Doocy: If Biden Can’t Function After 8 p.m., Who Gets Called About an Incoming Nuke at 11?
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It was an amusing moment, though perhaps a bit brutal given Biden’s signs of dementia. And a necessary one given what has transpired since President Joe Biden calamitously collapsed in his debate against former President Donald Trump.

Since then, we’ve learned that the president essentially shuts down after 4 p.m.

Biden himself has said he’s worthless past 8 p.m.

A neurologist said Biden has Parkinson’s disease.

So at yesterday’s news briefing, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre what would happen if the Pentagon sent word at 11 p.m. that a nuclear missile was headed at the United States. Who would take the call?

Biden Isn’t Functioning

The debate gave Americans an eyeful of the real Joe Biden. He’s a mentally and physically disabled man who cannot fulfill the duties of his office.

Indeed, days after the debate, White House aides told Axios, as The New American reported, that Biden sorta calls it a day after 4 p.m.

Noting that the public sees “two Bidens,” the website reported that “the time of day is important as to which of the two Bidens will appear”:

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.

Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.

Thursday’s 90-minute debate began at 9 p.m. ET.

And after that debate, wife “Dr.” Jill rushed to the stage to help Biden down the stairs. Trump walked off vigorously, as if he were heading to a 9 a.m. tee time at his golf club in Palm Beach, Florida.

But a week later, Biden virtually admitted what Axios reported.

He told a powwow of Democratic governors that “he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events after 8 p.m.,” The New York Times reported, citing sources at the meeting:

The remarks on Wednesday were a stark acknowledgment of fatigue from the 81-year-old president during a meeting intended to reassure more than two dozen of his most important supporters that he is still in command of his job and capable of mounting a robust campaign against former President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Biden’s comments about needing more rest came shortly after The New York Times reported that current and former officials have noticed that the president’s lapses over the past few months have become more frequent and more pronounced.

And aside from all that, a neurologist appeared on NBC to say in no uncertain terms that Biden has Parkinson’s disease.

Board-certified neurologist Tom Pitts said Biden has the “classic features of neurodegeneration” associated with the awful malady.

“I could have diagnosed him from across the mall,” Pitts said.

Also concerning is Biden’s dementia — likely if not certain — given that he exhibits myriad symptoms: sundowning, false memories, verbal incoherence, and inappropriate anger and public behavior.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson watched video of Biden’s public utterances.

When a reporter asked Biden whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden fumed. “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test!?”

Said Carson, “That’s so typical of people in the early stages of decline to become aggressive and defensive about who they are.”

Dementia is common among Parkinson’s sufferers.

Such is Biden’s incoherent rambling that CNN’s Jake Tapper delivered a stunning monologue and repeated Biden’s incoherent ramblings.

In his phone call with Morning Joe, during which he vowed not to quit the race, Biden uttered this:

The fact of the matter is how can you assure you’re going to be on, you know, on your way to go, you know, work tomorrow? Age, age wasn’t, you know, the idea that I’m too old.

During the notorious interview for which Biden’s campaign provided the questions he would answer, Biden told the interviewer this:

By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president, proud of the first Black woman in the Supreme Court. There’s just so much that we can do because together we— there’s nothing. Look, this is the United States of America.

“He’s proud to be the first Black woman?” Tapper said. “Not coherent.”

Doocy’s Zinger

Thus came Doocy’s question to Jean-Pierre. Given Biden’s increasing display of dementia and that he has control of weapons that could destroy the planet, the exchange was frightening.

“We know the president says that his health is fine, but it’s just his brain, and that he’s sharpest before 8:00,” Doocy said.

Jean-Pierre said “he was joking,” to which Doocy replied, “What’s the joke?”

Jean-Pierre: [H]e was making a lighthearted joke as he was speaking off —

Doocy: That he has a problem with his brain?

Jean-Pierre: He was speak- — he was speaking off the cuff, and he was making a joke. You know the president. He likes to joke a lot.

Doocy: Okay.

There followed an exchange about Biden’s comedy act about his age, so Doocy, noting that Biden has said he’s “sharpest before 8,” asked this question:

So, say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke; it’s 11:00 p.m. Who do you call? The First Lady?

Replied Jean-Pierre:

He has a team that lets him know of any — of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people. He has someone — or — that is decided, obviously, with his National Security Council on who gets to tell him that news.

Which does not answer the question. Biden has confessed that he’s worthless after 8, except maybe for watching a few reruns of Matlock before he takes his Metamucil and hits the hay.

Doocy also asked whether First Lady “Dr. Jill” is making policy.

The answer to that question is obvious.