Judiciary Panel Report: Biden, Harris Created “Quiet Amnesty” to Keep Illegals in Country “Indefinitely”
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The Biden-Harris administration has created a “quiet amnesty” that has permitted 1 million illegal aliens to stay in the country “indefinitely,” says a report from the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

Released yesterday, the report says the administration has permitted almost 10 million illegals into the nation, and that it is using the backlog in the immigration courts to drop asylum cases and never determine whether the illegals have valid asylum claims.

The plan to flood the country even includes permitting lawyers for the Homeland Security Department to skip immigration hearings.

The report offers chapter and verse on the administration’s open-border policy and the illegal-alien invasion that President Joe Biden invited in the hope of giving the border-jumping miscreants citizenship, then turning them into Democratic voters.

Since 2021, the administration has freed almost 6 million illegals to roam towns, cities, and the heartland, often with fatal consequences for American citizens.

Shocking Numbers

The report opens with mind-blowing numbers.

“More than 700,000 illegal aliens have had their cases dismissed, terminated, or administratively closed, allowing those aliens to stay in the country indefinitely without facing immigration consequences,” it avers:

• For asylum decisions, the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which houses the nation’s immigration courts, reported 109,089 cases as “not adjudicated” in fiscal year 2023, meaning that those cases were deemed “completed” but were largely terminated or dismissed and not adjudicated on the merits of the underlying claim.

• Through the first nine months of fiscal year 2024, the number of non-adjudicated asylum cases already eclipsed the 2023 record, with 109,568 asylum cases not adjudicated. By comparison, only 12,960 total asylum cases were reported as “not adjudicated” from fiscal year 2017 through fiscal year 2020 combined.

• The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) failed to file the necessary documentation to begin immigration court removal proceedings in roughly 200,000 additional cases, meaning that the overwhelming majority of those aliens can also remain in the U.S. indefinitely.

The report argues that the immigration courts have been weaponized. Noting that the administration has released more than 5.7 million illegals, which doesn’t count 1.9 million gotaways, the report discloses that the immigration court backlog has increased 175 percent since the end of the Trump administration, from 1.2 million to 3.5 million cases. 

But to mask that increase, the administration empowered attorneys and judges to drop cases.

DHS official Kerry Doyle, in her “Doyle Memo,” directed ICE attorneys “to promote closure and dismissal of cases.” She said attorneys “‘are expected to exercise discretion’ — that is, move to dismiss immigration cases — ‘at all stages of the enforcement process,’” the report says:

In other words, ICE attorneys are expected to ensure that certain aliens’ cases never move forward in immigration court so the Biden-Harris Administration may achieve its open-borders agenda.

The orders were a “playbook” to erase thousands of cases from the court dockets. Since 2021, again, judges “have dismissed, terminated, or administratively closed more than 700,000 cases,” the report discloses.

The report also explains the consequences of not adjudicating cases. Although at least 90 percent of asylum claims are bogus, illegals with no claim to asylum never leave the country:

Without adjudicating cases and ordering aliens removed from the United States, immigration judges’ mass granting of dismissals, terminations, and closures ensures that aliens can remain in the U.S. indefinitely. Even worse, the majority of the aliens in those cases likely never would have been able to establish any legal basis to remain in the country. Of the asylum cases that were completed in fiscal year 2023, for example, only 14 percent resulted in an asylum grant.  By comparison, during the Trump Administration, in fiscal year 2019, immigration judges granted 20.6 percent of asylum cases and denied 49.5 percent of cases, with aliens abandoning their asylum claims in 9.8 percent of cases and withdrawing their applications in 11 percent of cases. 

Instead of adjudicating these cases, denying invalid asylum claims, and ordering aliens removed from the United States, the Biden-Harris Administration has directed its immigration judges to simply not adjudicate them.

Gag Orders

Another devious measure to keep future voters in the country was Doyle’s urging agency attorneys to join illegal-aliens’ motions to reopen cases, the report reveals. That way, ICE “can then agree to dismiss the case altogether.”

And in an email, Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty issued a “gag order” to stop “certain immigration judges” from exposing the backlog scandal by speaking publicly. That might violate a law that gives federal employees the right to speak to Congress without supervisors’ permission, the report says.

In its penultimate paragraph, the report discloses the result of Biden-Harris orders:

The Biden-Harris Administration has guaranteed that upward of 1 million aliens — the overwhelming majority of whom likely would otherwise not have a legal basis to remain in the United States — can stay in the country indefinitely. This quiet amnesty not only undermines U.S. immigration law but also incentivizes additional illegal aliens to arrive at America’s borders, knowing they will be released into the country and never deported. 

The report should be required reading for future immigration officials in a putative Trump administration. The GOP candidate did, after all, promise the “largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

Trump vowed to deport 20 million illegals using the military and local law enforcement, and to “start with the criminals.”

H/T: Ace of Spades, The Post Millennial

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