In what was condemned as a vile instance of dishonesty, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice employed what is known as a “sandwich smear,” equating patriotic constitutionalists of all races and creeds with National Socialists (Nazis) and the Ku Klux Klan. The globalist member of the establishment swamp known as the Council on Foreign Relations, who according to the New York Times rejects the “America First” agenda articulated by President Trump and supported by voters, knows what she did was dishonest, critics said. Black and Jewish constitutionalists and patriots offered especially strong condemnations of the bigoted remarks by the Bush-era official.
Writing on social media after the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, the former secretary of state specifically attacked the John Birch Society, which played absolutely no role in the protests in Virginia and has always strongly opposed racism. Indeed, not one single media report has mentioned the Society in connection with the events in Charlottesville, because there was no link whatsoever. By contrast, the JBS has been publishing articles showing that the violence in Virginia advances the agendas of leftists and racists. And the JBS position has always been clear: While Council on Foreign Relations member William F. Buckley argued for white supremacy in his magazine National Review in the late 1950s, the young John Birch Society was busy expelling racists and anti-Semites from the movement and publishing the writings of prominent black Birchers such as George Schuyler.
Ironically, in light of Rice’s comments, the JBS has been a powerful force against both the KKK and National Socialism (Nazism). Working with the FBI, members of the Society have actually played key roles in bringing down some of the Klan’s most violent murderers. Reverend Delmar Dennis was a JBS member who, with permission from JBS headquarters, and at great personal risk to himself, infiltrated the most violent Klan in U.S. history, the White Knights of the KKK of Mississippi. He played a crucial role in bringing down some of its murderous members. And considering the Society’s fierce opposition to socialism, communism, and fascism — not to mention its many Jewish members and leaders over the years, including some who survived the Holocaust — it goes without saying that the JBS has always been a major foe to Nazis and their agenda.
Still, Rice, for reasons that were not made clear in her post, felt the need to smear the JBS by listing it in-between racist and collectivist organizations and ideologies that the JBS has always vehemently opposed. “Those of us who lived the horrors of Jim Crow and segregation know how much it hurts to be hated for the color of your skin. The KKK, the John Birch Society, and Nazis belong to that awful past,” Rice said, omitting the fact that unlike many conservative organizations, the Birch Society had many prominent black Americans as members even during that era, and still does today. “And they should stay buried there. They have no place in our country’s politics or in our society. We must condemn them and their actions unequivocally.”
Rice, who played a key role in engineering the illegal wars that led to the ongoing extermination of Christians in the Middle East, claimed she would be praying for the family of Heather Heyer, all who were injured, and the city of Charlottesville. “And I pray for our country and the healing that we do badly need,” she said.
Of course, her sandwich smear quoted above raises serious concerns about her “prayers.” The God of the Bible commands people not to bear false witness, one of the Ten Commandments. And yet, Rice, almost certainly deliberately, critics said, bore false witness against countless good Americans of all colors and creeds by equating them with the KKK and Nazis. In the Bible, Jesus Christ — the God that most Americans pray to — even says that the devil himself is the father of lies, and that liars are his children.
Social media users promptly flooded Rice’s Facebook page with comments exposing the dishonesty. Even some of her self-described supporters spoke out, noting that the Birch Society, obviously, did not belong on the list. After being made aware of the comments, members and supporters of the Society — especially black, Jewish, and other minorities — expressed outrage, too.
“As a Christian, Patriot, Clergy, who happens to be Black by God’s Design, I am fully convinced that former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, knows that her lying statement accusing the John Birch Society of racism is wrong and very destructive!” said Reverend Steven Louis Craft, echoing concerns expressed by numerous other members of the Society. “If you research her background, you will discover she is a globalist member of the Council on Foreign Relations and therefore part of a world-wide agenda to destroy any ideas of Making America Great Again! This is nothing more than a satanic plot to destroy President Donald Trump by accusing him as well as the John Birch Society for the wickedness on both sides of the madness that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia!”
