Top Democrat rainmaker Lindy Li isn’t the only top Democrat, so disgusted with her party’s lurch to the kook left, that has departed for more hospitable climes. During an interview with Piers Morgan on his Uncensored program, Li called the party a cult that cannot be questioned.
Outgoing West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin apparently agrees. He roasted the party during an interview with CNN on Sunday, having left the party in May to become an independent.
Following Manchin out the door in June was Allison Huynh, the tech tycoon and big-time fundraiser for President Barack Hussein Obama.
“Toxic” Brand
Manchin’s departure in May came with something less than an outright attack on his party.
“Our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,” Manchin said. “To stay true to myself and remain committed to put country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America’s sensible majority.”
With just weeks left in his term, however, Manchin roasted the party for its far-left kookery.
“The D-brand has been so maligned from the standpoint of, it’s just, it’s toxic,” the two-term Democrat told CNN’s Manu Raju for an interview that aired on Sunday.
“They have basically expanded upon thinking, ‘Well, we want to protect you there, but we’re going to tell you how you should live your life from that far on,’” Manchin continued.
And of the “progressives” who now control the party, he offered a warning: “This country is not going left.”
Allison Huynh followed him out the door almost right away.
“Like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it,” the Vietnamese immigrant told Fox talker Jesse Watters.
The collapse of Democrat-controlled, crime-ridden San Francisco pusher her over the edge, she told Watters:
The Dems were policing the wrong things. The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores. I love to cook, and when I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to.
When Huynh takes her kids to the theater district, she told Watters, the family must “step over people shooting crack.” Huynh fears going to Chinatown because of violent crime against Asians.
So disenchanted was Huynh that she not only dumped the party but sold the million-dollar Obama “Hope” poster, the New York Post reported:
“My role was to bring in Silicon Valley people for the $50,000- and $100,000-per-plate dinners,” Huynh said. “[We] brought in [Google co-founders] Sergey [Brin], Larry [Page] and Eric [Schmidt]. Obama was a hopeful candidate who was outside of the system.”
She was so passionate about the left that, in 2005, she and Hassan bought a rocking chair that once belonged to Democratic icon John F. Kennedy for nearly $100,00 at auction.
In 2008, she acquired the Shepard Fairey mixed-media artwork that the iconic Obama “Hope” posters were based on, paying more than $1 million for the work on canvas.
“Stench of Loser”
The trouble for top Dem fundraiser Lindy Li began when she praised Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for defense secretary.
Speaking on NewsNation’s Morning in America, Li said “maybe you’re looking for someone to oppose the nomination, but I actually have personal interactions.… I’ve been on Fox and Friends, I’ve met Pete, he’s my fellow Princetonian. I actually think he’s a pretty good guy.”
But then she appeared on Fox News not only to say that her party’s in trouble, but also to confess that Americans were excited about the incoming Trump administration.
“The stench of loser written all over the party,” Li said. Democrats will be “consigned to the wilderness for at least the next four to eight years.”
That appearance awakened the already woke Left. It unleashed a furious attack.
Before explaining what happened, Li said that the losing POTUS candidate had “delusions” about running for governor of California in 2026 and president again in 2028.
But then Li went on.
“This past week has been harrowing for me,” she told Morgan:
This Saturday, I went on Fox & Friends and I said Democrats have a stench of loser hanging over them. As soon as I said that, there were boycott campaigns against me. Unblock, unfollow campaigns. I lost 40,000 followers in four days [on social media].
But worse than that was the near demonic attack on her character, she said. “They called me a whore, they called me the ‘C-word.’ They asked for me to be deported.”
Masks Off
Li said the reaction to her remarks exposed the true face of her party.
“All these so-called Democrats, the party of inclusion, the party of diversity, masks off,” she said:
And it’s even worse because they pretend to occupy the moral high ground. They pretend to be so loving and caring and embracing of diversity but all of a sudden, when I dare to utter any criticisms of the goddess Kamala Harris, I get ostracized. Me, after having raised tens of millions of dollars for the party.
Li said donors are “pissed” because they raised $2.5 billion to elect Harris, and “it’s my responsibility … to ask what the hell happened with that money. Why did we spend … millions of dollars on five-star hotels for campaign staffers. Why did we spend $500,000 essentially bribing Al Sharpton moments before he interviewed Kamala. These are legitimate questions, but no, in the cult you can’t ask questions.”
The campaign spent $1.5 billion in 15 weeks, or $100 million a week. The Future Forward PAC spent another $1 billion, Democrat strategist James Carville calculated. Total thrown away on Harris’ losing effort: $2.5 billion. Such was the spending spree that the campaign ended $20 million in debt, Li told NewsNation just after the election.
“Like Leaving a Cult”
But Li wasn’t finished, and pressed her point. Leaving and “even questioning” the Democratic Party is “terrifying” because it’s “like leaving a cult,” she averred.
Li said she was finished with the party’s “craziness” and that its far-left kookery is “accelerating my rightward shift.”
Even worse, she said, she is accused of being a communist spy. “I don’t want this nonsense. It’s just crazy and honestly they’re shrinking their tent.… They’re pushing me to bring my tens of millions of dollars that I raise and can continue to raise to a different team that treats me better than, that treats you with just common decency, that doesn’t call me a communist spy,” she said:
By the way, the communist regime in China killed my great-grandfather. They don’t know my family’s history. This is the first time I’m really saying it on air. They are calling me a spy for the regime that killed my great-grandfather. Let that soak in just for a second. That’s how disgraceful they are. And these are the people who call themselves social justice warriors.… They are going head first into racism any time someone dares to disagree with them. I don’t want to be a part of this nonsense anymore. I want to be a part of the team that says men are men and women are women and that men shouldn’t play in women’s sports. And I’m an athlete myself; I’m a marathon runner.
Post-election Revelation
Before Li decided to leave the party and a few weeks after the election, she revealed that the Harris campaign lied to donors about internal polling. It showed she was losing the race, particularly in battleground states.
Li “recently revealed that internal polls never actually saw [Harris] defeating President-elect Donald Trump, but apparently this was not conveyed to those collecting high-dollar donations for her bid,” Fox News reported:
We were told definitely that she had a shot at winning — it wasn’t even a shot. I was even told that Pennsylvania was looking good, that we would win 3-4 swing states.
On election night, she said, the campaign said they would win Iowa, a state Trump won by 13.3 points, 56-42.7.
Li said the party must regain donors’ trust because of the brutal beating the party took, having lost the White House and both sides of Capitol Hill.
“It’s not that he’d beat her, that’s a shock,” Li said. “It’s the extent to which he beat her. It wasn’t even close. It was a decisive defeat.”