ICE Deports Nearly 200K Illegals in Fiscal 2020. 64 Percent Were Criminals
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement has published a grim annual report about its fiscal 2020 operations that warns Americans of what might come if “President-elect” Joe Biden takes office in three weeks. They should brace for an illegal-alien invasion across the border and illegal-alien anarchy in the streets. 

ICE deported almost 200,000 illegals last year, the majority of whom were criminals. And it spent more than $300 million to provide health care for the border jumping miscreants.

And thus far this year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has detained or apprehended more than 140,000 illegals.

Yet Biden says he won’t stop the invasion. Rather, he proposes an amnesty. Invite more illegals into the country by telling them they won’t be deported.

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The Numbers

ICE deported 185,884 illegals in fiscal 2020, 64 percent of whom, or 118,949, were criminals or criminal suspects. Deportees had wracked up 399,235 criminal convictions and pending criminal charges.

Other numbers are just as alarming: 4,276 were known or suspected gang members; another 31 were known or suspected terrorists. 

ICE booted 14,499 “family units” and 4,056 “unaccompanied alien children.”

As enforcement actions go, ICE filed 122,233 immigration detainers that require local police to hold an illegal-alien suspect until ICE can take custody. Sanctuary cities routinely ignored them, but that didn’t stop the agency from at least trying to do its job:

▪ ICE arrested 4,067 known or suspected gang members, including 675 from MS-13.

▪ ICE arrested 34 known or suspected terrorists.

▪ ICE conducted 23,932 at-large arrests.

▪ Overall … approximately 90% of those aliens arrested by ICE had criminal convictions and/or pending charges.

ICE also targeted certain illegals through Operation Cross Check XI. From July 13 through September 19, ICE bagged 2,700 illegal-alien thugs, and about 85 percent of illegals arrested solely on immigration violations were either criminals or suspects. 

The illegals arrested were responsible for 5,800 criminal convictions and 3,200 other crimes. Their criminal offenses, ICE reported, include 31 homicides, 340 sex crimes, 1,500 assaults, 50 robberies, and 200 weapons charges.


ICE must also provide healthcare to illegal aliens once they jump the border and demand a free ride. That cost $315 million last year. Total patient load: 99,670 at 20 facilities.

The burden of caring for the invaders resulted in these numbers:

• 99,219 intake screenings;

• 3,048 emergency room visits;

• 15,571 dental visits;

• 19,367 urgent care visits;

• 123,936 sick calls;

• 68,985 mental health interventions;

• 270,222 prescriptions filled; and

• 52,278 physical exams.

Since 2016, as The New American reported in November, taxpayers have spent more than $1 billion providing free healthcare for the illegals that Biden proposes for a “path to citizenship,” a leftist euphemism for “amnesty.”

Border Numbers

Yet the numbers in that annual report aren’t quite as frightening as the monthly data from CBP, and the message Biden has sent to the poverty-stricken masses of Latin America. Come one, come all, he has repeatedly said; the borders are open.

Through the first two months of fiscal 2021, border agents detained at ports of entry or caught jumping the border more than 140,000 illegals.

That’s about 2,300 per day, or 96 per hour.

If that rate continues, by year’s end on September 30, the figure will be 840,000. That many people would populate a city the size of Indianapolis, Indiana, the nation’s 17th largest.

Since 2014, CBP has detained or apprehended 3.94 million illegals. That’s about the population of Los Angeles. 

H/T: Breitbart