Bob Unger, a New York attorney who happens to be Jewish, also blasted the remarks. “It seems to me that she has an agenda, since the John Birch Society is not in any way involved in the altercations that took place in Charlottesville,” Unger told The New American. “Obviously she has an agenda to discredit those who are exposing globalists like herself. Otherwise, how would the John Birch Society even come to mind here? If she had just said KKK and Nazis, OK, that was all on video. But certainly I, as a Bircher, would not stand next to Nazis and KKK members.”
“I don’t know who everyone was in that crowd,” Unger continued. “I don’t know whether there were innocent, well-meaning people there, either. If I were a reporter, I would investigate. I just don’t know. But certainly to throw a John Birch Society tag on this is actually a positive thing, because why try to discredit preemptively something that is irrelevant to the event other than to try to smear them. It’s funny, globalists call people like me McCarthyites. But isn’t that guilt by lack of association? If I’m a person who believes Robert E Lee has a place in U.S. history, and a Nazi says that, does that make me a Nazi? A Nazi might also say today is Friday. If I say today is Friday, am I a Nazi? This is the process of thinking, or non-thinking, that we have in today’s society, which is why we’re currently like the Titanic on the iceberg.”
Art Thompson, the CEO of the John Birch Society, spoke out, too. “The message sent out by Condoleezza Rice is a perfect example of what is called a sandwich smear,” he told The New American in a statement. “This technique was widely used by the liberal and Leftist media during the smear campaign against The John Birch Society in the 1960s. It is designed to make the reader think that the good, sandwiched between two unsavory groups, is somehow connected to them when the truth is much different.”
Thompson also pointed out that Rice, like many establishment operatives, rightfully criticized National Socialists and the KKK, but not the violent leftists marauding across the United States terrorizing innocent people. “Note that she made no mention of the communists or those promoting violence in the streets against our local police or shutting down free speech by violent action on our campuses,” Thompson observed, echoing concerns expressed by countless Americans of all races and creeds, including the president of the United States, shocked by the dishonest media coverage.
JBS Always Opposed Racism and anti-Semitism
Since the JBS was founded, and long before opposition to racism and anti-Semitism was as mainstream as it is today, membership in the Society has been closed to racists and anti-Semites. Robert Welch, the founder of the Society, made that clear at the beginning, making Rice’s statement attempting to link JBS to anti-Semites and racists downright ridiculous to anyone who knows the facts. Indeed, one of the founding members of the original JBS National Council was Alfred Kohlberg, a prominent Jewish businessman. Numerous other Jews have also served and continue to serve proudly as members and in the leadership of the John Birch Society.
This writer actually co-wrote a book with a prominent Jewish Bircher, Dr. Sam Blumenfeld, who was involved with the Society for many decades and actually worked for it. So passionate was Dr. Blumenfeld about the work of the JBS that, together with other Jewish Birchers such as Alan Stang and Holocaust survivor Georgia Gabor, he helped create the Jewish Society of Americanists in 1966. In a statement of principles, the founders said the society’s aim was “to demonstrate to our fellow Americans and coreligionist that the Americanist principles, beliefs and aims of the John Birch Society are based on the very precepts of Judaism.” They estimated that about 1,000 of the approximately 100,000 JBS members at that time were Jewish.
Another prominent Jew who served in the John Birch Society’s leadership was David Eisenberg. In the early 1960s, responding to smears put out by the liars of the day, Eisenberg set out on a crusade to expose the Society based on the lies he had heard in some media outlets. Upon learning the truth, however, he quickly joined the JBS in 1964 and forcefully exposed those who leveled false charges of anti-Semitism at the Society. He was honored to be selected to serve on the National Council in 1995, where he served faithfully for two decades before passing away in 2015.
In response to smears against the Society by establishment operatives, The New American reached out to Andy Dlinn, one of the Society’s Jewish leaders who is active in his local synagogue and very prominent in his state and community. Dlinn, who went from chapter leader to a member of the JBS National Council, told The New American that when somebody was caught telling racist and anti-Semitic jokes at a meeting, he called headquarters and that person’s membership was immediately terminated. “The JBS follows through on its pledge and will not let this kind of filth neutralize the critical and essential work of the Society,” Dlinn said. “Watch what an organization actually says and does, not what others, without basis tell you about it.”
