Obama Pressures His “Home Country” Kenya to Legalize Abortion
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

"President Barack Obama wasted little time after his election in promoting abortion abroad by overturning the Mexico City Policy and forcing Americans to pay for abortions and abortion promotion in other nations," notes LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt in an April 7 online report. "Now the Obama administration is attempting to get Kenya to legalize abortion," reports Ertelt.

The LifeNews.com article notes that the African nation of Kenya recently saw its parliament approve a draft Constitution that would overturn its historic prohibition on abortion. Although the draft contains language advocating the right to life for unborn children, it contains a section with a health exception that essentially opens the nation to unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason.

Before the revised constitution can come into force, it must be approved by popular vote — expected in July. Like most other Third World countries, Kenya is under pressure from UN agencies, U.S. and EU foreign aid agencies, and international NGOs and tax-exempt foundations to implement pro-abortion and pro-homosexual policies.

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"US Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger is calling on Kenya’s political leaders to rally the people to pass the referendum," reports LifeNews.com. "Ranneberger issued a statement praising the Kenya parliament for passing the proposed constitution and urging President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to rally support for it."

LifeNews.com quotes Joseph Meaney of Human Life International, who denounced the constitutional changes as an attack by "Western elites" to impose "population control" and said the new constitution violates the views of most Kenyans, who are pro-life.  "Kenyans are pro-life," he said. "When we see the new articles added to the constitution and approved by parliament under heavy pressure from Western elites, we are seeing an assault on the very heart of the Kenyan people."

"Perhaps the greatest insult is that this attack is happening under the banner of ‘improving women’s health.’ The only ones who believe that killing an unborn child is good for a woman’s health are those who will profit from the slaughter, Western powers who are pouring untold millions of dollars into measures to keep Africa’s children from being born," Meaney told LifeNews.com.

"This is nothing but population control, an imperialist assault intended to rob Africa of its future by eliminating her children. It is a disgrace," he said.

Michelle Obama Calls Kenya Her Husband’s "Home Country"

Many Kenyans, no doubt, also view as disgraceful the fact that President Obama is using his celebrity status and the political power of his office to push anti-natalist policies on his "home country." First Lady Michelle Obama, in a recent speech that has been posted many times on YouTube and other Internet sites, referred to Kenya as Barack Obama’s "home country."


It will probably provide little consolation to Kenyans to know that they are not alone in being targeted by "Western elites"; the Obama administration has teamed up with some of the world’s wealthiest individuals to push a global agenda of population control that is hitting many developing countries, especially in Africa and Latin America. As we reported in "Global ObamaCare and World Population Control," and "Global ObamaCare & the ‘Good Club’ Billionaires", the Obama administration’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) is being closely coordinated with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a coterie of billionaire eugenecists. We reported:

The real initiators of Obama’s GHI are Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller, the World Economic Forum, and similar population-control elitists. The Gates connection to the GHI is so extensive that it is probably not an exaggeration to say that the Obama Global Health Initiative represents the successful transfer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s global health policies into official U.S. policy, with the costs also being transferred — to the U.S. taxpayers.

We cited a story in the Times of London, which reported on a secret meeting of the billionaires, who call themselves the "Good Club," last year in New York. The Times piece noted:

Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population….The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change. Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.

The Obama GHI alignment with the Good Club billionaires was further cemented last year with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s selection of Melanne Verveer to fill a new position created by President Obama, that of Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues.

Verveer is an abortion advocate who served as chief of staff to Clinton when she was the First Lady. Along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (who is also pro-abortion), Verveer is the co-founder of Vital Voices Global Leadership, a leading global NGO promoting "women’s rights" and "economic empowerment" of women. On March 10 of this year Hillary Clinton presented Melinda Gates with the Global Trailblazer Award from Vital Voices Global Leadership.

And on March 30, Melinda Gates and Melanne Verveer were the two celebrity guests for an interactive teleconference with members of ONE.org, a Gates-funded NGO promoting the United Nations, the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a New Compact for Global Education, a global climate change treaty, and other UN-related "solutions" to global issues.

Photo: AP Images

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