot leftist Joy Reid’s eponymous program on MSNBC.

Written by a “Tiny Group” of Slave-Owners

No slouch herself when it comes to offering nutty opinions, Reid asked Brooks this question: “What do you make of this sense that we now essentially live at the mercy of whoever can go into the store and buy an AR-15 and decide to shoot whoever is available?”

Brooks was ready, and unbosomed herself of this opinion:

I was thinking, boy, those sounds are like the sounds you hear in war zones. And there are people all over the world who have lived during armed conflicts, and when does the mortar fall on your house, when does the soldier or the tank come down the street and just kill you. We are now living in that world, too, and we have brought it on ourselves. We can’t say, oops, it’s the Russians’ fault. They shouldn’t have invaded us.

You would have thought Brooks would blame Donald Trump, too. But, anyway, she then delivered her verdict on the Constitution, which holds Americans in “bondage”:

This is us. This is 100% us, and it’s because we are essentially slaves to a document that was written more than 230 years ago by a tiny group of white slave-owning men. And we cannot break out of the bondage that we have imposed on ourselves from feeling like we have to– everything by our Supreme Court is decided in reference to this ancient document which is just not serving us well. It is causing enormous problems and enormous tragedies at this point.

It’s safe to say that if the U.S. Supreme Court did what Brooks thinks it should, she wouldn’t worry about its age, or the race or qualities of the men who wrote it. 

Kooky Conspiracy Theory, Military Coup

The latest from Brooks isn’t the first time she stepped off the train from Kookville.

As The New American reported in May 2020, citing The New York Times, Brooks was the brains behind a group of “scenario planners” who gathered to discuss what they might do if then-President Trump called off the presidential election or, worse still, if he refused to leave office.

“In the eight to 10 months I’ve been yapping at people about this stuff, the reactions have gone from, ‘Don’t be silly, that won’t happen,’ to an increasing sense of, ‘You know, that could happen,’” she told the Times.

Leftists also suggested that Trump might stage a military coup if he lost to Biden. Even some sane voices on the Left said that was ridiculous.

Well, neither happened, although Trump rightly questioned the election’s integrity and the Left’s claims that Joe Biden received 81 million votes.

But Brooks was so exercised about Trump that she suggested a military coup just 10 days after he was inaugurated. She was apparently not worried that leftist rioters tried to raze the nation’s capital on Inauguration Day.

Writing in Foreign Policy about ways to remove Trump from office, Brooks suggested a “military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”

Noting that Trump “sets policy through rants and late-night tweets, not through quiet hints to aides and lawyers,” and that “he’s thin-skinned, erratic, and unconstrained — and his unexpected, self-indulgent pronouncements are reportedly sending shivers through even his closest aides,” Brooks hoped the military would simply overthrow POTUS:

What would top U.S. military leaders do if given an order that struck them as not merely ill-advised, but dangerously unhinged? An order that wasn’t along the lines of “Prepare a plan to invade Iraq if Congress authorizes it based on questionable intelligence,” but “Prepare to invade Mexico tomorrow!” or “Start rounding up Muslim Americans and sending them to Guantánamo!” or “I’m going to teach China a lesson — with nukes!”

It’s worth observing that Trump did not start any new wars.

Now, although military leaders refusing to obey a president’s orders is “frightening,” so also is the “prospect of military obedience to an insane order,” Brooks explained:

After all, military officers swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the president. For the first time in my life, I can imagine plausible scenarios in which senior military officials might simply tell the president: “No, sir. We’re not doing that,” to thunderous applause from the New York Times editorial board.

Given Brooks’ apparent affection for seizing power illegally, one wonders whether she’ll advocate military action to stop a Republican takeover of Congress in November. Or maybe she’ll suggest suspending the election and the Constitution until she and her fellow tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theorists can rewrite the nation’s laws to comport with her sinistral view of the world.

As it is, it’s worth knowing that Georgetown Law School — annual tuition $71,996 — employs a professor who thinks the Constitution is outdated.

Before enrolling, students might wish to ask why a law school employs a professor who hates the nation’s primordial law.

H/T: Breitbart