Even official investigations going back to the 1960s have exposed the establishment’s lies about the Society. In a published report that is available to anyone, a California Senate Fact-Finding Committee came to the obvious conclusion after its investigation that not only was the Society not racist or anti-Semitic, it specifically opposed racism and anti-Semitism. “Among other unjustified criticisms against the society is the charge that it is anti-Semitic,” the report found. “Our investigation leads us to the opposite conclusion. The organization is open to people of all religions, all races, all political persuasions except those deemed subversive.”
In fact, Jews quoted in the official report said they felt more welcome in the John Birch Society than in American society at large. “There are many Jews on the Birch committees, many in the society; some members have been asked to resign because they were found to be disruptive with their anti-Semitic attitude,” the report found, adding that Welch and various JBS coordinators were working with prominent Jewish groups to “squelch anti-Semitism.”
The report quotes a Jewish member of the society in Southern California, Jerome E. Linz, who explained: “As a member of the John Birch Society and also a member of the American Jewish League Against Communism, I vehemently deny the allegations of persons or groups claiming that the John Birch Society is a fascist, or any other un-American, collectivist organization. It has been my experience, as a member of a so-called minority group, that I have felt in the society a very great sense of mutual co-operation and respect — a conviction of belonging far above the actual circumstance to be found in daily life outside the society.”
The report goes on to point out that “Welch is unquestionably not anti-Semitic, and wishes his organization to be open to people of all faiths.” The investigators also concluded, as Rice almost certainly knows, that Welch “has already acted to oust anti-Semites from the movement.” “At any rate, our investigations have disclosed no evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of anyone connected with the John Birch Society in California, and much evidence to the effect that it opposes racism in all forms,” the report said.
Prominent black Americans such as nationally renowned conservative radio host Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the pro-family group BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), have been involved with JBS for decades. “I have been a member of JBS for 20-years. I have been a speaker on their lecture tour discussing big government’s war on the black family. I know the head of JBS, and I have spent time with some of their members,” Peterson told The New American. “They are good and decent people. The JBS is made up of patriots who love America. They want to make America great again. Falsely accusing them of ‘racism’ and associating them with neo-Nazis and the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, VA is unfair and absolutely wrong.”
Still today, the Birch Society welcomes members and leaders from all races and creeds. In an interview with The New American, JBS chapter leader, radio co-host and U.S. military veteran Ken Wood blasted Rice’s comments as “absolutely ridiculous.” “When did research become racism?” wondered Wood, who happens to be black. In an interview earlier this year, Wood discussed his “awesome” experience with belonging to the Birch Society and serving as a volunteer leader in Florida. Among other developments, he has found that whenever the Society is smeared, after he researches the charge, it turns out the JBS was correct and telling the truth, and the accuser was being dishonest.
Speaking of Rice, Wood called her “another neocon career-minded opportunist who worked for the Bushes, a family that bankrolled Hitler,” a reference to Bush patriarch Prescott Bush’s well-documented legal troubles for his role in Union Bank’s financing of the mass-murdering Nazi regime. “Now through her virtue signaling, she is posturing for a promotion within her beloved CFR,” he added. “If these globalists and war criminals would just ride off into the sunset with their ill-gotten gains, it would still be wrong, yet I could live with it. However, like zombies that don’t know they’re dead, they just won’t go away, so now it’s time to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.”
Attack on True Conservatives
Despite the overwhelming evidence that the Society opposes and always has opposed racism and collectivism, even when racism was mainstream and official policy in the United States, Rice is hardly the only establishment operative to employ the sandwich smear against the Birch Society. Numerous other dishonest pseudo-conservatives, neocons, warmongers, globalists, establishment shills, and others have employed similar tactics, stretching from the 1960s all the way through today. It shows that the dishonest effort is coordinated — and the reason is not hard to understand.
