A foreign national driving a truck attempted to enter a Marine Corps installation but was caught and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the second such recent attempt.
This time, the culprit was a Jordanian national, accompanied by another unknown individual, who had jumped the border illegally and pretended he was a delivery driver to enter the base. Target — Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. One of the two was on the FBI’s terror watchlist.
In March, a Chinese national — one of more than 40,000 whom border agents have encountered thus far this fiscal year — rushed through the gates at the base in Twenty-Nine Palms, California.
Both men appear to be Biden “migrants” who might well have been released at the southwest border.
Terror Target Quantico?
The attempt at Quantico, where Marine officers are trained, would have gone unknown but for the Potomac Local News.
“Two people inside a box truck tried to force their way onto Quantico Marine Corps Base,” the website said:
After being pressed by Potomac Local News, base officials today said that in the early morning hours of Friday, May 3, 2024, the two men drove a truck up to the base’s main gate on Fuller Road, just outside Dumfries, told guards that they were contractors for Amazon and were making a delivery to Quantico Town’s post office. The town is located inside the military base.
The men did not provide any approved access credentials, and police determined the vehicle had no affiliation with the base, so officers directed the truck to a holding area for standard vetting procedures. “One of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access … Quantico,” said base spokesman Capt. Michael Curtis.
After Marines detained the men, they turned them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The reason: At least one was an illegal alien from Jordan.
“Multiple sources report one of the individuals inside the truck is a Jordanian foreign national who recently crossed the southern border into the U.S., and that one of the occupants is on the U.S. terrorist watch list,” the website reported.
Now, base security has been increased, and the Marines are on high alert for the next Biden “migrant.”
Twenty-Nine Palms
And in what is clearly an orchestrated intelligence gathering and/or sabotage operation, a Chinese national attempted to breach the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twenty-Nine Palms on March 27.
The man tried to enter the installation in the Mojave Desert without valid identification, the Marine Corps Times reported, citing a Marine Corps spokesman.
“Despite being prompted to exit at the Condor gate by installation security, the individual proceeded onto the installation without authorization,” Major Joshua Pena said. “Military law enforcement were immediately notified and detained the individual.”
But “Pena referred further questions on the incident to Customs and Border Protection,” the newspaper reported.
In a now-deleted X post, the newspaper continued, Gregory Bovino, chief of the El Centro, California, Border Sector wrote that the culprit was in the country illegally.
“His purpose & intent behind his actions are still being investigated,” Bovino wrote.
The post is also unavailable from the Wayback Machine archive.
The newspaper also pointed to last year’s report in the Wall Street Journal, which said “Washington has tracked about 100 incidents involving Chinese nationals trying to access American military and other installations.”
Questions Abound
Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies asked the right questions, the first of which is whether Middle Eastern illegal aliens tried to attack an American military base.
Other questions are whether U.S. officials have ruled out terrorism, and whether the truck was loaded with weapons or was itself a bomb.
But more importantly are these unanswered queries:
When and how exactly did the men enter the United States? Was the Jordanian a Palestinian Arab from Gaza and angry about U.S. support for Israel’s retaliatory war? Many Palestinians hold Jordanian passports.
Did an overwhelmed Border Patrol accidentally release the one who was on the FBI’s terrorist watch list as part of what I have reported as a new national security threat phenomenon of accidental releases?
The same questions apply to the Chinese national’s attempt to enter Twenty-Nine Palms. As The New American reported in February, some 30,000 Chinese had landed at U.S. borders in fiscal 2024, which began October 1. Now that figure has passed 40,000. More than 24,000 have appeared at the southwest border.
The Chinese national at the Marine base might well have been a Biden “migrant” caught and released at the border, as Bensman noted, because border agents are so overwhelmed with “the people [Democrats] care about most” — illegal aliens.
Almost all the Chinese are single adults.

Terror Watchlist
As for the would-be terrorist at Quantico found on the terror watchlist, that is no surprise given what Biden and his Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, have done to border security.
Fiscal 2024 data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that border agents have caught 76 terror list suspects trying to jump the border; 75 attempted to cross from Mexico.
Another 159 were caught at ports of entry. Most of those showed up at the northern border with Canada.
Since fiscal 2022, when Biden took office, 1,449 terror suspects have tried to enter the country.
If the two attempts were either terror or espionage, then the warning of 10 former FBI officials in January was prescient.
The former agents told top congressmen and senators that Biden had permitted a “soft-invasion” of military-age men into the country.
“It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown,” the officials wrote:
They include individuals encountered by border officials and then possibly released into the country, along with a shockingly high estimate of “gotaways” — meaning those who have entered and evaded apprehension.…
A startling number had been found on the terror watch list or are from countries designated as state sponsors of terror or distinctly unfriendly to the United States.…
These men are potential operators in what appears to be an accelerated and strategic penetration, a soft invasion, designed to gain internal access to a country that cannot be invaded militarily in order to inflict catastrophic damage if and when enemies deem it necessary.
Along with the Chinese, Syrians have appeared at the border clad in expensive tactical gear.
In March last year, border authorities released a Somali al-Shabaab terrorist whom ICE agents caught in Minneapolis in January.
One “migrant” warned a reporter that “you will find out who I am very soon.”