Biden Hires Anti-ICE, Anti-cop, “Gay” Man for White House Communications Post
Tyler Cherry
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

True to form, President Joe Biden has hired another deviant for a top post in his administration.

This time, the estimable personage is one Tyler Cherry, who resembles a cross between the late Freddie Mercury and one of the Village People. He will become associate communications director at the White House.

Yet more concerning than Tyler’s appearance is what he has said on social media. He said modern police trace an ancestral line to lynch mobs and “slave patrols.” ICE, he wrote, must be abolished.

The appointment of a mustachioed homosexual who wears hoop earrings, of course, is hardly news. One of Biden’s top priorities has been hurling a mud pie in the face of Americans.

GOP Based on “White Grievance”

Why the White House needs an “associate communications director” is a question for another day, given that it already has a press spokesman and communications director.

Be that as it may, Biden decided that Cherry, who appears to have consumed way too much soy, is the man for the job.

That isn’t surprising. Given the deranged left-wing sentiments he expressed on Twitter, now X, one wonders why Biden didn’t make him chief of staff.

For the last three years, he has been spokesman for the Interior Department.

In a paywalled article, Politico reported Cherry’s promotion to replace the normal-looking Maria Michalos, who is heading to law school.

In its report citing Politico, Fox News reprised Cherry’s long list of radical leftist rants on Twitter, which it detailed last year when they went viral.

Among Cherry’s more incendiary posts was this one after black man Freddie Gray died in Baltimore after police arrested him and were carting him to jail:

“Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases.”

After that, Fox noted, he wrote that it’s “time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs.”

In 2017, he wrote that GOP conservatives promoted “white grievance” and that “the Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics.”

Cherry repeatedly posted about Hillary Clinton’s “Russia Collusion” hoax. “At this point, how is everyone in the White House (Pence included) *not* complicit in the Russia scandal?,” he wrote.

Continued Fox:

At one point he noted that the “intensity of Russiagate is all-consuming,” but said it was important not to forget Trump “is letting a gay purge happen in #Chechnya.” 

He also claimed that Donald Trump won the 2016 election because of “white power.”

Commentator Ashley St. Clair posted some of Cherry’s other obnoxious posts, which including asking “why is my whole family racist?!!@??” and “thankful for Thanksgiving #memories last year like when I sparred with my uncle about systemic racism and police brutality.”

For his part, Cherry claimed he no longer holds those sentiments.

“Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period,” he wrote on X:

I support this Administration’s agenda — and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies.

St. Clair rightly asked which of his views had changed.

Other Weirdos

Cherry’s promotion is consistent with many of Biden’s other appointments. His administration contains more fruits and nuts than a Quaker Oats granola factory.

Perhaps the most bizarre cast member in the Biden Freak Show was one Sam Brinton, a bald, “non-binary” sadist involved in a perversion called “pup play.” Hired to help manage the nation’s nuclear-waste program, Brinton has given spanking seminars and advocated underage homosexual prostitution. He was fired after he was caught stealing women’s luggage from airport carousels.

Before Brinton came man-lady “Rachel” Levine — real name, Richard — a “trans woman” who wants to chemically castrate and surgically mutilate confused kids who might falsely believe they are the “wrong sex.” Biden made Levine the “admiral” who runs the Public Health Service. So now he parades around in a uniform.

After that came a fella called Demetre Daskalakis. He wears Satanic garb and, like Cherry, could pass for one of the Village People. Daskalakis is the “monkeypox czar,” a subtle nod to the truth that the disease, like AIDS, is mostly found in “gay” men. 

Biden’s spokesman, Karine Jeanne-Pierre, is also a sex deviant. She is a Haitian lesbian.

And we dare not forget Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual who is “married” to a child groomer. He also thinks he and “husband” Chasten are “fathers.” One of Buttigieg’s bosom pals, Patrick Wojahn, a frequent visitor to the Biden White House, is in prison for child sex-abuse charges involving porn.

Such is Biden’s commitment to insulting normal Americans that the White House permitted an anti-white, pro-communist dance company to stage a perverted performance of The Nutcracker.

Such was the perversion in the performance that after pro-homosexual First Lady Jill Biden posted the performance to X, outrage and ridicule rightly ensued.

“This should’ve come with a sensitivity label,” the Libs of TikTok X feed wrote. “This is horrendous.”

The Bidens and their underlings don’t care. “Horrendous” is the point.

H/T: Newsweek