Yet another credible allegation that Creepy Joe Biden can’t keep his hands off any woman within two feet has surfaced, this one from former GOP Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts.
Speaking on the Burn Barrel podcast, Brown told host Tom Shattuck that Biden groped his wife. So Brown told him to stop … or else.
The story comports with myriad reports going back to 1993, when Biden sexually assaulted former Senate staffer Tara Reade, or so Reade alleged just before the 2020 presidential election.
Sniffin’ and Gropin’ at the Swearin’?
Shattuck opened the can of worms by noting that Biden recently did some hair sniffin’, one of his particularly repellant fetishes, overseas.
“Biden has taken a hit in the polls, and especially in the last few months. This thing with his granddaughter really stuck,” Shattuck said:
And also I think people are irked out about all the hair sniffing and things. He went overseas, he especially took a long inhale, and I think women are skeeved out by that stuff, and you know he’s not a good guy. You know him.
“I did know him. I spent quite a bit of time with him,” Brown replied. “I enjoyed his company.” But “that’s not Joe Biden,” he continued charitably, blaming his recent impulsive behavior on the president’s obvious dementia. “We all the know the signs,” Brown said:
We all know people who have dementia, and have the beginning of Alzheimer’s and you know he’s got it. I mean it’s the walk, it’s the way he’s mumbling, his anger outbursts and you know, it’s a shame that we can’t do better.
Brown’s right about that.
But then Shattuck asked him about the day Biden swore him in as senator from Massachusetts years ago.
“When you got sworn in as senator was he like hair sniffing Gail or handsy with Gail or did I imagine?” Shattuck asked.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I told him I’d kick the sh*t out of him.… I told him to stop.… He didn’t act the way I thought he should, and, you know, we called him on it.”
Brown didn’t say what Biden had done. But he emphasized that he dressed down Biden on the spot.
Other Gropes
Brown’s wife isn’t Biden’s only victim. And Biden’s nuzzling, sniffing, and groping of women and girls during swearing-in ceremonies and elsewhere are familiar to anyone who has followed his long career without a real job.
But it did become a major scandal during his presidential campaign. A cop’s wife said Biden did all but ask her to bed, while another woman said he grabbed her by the head and forced an Eskimo kiss.
Worse still, in 2009, then Veep Biden grabbed the breast of a woman who just happened to be a Secret Service agent’s girlfriend. The agent shoved Biden and was ready to swing. The agent was suspended. The story is unconfirmed because the agency destroyed records. Biden also walked around “stark naked” in front of women agents and others.
One source called Biden’s behavior “Weinstein-level stuff.”
And in 1993, Reade alleges, Biden outright assaulted her, a story corroborated by her mother’s phone call to CNN talker Larry King.
Despite all that, Democratic women said Biden was their man, and nothing he did, or could do, would change that. Orange Man Bad had to be defeated.
But those incidents occurred long before accusations of dementia could explain the unwanted sniffs and busses and feels and gropes.
Finland Nibble
Now, at least, supporters excuse Biden’s caddish behavior by simply saying the dirty old coot isn’t pedaling with a full deck of Bicycles.
When Biden recently departed Finland, he nibbled a little girl during a farewell ceremony with embassy staffers.
The big ape made gorilla faces at the horrified toddler, and when he tried to kiss her, she recoiled in horror.
Those impulsive behaviors, along with Biden’s expletive-laced rages at staff members, are almost certainly signs of dementia.
Weeks ago, Axios dubbed him Old Yeller because he snarls and bites like a rabid dog.
Among the president’s choice comments to quivering staff members are “Get the f**k out of here!” and “God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!”
Staffers tremble with such fear of his rage they don’t want to meet with him alone.
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, secretary of Health and Human Services under President Trump, has observed that Biden’s behavior is not unusual. When a reporter asked the presidential candidate whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden spewed nails. “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test!?”
“That’s so typical of people in the early stages of decline to become aggressive and defensive about who they are,” Carson said.
But he also noted Biden’s overt and inappropriate “affection,” such as kissing his granddaughter on the lips in public … or nibbling little girls.
Those are “things that normal people are not going to do certainly in public,” Carson said.
Normal people don’t do them in private, either.