Among the recent offenders is pseudo-conservative Washington Post columnist and globalist warmonger Jennifer Rubin. First, she falsely referred to the Society as a “white nationalist” group. After the Post was alerted about the error, the false claim suddenly disappeared. Not long after that, though, Rubin used precisely the same “sandwich smear” tactic employed by Rice, evidencing a premeditated and dishonest effort to mislead the Post‘s readers that in any legitimate news organization would result in prompt termination of employment. In a column attacking White House strategist Steve Bannon and former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopolous, Rubin said President Trump should disown the “alt-right,” which he should have seen as the “modern incarnation of the KKK, the John Birch Society and run-of-the-mill racists.”
Before that, another columnist for the “fake news” establishment did the exact same thing. “In pre-Internet days, these people found each other in marginal groups that occasionally reared into prominence: the Klan, the John Birch Society, the American Nazi Party,” wrote Chicago Sun-Times propagandist Neil Steinberg, who first attracted national attention after a scheme to promote gun control blew up in his face — as a convicted drunk wife beater, he was unable to purchase a gun and pass a background check as he planned for publicity purposes, making him an instant celebrity and the subject of nationwide ridicule. He was also widely condemned for what critics blasted as a “racist” tirade against a black woman running as Chicago mayor.
There are numerous additional examples to prove the point. The sandwich smear carefully allows the writers to avoid legal accountability for libel, because they never technically made a false statement about the Birch Society. But among ignorant readers who do not know the truth, it creates, often subconsciously, a negative association in the readers’ minds. Obviously, the fact that so many establishment operatives have deployed the sandwich smear against the John Birch Society — and not, say, CFR member William Buckley, who openly advocated white supremacy in his magazine while opposing civil rights legislation — is not a coincidence.
The real reason for this well-orchestrated pattern of dishonesty against patriotic Americans is that The John Birch Society represents the most effective opposition in the world to the globalist agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations. That agenda is to subvert the U.S. Constitution and build what Rice’s bosses have often referred to publicly as the “New World Order.” The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, which often maligns mainstream Christian and conservative organizations as “hate groups” for opposing homosexual marriage, has not gone so far as to explicitly lie about the JBS by falsely accusing it of racism or hate. Obviously, that would be absurd. But it does identify the Society as the “chief” organization of the “Patriot” movement.
Indeed, despite decades of dishonest attacks against the JBS by establishment operatives, among both pseudo-conservatives and leftists, the JBS is increasingly being recognized on all sides as one of the leading influences behind modern conservatism. “Far from being drummed out of conservatism, it has become the dominant strain,” wrote Jeet Heer, senior editor at The New Republic, arguing that the rise of Donald Trump was essentially the culmination of 60 years of JBS educational efforts. “Far from belonging merely to the lunatic fringe, the Birchers were important precursors to what is now the governing ideology of the Republican Party: Trumpism… Bircherism is now, with Trump, flourishing in an entirely new way.”
Writing in the far-left establishment organ Salon, writer Daniel Denvir also claimed Trump was proof of a JBS takeover of conservatism and the GOP. “These sorts of conspiracies are not limited to immigration: the far right that has taken over the Republican Party incorporates a whole range of extreme theories rooted in the Cold War paranoia of the John Birch Society … and the rantings of Alex Jones and his Infowars empire,” he wrote. More recently, Politico, Newsmax, and many other influential media outlets have highlighted the surging influence of the Society, bursting the false myths propagated by establishment insiders.
In the far-left establishment behemoth Huffington Post, self-styled “historian” Robert McElvaine also claimed Trump was proof that the JBS was winning. “The Trump candidacy is the culmination of the long campaign begun by McCarthyism and the John Birch Society in the 1950s and aimed at discrediting virtually every institution in the United States,” he wrote. In 2011, meanwhile, journalist Andrew Reinbach, also writing in the Huffington Post, made a similar argument. “Most Americans don’t realize that the right wing’s main ideas have been pushed for 50 years by the John Birch Society (JBS), a group Barry Goldwater and William F. Buckley Jr. once thought too extreme, but which has since become the intellectual seed bank of the right,” he said, without noting that Goldwater famously said “extremism in defense of freedom is no vice.”
