It’s easy being idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals. Nothing has proven this truth better, perhaps, than Martha’s Vineyard residents’ and the wider Left’s reaction to an “unacceptable” number of illegal aliens’ entry into that tony community.
That number would be 50 — a piddling percentage of the influx Mexico-abutting states must deal with due to the Biden administration’s refusal to secure the border.
That would be, mind you, a refusal supported via voting by most everyone in Martha’s Vineyard.
As most know, this blessed diversity was provided to the Vineyard by Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who was kind enough to fly the migrants to the island on his state’s own dime. Yet far from appreciating this opportunity to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with actual Hispanics (the island is 87 percent white), Vineyard residents seem none too pleased as the left-wing media cry foul. The Daily Mail summarizes the story:
- Lisa Belcastro, homelessness director for Martha’s Vineyard, claims that the island has a ‘housing crisis’ and cannot look after the 50 illegal immigrants permanently
- The median house in Martha’s Vineyard is worth almost $800,000, and the median household is $77,370 [average household income is $132,657] — well above the national average of $67,521…
- State Senator Julian Cyr, a Massachusetts Democrat admitted that they had implemented emergency hurricane plans in response to the new arrivals
- Nearly 1,000 migrants have been released to sleep on the streets [in the] Texas border town of El Paso amid a surge of illegal crossings that is overwhelming Border Patrol facilities
- Florida’s Lt. Gov Jeanette Nunez has now declared that DeSantis’ administration is planning to send any illegal migrants from Florida to Delaware
A housing crisis in Martha’s Vineyard? They “cannot” handle the influx? Well, “Can’t lives on Won’t Street,” the saying goes. Take a gander at the Obamas’ $11.75 million Martha’s Vineyard estate (video below) — and the surrounding lands — and decide for yourself whether the island can accommodate 50 illegals as easily as border towns can absorb waves of thousands.
Now consider that the community is home to many such estates. Oh, Martha’s Vineyard no doubt has zoning laws precluding unsightly development? Joe Biden has a solution to that:
His administration aims to override local zoning laws so that high density housing can be created — the plan is called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. He has in the crosshairs suburbs such as Westchester County, N.Y., but, hey, beautiful, leafy Martha’s Vineyard has also got plenty of room to be affirmatively fair.
Besides, shouldn’t a redistribution of diversifiers allow the island to share in the diversity witnessed in the video below, shot in Texas?
Once again, however, not everyone appreciates DeSantis’ charitable efforts. Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), for example, took a break from running his state into the ground to ask the Department of Justice to investigate “whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes,” as Fox News put it yesterday. Hillary Clinton appears to think it does, saying on Morning Joe earlier today that DeSantis’ actions are “literally human trafficking.”
Well, any such honest investigation would be interesting because “sending migrants to other parts of the country” is precisely what Biden, Obama before him, and certain Democratic jurisdictions have been doing for ages!
The situation’s humorous aspect was not lost on observers. Satirical site The Babylon Bee ran the headlines, “Martha’s Vineyard Resident Calls Police To Report A Hispanic In The Neighborhood Not Operating A Leaf Blower,” and “Obamas Construct New Cages At Martha’s Vineyard To Hold Arriving Migrants.”
Not to be outdone, Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced last night that “for hundreds of years Martha’s Vineyard had suffered under the soul-crushing effects of its own whiteness,” but now they’ve gotten the “one cure — badly needed diversity” (video below).
Others, such as columnist David Marcus, noted (tweet below) what the irredeemably cynical might call hypocrisy.
Then there were those who tried to be the conscience of America, such as MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes (yikes!), who tweeted:
And what are the illegals Biden has been flying into New York’s Westchester County Airport? Undocumented Democrats?
In fairness, though, some of these consciences are in Martha’s Vineyard itself, a reality which, the following tweet evidences, is causing some intra-island friction.
But perhaps the following perspective will help soothe the savage Vineyard breasts:
And as is said, be careful what you wish for. As commentator Howie Carr writes at The Boston Globe:
Martha’s Vineyard — so many trust-funders, legacies and members of assorted Protected Classes, all abruptly forced to confront the spectacle of what Deplorables must endure day after dystopian day.
How’s that Great Reset working out for you now, David Letterman? Chris Wallace? Spike Lee? Larry David? Amy Schumer? Meg Ryan? Caroline Kennedy?
Why are the Beautiful People so upset? Diversity is strength, is it not?
Massachusetts is a sanctuary state, so obviously the Vineyard is a sanctuary island. Isn’t this what the limousine liberals have always wanted … for us, but not for them?
(Hat tip: commentator Monica Showalter.)
Yes, it’s easy being idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals, when you can outsource your charity. But whatever the resolution to Martha’s Vineyard’s current problem, one thing is almost certain: Most residents will continue voting for immigrationist left-wingers. Because, dontcha’ know?
It’s the little people who are supposed to shoulder the big problems caused by the small minds.
(To learn more about the immigration problem and what can be done about it, click here.)