Bill to Defund WHO Reintroduced in Congress; WHO-nullification Bills Introduced in State Legislatures
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Legislation to defund the World Health Organization (WHO), the China-friendly agency of the United Nations, has been reintroduced into Congress.

H.R. 343, titled the “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act,” is sponsored by U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and is currently cosponsored by 18 other representatives.

As implied by the title, H.R. 343 would end all U.S. government funding for the WHO. The United States is one of the largest funders of the WHO, giving over $700 million in 2020-21 (much of it being in addition to mandatory dues), meaning the bill’s passage would have a big impact on the international organization’s overall funding.

In a statement released by his office, Roy stated:

Funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to the corrupt World Health Organization that serves the Chinese Communist Party is a slap in the face to hardworking American families struggling under record high inflation, and to all those whose lives and livelihoods were ruined and destroyed by the COVID pandemic.

The WHO not only regularly promotes abortion and radical gender ideology but also praised China for their “leadership” at the beginning of COVID-19 and has done nothing to hold the CCP accountable for the spread of COVID-19. It is far past time for Congress to use its power of the purse to cut off US funding to this corrupt international body just like the Trump Administration did.

H.R. 343’s introduction comes as the WHO is planning a major power grab to allow it to impose draconian restrictions, such as vaccine passports and other “health” measures, at a global level. This comes in the form of a proposed global “pandemic treaty” and in possible amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). In addition to advancing medical tyranny, these changes would empower international bureaucracy at the expense of American sovereignty.

Earlier this month, the WHO’s International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) met to finalize proposed IHR amendments. The World Health Assembly is slated to consider these amendments at its next meeting in late May.

In addition to enacting H.R. 343, Congress would be wise to aim for the United Nations itself. From the start, the UN’s ultimate purpose was to achieve a one-world government, a goal that is becoming increasingly apparent as the UN’s tentacles increasingly strangle the sovereignty of the United States and other countries.

WHO-nullification Bills Introduced in State Legislatures

In addition to H.R. 343 in Congress, state legislators are beginning to introduce legislation to nullify any edicts promulgated by the WHO.

In North Dakota, for example, House Bill No. 1111 (HB 1111) has been introduced by state Representative Jeff Hoverson (R-Minot) and state Senator Jeffery Magrum (R-Hazelton). The bill declares:

A health-related regulation of an international health organization, either directly through the organization or indirectly through law, regulation, or order of the federal government, is not enforceable in this state.

Additionally, House Bill No. HB0143 (HB 143) has been introduced in Wyoming. Sponsored by Representative Jeanette Ward (R-Casper) and cosponsored by seven state representatives and two senators, it declares:

The United States centers for disease control and prevention and the World Health Organization shall have no jurisdiction in Wyoming and any requirements, mandates, recommendations, instructions or guidance provided by either organization shall not be used in this state to justify any mask, vaccine or medical testing requirements and shall have no force or effect in Wyoming.

These bills are firmly grounded in the text of the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, Article VI binds state legislators — along with members of Congress and judges — to their oath to to support the U.S. Constitution.

Article VI also states, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” (Emphasis added.) State legislators are required to uphold and implement only those laws that are “made in Pursuance” to the Constitution. Any laws not “made in Pursuance thereof” are therefore not the supreme Law of the Land and, as such, state legislators are under no obligation to enforce or carry out their provisions. Instead, they should interpose, or nullify, such laws within the boundaries of their state. And this stipulation applies to the treaty-making power. Treaties must also be subject to, and bound by, the limitations of the Constitution.

The solutions — both at the federal and state levels — to countering WHO medical tyranny already exist. All that’s left is for our government officials to act boldly and decisively.

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To urge your U.S. representative and senators to defund the WHO with H.R. 343, and to withdraw from the United Nations, visit The John Birch Society’s legislative alert here. Additionally, to urge your state legislators to nullify the WHO’s planned power grabs, visit the JBS alert here.