Indeed, even Rice’s cohorts at the CFR have complained about The John Birch Society’s effectiveness in stopping their globalist agenda in its tracks — including while Rice was a senior foreign policy official in the Bush administration. The late Robert Pastor, for example, who led the CFR’s “North America” schemes to subvert U.S. sovereignty along the lines of the plot used to destroy the independence of European nations, identified the JBS as one of the lead forces in foiling the globalist agenda on the North American continent.
“The John Birch Society” is among the leading groups that “have been the most vocal, active and intense on North American issues, and they were effective in inhibiting the Bush administration and deterring the Obama administration from any grand initiatives,” he wrote in his 2011 book The North American Idea: A vision of a Continental Future. Rice, of course, was at the center of Bush efforts to push this agenda, so it is no wonder that she hates the Birch Society enough to dishonestly smear it at the risk of losing even more credibility.
The JBS Is on the March; the Establishment Is Lashing Out
The true agenda of people like Rice and her cohorts at the Council on Foreign Relations is clear. Prominent patriotic Americans, including CFR members, have been sounding the alarm about the dangerous organization for generations. The late U.S. Admiral Chester Ward, for example, who served as the judge advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR member for 16 years before resigning in disgust. “In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as America First,” said Admiral Ward, whose comments on the CFR shed light on why the group would be entirely hostile to any movement or individual who believes in America.
But the reality is even worse than just hating America First policies and advocates. “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-world government,” the admiral warned, adding that “this lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership.” In other words, not everyone in the CFR is a fanatical globalist determined to sell out America’s sovereignty, but most are. And the fruits of Rice’s term in office make clear that she is among them.
That sinister agenda becomes clear even from reading the CFR’s own mouthpiece, known as Foreign Affairs. In April 1974, for example, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Richard Gardner explained how the agenda for world government would be pursued. “In short, the house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down,” he wrote. “An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault.” The magazine also regularly promotes regional government, war, and attacks on national sovereignty.
The establishment problem transcends parties. Globalist former Vice President Dick Cheney, the neocon warmonger who served with Rice, boasted of his dishonesty in a speech at the CFR, when he explained that he never informed voters in Wyoming about his membership and leadership role in the establishment organization. Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, who called former KKK leader Robert Byrd her “mentor,” noted on video that the CFR told her what she should be doing and how she should be thinking. Obviously, Americans were not pleased.
With the American people rejecting the establishment’s lackeys and its agenda — not to mention its fake news — globalist operatives are scrambling to derail the movement to preserve the U.S. Constitution and American independence. And with Rice’s latest book promoting “democracy” and globalism a giant flop — it has fewer reviews on Amazon than this writer’s book on education with a longtime Jewish Bircher — it seems Rice is desperate to remain relevant. Whether she worked with others to concoct her latest smear is not clear. But ironically, by attacking JBS, she has given the Society yet more exposure, and another opportunity to spread the truth.
It is very telling that the enemies of the John Birch Society — really enemies of truth, the Constitution, and the American way — have to resort to lies and deception to demonize the Society and its members. It is also very encouraging to know that the only attacks that can be leveled at the Society to smear it are easily discredited lies. That means the haters of JBS, its members, and what it stands for can find no truthful accusation to level that might turn mainstream Americans against JBS. By contrast, the JBS merely tells the truth about the establishment and its agenda, and allows the chips to fall where they may. The entire agenda of JBS can be summarized as: “To bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.”
These latest developments should serve as encouraging news to patriotic Americans who love America, the Constitution, and the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western civilization; the establishment realizes that the truth, all on its own, will be their downfall. There is never more flak than when one is over the target. As such, while the establishment destroys the credibility of its minions by spreading lies to shore up their fringe and unpopular globalist positions, Americans should speak the truth ever more boldly. In the end, the truth will stand on its own, and those who oppose it and hate it will ultimately be known for what they are.
Photo of Condoleezza Rice: AP Images
Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.
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