Democrats Urge DOJ to Investigate Kushner’s Foreign Ties
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Jared Kushner
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On Thursday, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) sent a formal request urging the Department of Justice (DOJ) to appoint a special counsel to investigate possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by Donald Trump’s son-in-law and former senior White House advisor Jared Kushner. The lawmakers allege that Kushner has been acting as an unregistered foreign agent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments.

Announcing the inquiry, Wyden, a chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said he’d been investigating Kushner’s business deals “for years,” and uncovered evidence of serious breaches of the law.

Allegations of Undisclosed Foreign Payments

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the lawmakers mention evidence suggesting that Kushner may have acted as an unregistered foreign agent, particularly for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

Recent public reports and a Senate investigation have uncovered significant evidence that Mr. Kushner acted as an unregistered foreign agent of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By his own admission, Mr. Kushner is actively advising former President Trump’s campaign while being paid at least $80 million by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments since June 2021.

The letter highlights a Senate investigation revealing that Kushner’s private equity fund, Affinity Partners, has received more than $87 million from the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF) since June 2021.

The Democrats write,

There is substantial reason to believe that the Saudi government’s decision to engage Affinity for investment advice is a fig leaf for funneling money directly to Mr. Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump.

According to public reports quoted by the lawmakers, the PIF’s Board Investment Committee raised concerns about Kushner’s inexperience and found Affinity’s operations unsatisfactory, labeling its management fees as excessive. Despite these objections, the Saudi PIF’s board of directors, led by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, overruled the committee and approved a $2 billion investment in Affinity. To date, it is claimed, Affinity has not generated any returns for its investors, raising further concerns about the investment’s purpose and potential political motives.

It is worth noting that the PIF is Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, managing approximately $925 billion in assets. Being one of the largest investment funds in the world, it plays a central role in the kingdom’s economic diversification under Vision 2030. It makes substantial investments globally in sectors such as technology, infrastructure, and renewable energy. The PIF is also a key tool for advancing Saudi Arabia’s geopolitical influence through strategic investments in high-profile companies and industries worldwide.

According to the letter, Kushner’s fund also received $1 billion from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Taiwanese billionaire Terry Gou.

Wyden and Raskin argue that the scale of these payments is “unprecedented” and warrants immediate investigation to assess whether Kushner’s actions are in line with FARA requirements.

National Security Concerns

The senators express deep concern over Kushner’s ongoing involvement in U.S. politics while allegedly receiving financial support from foreign governments.

The letter reads,

Mr. Kushner is on the payroll of foreign governments while simultaneously advising former President Trump and potentially influencing U.S. foreign policy. This is a clear violation of FARA if proper disclosures have not been made.

It adds, “His role in advising both the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and former President Trump threatens to undermine U.S. national security objectives.”

Kushner served as Trump’s envoy to the Middle East throughout Trump’s presidency from 2017 to 2021. During this time, Kushner played a central role in shaping U.S. policy in the region, particularly in brokering peace deals and addressing conflicts. His most notable achievement was leading the effort to negotiate the Abraham Accords.

In their request, Wyden and Raskin urge the DOJ to investigate whether Kushner has influenced U.S. foreign policy in a way that aligns with foreign interests over U.S. national security priorities.

Calls for Special Counsel Appointment

Citing Kushner’s “proximity to President Trump and the potential for political interference,” Wyden and Raskin argue that the gravity of the allegations warrants the appointment of a special counsel.

The letter concludes by urging the DOJ to act swiftly in order to preserve public confidence in the independence and integrity of the DOJ’s investigations, particularly in cases involving high-profile political figures.

The request marks a significant development in ongoing investigations into potential foreign interference in U.S. politics, focusing on a central figure in the Trump administration who continues to wield substantial political influence.

What is FARA?

The FARA is a U.S. law that requires individuals acting as agents of foreign governments or political parties to disclose their relationships, activities, and the money received for such activities. Failure to do so can result in significant penalties. That includes criminal charges, resulting in fines of up to $10,000 and imprisonment for up to five years for each violation. The law’s primary aim is to ensure transparency and limit foreign influence on U.S. policy and public opinion.

Kushner’s Response

According to a Reuters report, Kushner has dismissed calls for a special counsel investigation into his business dealings as unfounded. In a statement, Kushner said, “There is no conflict of interest.” He further criticized the letter, calling it “silly political stunts” and stating that it was “beneath the level of seriousness that both of their [Wyden’s and Raskin’s House] chambers deserve.”

Chad Mizelle, chief legal officer at Affinity Partners, also condemned the request, labeling it “a disgraceful attempt by Wyden and Raskin to turn an already weaponized DOJ into a fully political operation with accusations that have no merit or evidence.”

Jared and Hunter

Social-media users responded by invoking the infamous case of President Joe Biden’s son, drawing parallels to Hunter Biden’s controversial dealings with foreign nations.

To clarify the distinctions, it is important to note that while the allegations against both Hunter Biden and Jared Kushner involve concerns over financial dealings with foreign entities, they differ in scope, legal context, and the sums involved. Hunter Biden is accused of influence-peddling, leveraging his family connections to secure business deals in Ukraine and China, reportedly enriching his family by tens of millions dollars. In contrast, Kushner faces accusations of violating FARA while receiving $2 billion from Saudi Arabia, allegedly to influence U.S. foreign policy.