Democratic Billionaire Delivers $250K to Haley Super PAC in Party’s Big Biz Bid for Anyone but Trump
Marco Verch/flickr
Reid Hoffman
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GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has accepted a boatload of money from a top Biden supporter, a donation that’s part of the Democrats’ strategy to back Republicans other than Donald Trump.

The bagman is Reid Hoffman, founder of the LinkedIn professional networking website, and more likely to come from other Democrats. And not just billionaires.

The move suggests that Democrats are terrified that Trump will become the GOP nominee and defeat the increasingly senile Joe Biden, whose impulsive acts, rages, stumbles, false memories, and increasing disappearances into Cloud Cuckoo Land suggest that he isn’t really running the country.

Biden, indeed, is behind in the polls. Then again, so are Haley and Trump’s closest competitor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Thus, the move for Democrats to pump money into Anyone but Trump.

The Donation, the Conspiracy

Hoffman gave Haley’s SFA Fund super PAC $250,000, The New York Times reported
“The donation, which has not been previously reported, was confirmed by Dmitri Mehlhorn, a political adviser to Mr. Hoffman,” the hate-Trump newspaper continued:

The pro-Haley super PAC, SFA Fund Inc., was asked specifically by Mr. Hoffman’s political team if it would take money from Mr. Hoffman, given that he is a Democrat who actively supports President Biden, Mr. Mehlhorn said. The super PAC, he added, said yes.…

SFA Fund Inc. has been one of the biggest players in the 2024 Republican primary race, spending more than $33 million on advertising and other expenses. Its biggest contributors in the first half of the year were Jan Koum, a co-founder of WhatsApp, who gave $5 million, and the venture capitalist Tim Draper, who gave $1.25 million. Mr. Koum has since given an additional $5 million, which Puck News first reported.

Hoffman, the Times continued, is a hard-shell Trump hater who helped fund columnist E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuit against Trump for rape and defamation. Though the pro-abortion Carroll confessed that the encounter was not a rape but a “fight,” at trial, a jury found Trump liable.

Hoffman rained money on Haley after JPMorgan Chase chieftain Jamie Dimon said Democrats must fund Republicans other than Trump. 

Dimon addressed the Masters of the Universe who attended the Times’ DealBook Summit:

Even if you’re a very liberal Democrat, I urge you, help Nikki Haley, too. Get a choice on the Republican side that might be better than Trump.

The Times also reported that Dimon called Haley “to praise her campaign.”

Hate-Trump Neocon Conspiracy

Meanwhile, a super PAC called Independents Moving the Needle is also backing Haley, the Times reported, because “she has by far the best electability of any Republican presidential candidate in 2024. We are convinced that our efforts will not be futile, as some may fear, and that Donald Trump does not inevitably have to be the Republican candidate — not at all.”

Not surprisingly, the “independents” are linked to Clan Bush:

The founders of the super PAC are Frank Laukien, the chief executive of a life-science research and diagnostics company; Jonathan Bush, the founder and chief executive of a health-care data company and a cousin of former President George W. Bush; Bonnie Anderson, the founder and chief executive of a cancer testing company; Robert Fisher, a white-collar defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor; and Tamra Laukien, the founder and chief executive of a health and wellness coaching company, who is married to Mr. Laukien.

They said in the memo that they saw Ms. Haley “as a forward-thinking, next-generation leader, whose vision, values, integrity, optimism and energy make her the best choice as the Republican presidential candidate.” They did not discuss specific policies but broadly praised her positions on issues including inflation, taxes, support for Ukraine and Israel, and border security.

In other words, Independents Moving the Needle is a cover for Neocons Pining for More War.

They prefer Haley over DeSantis and other Republicans because she is a bellicose globalist who wants more Americans to die in wars for “democracy” abroad, and more immigration and cheap foreign labor at home.

A Punjabi who backed removing the Confederate flag from South Carolina’s Capitol, Haley has also received the endorsement of Americans for Prosperity, an arm of the open-borders Koch network:

As Governor, Haley’s work to expand education opportunities, improve access and lower costs in our health care system, and protect freedom and flexibility in our workforce shows she shares our belief that the solutions to our most pressing challenges lie in free people — not heavy-handed government. While we don’t agree with anyone on every issue, Nikki Haley, by far, offers the best opportunity to improve the lives of all Americans.

The foremost challenge confronting our nation, affecting every American, is the economy. Nikki Haley presents a bold and robust strategy to tackle the inflation that is making everything more expensive for American families — addressing the out-of-control government spending and simplifying the tax code to benefit the American people rather than special interests. Simultaneously, she has the courage to advocate for reforms to an entitlement system that makes promises it can’t keep.

Note what the endorsement doesn’t mention: the full-scale invasion of illegals at the southwest border, and Haley’s view that Big Business should decide how many legal immigrants the country “needs.”

Trump in the Polls

The Democrats are rightly worried that Trump might move back into the White House come January 20, 2025.

The latest RealClearPolitics (RCP) average of GOP primary polls shows Trump with what almost certainly is an unsurmountable, 47.5-point lead over DeSantis, 61-13.5. Haley is polling at 10.3 percent.

The GOP race is Trump’s to lose.

But worse still for Democrats is the RCP average of polls that shows Trump defeating Biden.

Trump leads Biden 46.6-44.5, and has bested the doddering president in 9 of the last 12 polls. The most recent Harvard Harris polls put Trump ahead of Biden by 6 points.

H/T: Ace of Spades