Biden D-Day Appearance Shows More Infirmity
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Speaking at 80th anniversary D-Day ceremonies at the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, France, President Joe Biden not only showed once again that his physical infirmity is increasing, but also delivered an embarrassing, frightening speech that marred what should have been a celebration of American heroism.

Shamefully, Biden veered into a deranged, bellicose attack on Russian President Vladimir Putin and boasted about the number of Russians killed in its war with Ukraine.

Happily, Biden didn’t mention his late son, Beau, as he is often wont to do. But the performance was so pathetic it immediately became grist for ridicule on X.

Hot Mic, Imaginary Chair

As video clips posted by the Republican National Committee’s Research X feed showed, Biden arrived, as he so often does, in a fugue state. He didn’t know where he was.

Even worse, walking with French President Emmanuel Macron, he delivered this bizarre line: “My advance team said I [gotta] be the first one to leave because I hold people up.”

Or, maybe he had to be the first to leave because his handlers want to expose him to the public as little as possible.

Other video showed Biden asleep — or “just resting his eyes,” the RNC observed, while yet another showed him apparently wanting to sit down while everyone else — “Dr. Jill,” Macron, and his wife — remained standing.

Video also depicts “Dr.” Jill’s escorting Biden away from the event as Macron stayed behind to greet the honorees, the aged World War II veterans.

A cone of Graeter’s chocolate chip ice cream, apparently, awaited him elsewhere.

Off the Wall Speech

But perhaps more embarrassing — and alarming — was Biden’s telling the veterans they would soon die, after which he derailed into a riff on Ukraine during a speech that was supposed to honor the American heroes who stormed the beaches on June 6, 1944.

“We’re not far off from the time when the last living voices of those who fought and bled on D-Day will no longer be with us,” Biden said. Just what a 98-year-old man wants to hear at an event honoring veterans. 

What came next was worse: the deranged harangue on Putin, Russia, and the Russian war dead.

“We know the dark forces that these heroes fought against 80 years ago,” Biden began. “They never fade. Aggression and greed, the desire to dominate and control, to change borders by force — these are perennial. And the struggle between a dictatorship and freedom is unending.” 

“Ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant bent on domination,” Biden continued, after which he segued into his joy that Russia had suffered “tremendous losses.”

“The numbers are staggering — 350,000 Russian troops dead or wounded,” Biden bragged. “Nearly 1 million people have left Russia because they can no longer see a future in Russia.”

But the United States and NATO, along with a 50-country coalition “will not walk away — (applause) — because if we do, Ukraine will be subjugated,” he continued

And it will not end there. Ukraine’s neighbors will be threatened. All of Europe will be threatened. 

And make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen. 

To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable. Were we to do that, it means we’d be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches. 

Make no mistake: We will not bow down. We will not forget. 


Understandably, X users wondered what possessed Biden to attack Russia.

Infirmity Confirmed

Biden’s kooky speech aside, he did voters the favor of confirming once again that he simply isn’t up to the job. And he did so a day after the Wall Street Journal reported Biden is “slipping.”

And Democrats know it.

The Journal disclosed that the White House surveilled the interviews with Democrats.

After Democrats “shared with the White House either a recording of an interview or details about what was asked, some of those lawmakers spoke to the Journal a second time and once again emphasized Biden’s strengths,” the Journal revealed.

The newspaper reprised a number of Biden’s embarrassing gaffes, such as imagined conversations with two deceased foreign leaders, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President François Mitterrand.

At a meeting with congressional leaders on Ukraine in January, Biden “moved so slowly around the Cabinet Room to greet the nearly two dozen congressional leaders that it took about 10 minutes for the meeting to begin,” the Journal reported.

Biden spoke so softly that people couldn’t hear him, and he referred questions he would normally answer to aides.

“You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable,” an attendee told the Journal. “I’ll just say that.” 

That’s undoubtedly what Macron and many others thought about Biden’s D-Day performance.

H/T: Red State