Democrats Demand Expulsion of Cawthorn, Other Republicans From Congress Over Capitol Breach
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Democrat leaders from the westernmost district of North Carolina are calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to expel freshman Representative Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), claiming that his “seditious behavior” contributed to the “insurrection” at the Capitol on January 6.

In the letter to Pelosi, Democratic state legislators in Cawthorn’s 11th District asked for an investigation and ultimately the expulsion of the 25-year-old Republican congressman. They allege there was an ethics violation for “violent language” on his Twitter feed leading up to the unrest last week at the Capitol.

“Mr. Cawthorn needs to be held accountable for his seditious behavior and for consequences resulting from said behavior,” reads the letter, obtained by The Mountaineer.

“We will not tolerate misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies from our Representatives,” the letter reads, listing several accusations against the Cawthorn.

1. Mr. Cawthorn’s Twitter feed leading up to January 6 was filled with strong, violent language encouraging his supporters to go to the Capitol to demonstrate their patriotism and show “what their spines are made of.”

2. In a speech to the crowd at the rally immediately before the Capitol was attached, Representative Cawthorn incited the crowd again using violent language and calling his colleagues “cowards.”

3. He later issued a Tweet encouraging rioters to enter the U.S. Capitol and to join him in his fight when he wrote, “I’m fighting a battle for our Constitution on the House floor with other patriots. The battle is on the House floor, not in the streets of D.C.”

The letter, signed by the 11th District Democratic Party Chair Kathy Sinclair, along with four other party officials, asked Pelosi that if the two-thirds House vote needed to expel Cawthorn from the chamber cannot be met, the Speaker should at least censure the freshman Republican.

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Cawthorn’s campaign office issued a statement to WLOS in response to the Democrat letter. “Unlike NC-11 Democrats, Madison Cawthorn condemns mob violence under any banner. NC-11 Democrats were silent when left-wing mobs attacked civilians, businesses and law enforcement in Asheville,” the office said. “They have no moral authority to speak up now when they were silent then.”

For his part, Cawthorn has spoken against the use of violence in the days since the events last week.

He told lawmakers that he was “bitterly disappointed by the protests that happened,” adding that “The actions of a violent few were cowardly and pathetic.”

A petition on demanding Cawthorn’s resignation has gained over 27,000 signatures, pointing to a speech he gave in December advising supporters of the president to “lightly threaten” congressmen who refused to condemn the Presidential Election as fraudulent.

Representative Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) faced calls for censure earlier this week, after being the first House Republican to openly claim the election was fraudulent. 

It is not yet known what course of action Pelosi will take on the matter, but freshmen Representative Cori Bush (D-Mo.) filed a resolution on January 6 that called for the investigation and potential removal of all House members who allegedly “incited violence” by the act of contesting state election results due to fraud claims.

The New American has previously drawn comparison between the events that have unfolded since January 6 and the infamous Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933.

Many academics believe Reichstag fire was perpetrated by the Nazis themselves in order to blame their political opponents, namely the Communists, and thereby justify going after them, which they did.

First the Nazis had their rivals arrested and kicked out of the German legislature, allowing them to then alter the constitution so as to end separation of power, giving the chancellery the powers of the legislature.

It’s the same play Democrats are currently employing, accusing anyone who supported President Trump’s effort to stop the voter fraud of being guilty of sedition, and thus justifying the censuring of such lawmakers. Similar calls have been made about Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, including demands that they be expelled from the Senate.

This goes hand in hand with the simultaneous crackdown on conservative speech by Big Tech, which includes the mass deletion of accounts and the deplatforming of alternative social-media app Parler.

Remember: The left’s entire agenda runs counter to reason, truth, science, common sense, and nature. The only way they can win the war of ideas is by silencing the opposition and keeping the public from hearing the truth.