During the congressional budget battles of 1995, the Democrats claimed the Republicans wanted to starve seniors. The GOP’s Social Security proposals would force the elderly to eat dog food, they said. So perhaps it’s ironic that in New York City today, it’s the Democrats taking food from the elderly. But at least they have what they apparently consider a good reason:
They want to give resources to illegal aliens.
Ah, citizenship — such a quaint idea.
The story is that to house illegals, allowed into the country by the Biden administration and pandered to by leftists everywhere else, the Big Apple has to pay hotels approximately $300 per room per night (at the hotel the Row, Fox News reported earlier this year, the cost was $500 a night). What’s more, Bloomberg informed in June, the projected cost of housing migrants from April 2022 to July 2024 is $4.3 billion.
To pay for this, NYC mayor Eric Adams “says the city is planning to trim services such as library hours, meals for senior citizens, re-entry programming for Rikers Island prisoners, and free, full-day care for three-year-olds,” Bloomberg writes.
With a hat tip to American Thinker, here’s the program Gotham is slashing in deference to illegals: “If you are 60 years of age or older and have difficulty preparing meals, you may be able to receive nutritionally balanced home-delivered meals….”
Apparently, the saying “Charity begins at home” is lost on our liberals. But the bottom line is that NYC Dems are redistributing survival needs from vulnerable, elderly Peter to interloper migrant Paul.
Then, despite hearing in February about coddled, entitled, drug-using illegals trashing a once-trendy hotel on the taxpayer’s dime, there’s the following story from last week.
“A Korean War veteran feared he would be left ‘on the curb’ after he was ordered out of his Staten Island nursing home to make way for the migrants overwhelming New York City,” writes the Daily Mail.
“Frank Tammaro, 95, was given six weeks to get out of the Island Shores Senior Residence when it was sold to city authorities last month.”
What’s Frank supposed to do now? Reenlist?
As American Thinker (AT) points out, most “asylum seekers” are just economic opportunists gaming the system, seeking, whether here or in Europe, to take advantage of the West’s generous handouts. In fact, while the world has become more peaceful in recent decades, at least according to Harvard professor Steven Pinker, asylum claims are at a record high, exceeding 250,000 last year. What’s wrong with this picture?
Moreover, a new record may be set this year, given that literally millions of illegals will have entered our country by December’s end.
As for Mayor Adams, he has been complaining that the 10,000 migrants flooding NYC monthly (an estimate from August) will destroy the city unless someone sends in the big cash cavalry. In fact, for months, “Adams has criticized President Biden and Gov. Kathy Hochul for failing to help the city handle the asylum seekers and pleaded for additional funding and expedited work permits,” wrote The New York Times in September.
AT points out the obvious, however: If Big Apple libs hadn’t made their metropolis a “sanctuary city,” offering high-end hotel rooms and other benefits to interlopers, migrants wouldn’t flock there.
AT then continues:
I don’t feel at all sorry for Manhattanites with six-figure incomes who voted for a City Council that enacted a sanctuary city policy — it’s their tax money to squander as they wish — but their irresponsibility is affecting poor senior citizens on fixed incomes and everyone else subjected to deteriorated and dangerous neighborhoods because entire buildings have been turned into hubs of violent crime.
It is not surprising that they want money from the rest of the State, and the federal government which is now $33 trillion in debt and counting. New York City as currently governed is like a man who whores, drinks, and cocaine-snorts his way through his inheritance and then tries to tap other members of his family for money because he is broke. Come to think of it, just imagine Hunter Biden as a metropolis, and you’ve got New York City.
This is precisely why NYC shouldn’t get even one red cent. For “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools,” noted English philosopher Herbert Spencer. Just as with the liberal Brooklyn parent who said in 2015, “It’s more complicated when it’s about your own children” when his kids’ school was “integrated,” value-signaling is appealing when it’s cost-free; it’s easy being idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals. NYC libs will resume the value-signaling, too, if and when they cease paying a price for it. They need the pain.
To get an even better grasp of the border crisis, you can watch the video below, shot by Elon Musk while doing citizen journalism.
The deeper issue, though, is that this immigrationist madness reflects an attack on the very concept of nationhood. It’s not just the inundation with unassimilable foreigners, either. Part of having a nation is valuing citizenship, being part of the national family. And seeing citizens’ needs subordinated to those of interlopers would offend any patriot. The fact that many “Americans” are numb to it, or actually support it, means they don’t really view their “countrymen” as national family members. They are citizens of the world — that is, faithless philanderers of nations.