The Blaze reports :
The Communist Party USA has started a national phone campaign to call people who have recently signed up to become members. And while that may not be surprising, what is is the sheer number of people phone volunteers are calling: 1,500. That’s how many people have recently joined the party — and that’s just through the internet.
One of the CPUSA phone bankers said on the CPUSA website People’s World, “It was a great reception. People really want to be part of the Communist Party. Several people were very excited and said, ‘I was wondering when someone was going to call me.’”
Also on the website, Noah Toler said, “I spoke with a lot of young people who had signed up on the CPUSA and were really excited to be having their first conversation with an actual member. Mainly people were interested in what the Party was thinking about this or that issue.”
The organization is doing its best to help members forget the violent and destructive reputation of the Communist Party by hosting events such as game night. CPUSA has also released videos of new recruits who appear to be nothing more than average Joes.
On CPUSA’s website, the group proudly takes credit for the recent wave of protests across the country:
Many were already active with the Party and YCL locally, in their unions, or through local struggles. A lot expressed enthusiasm for developments in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio and the protest wave sweeping the country. They were happy to know the Party and YCL were deeply involved in the fight.
Phone volunteer Janet Edburg said, “A lot of people were very happy to hear what we were doing. One member was so excited about what was happening in Wisconsin I thought he was going to jump out of the phone.”
The Communist Party USA cites a frightening Rassmusen Report poll that indicates “10 percent [of Americans] say that the ‘communist system of economics and politics’ is better for middle-class Americans,’ while ‘eleven percent think ‘communism’ is a ‘morally superior’ system to that which is currently in place in the U.S.’”
To put that figure into perspective, 11 percent amounts to roughly 15 million Americans.
It’s as if those 15 million Americans are unaware of what life is truly like under communist rule — where opposition of any variety is addressed violently, where religion is abolished, where government agents commit mass atrocities — believing instead only the talking points found on the CPUSA website:
Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops.
Those who have lived under communist regimes tell another tale. Anca Sandu, for example, lived under communist Romania until the regime collapsed in 1989. She describes the experience:
Everyone had a job, and everyone had a house. The problem was that we weren’t allowed access to information. We weren’t allowed to read writers who didn’t have [the dictator’s] approval. We weren’t allowed to travel abroad, or have friends from abroad. On some days, we weren’t allowed to drive.
Additionally, Sandu discussed having to endure food rations under Romania’s communist regime, which included “no more than half a loaf of bread, not too much meat, or sugar, and so on.”
Likewise, between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m., the government would cut off electricity to preserve energy.
Wendy McElroy wrote of the Marxist ideology in The Free Market:
In essence, Marx argued that human beings are social constructs. Ludwig von Mises described the Marxist view of individual man, “The notion of an individual, say the critics, is an empty abstraction.” To fill this abstraction, to mold it into an ideal man, it was necessary to control absolutely the society that would define him. If he resisted redefinition, he could be eliminated.
Naturally, the CPUSA would not provide such accounts on one of their “friendly” welcome phone calls.
Photo of Vladimir Lenin