Joe Biden said in 2020 that many illegal aliens are “more American than most Americans are.” While he didn’t precisely define what “American” means to him, he just may conceptualize our country as the world’s flophouse, soup kitchen, and all-around sucker if the behavior of some migrants he has allowed to roam among us is any indication.
In fact, many of these “new Americans,” exhibiting extreme entitlement and mind-blowing disrespect, have been acting like complete degenerates while destroying a hotel (Row NYC) generously provided for them with taxpayer dollars. Per the New York Post on January 31:
A once-trendy Manhattan hotel has become a wild “free-for-all” of sex, drugs and violence after the city began housing migrants there, an employee claimed Tuesday.
Row NYC worker Felipe Rodriguez — who told The Post earlier this month that migrants were throwing away “tons” of prepared food at the hotel — said the facility has now descended into anarchy.
“Chaos, total chaos,” Rodriguez told “Fox & Friends” when asked to describe conditions at the hotel. “There’s no accountability.[”]
“There is no daily supervision to show these people that … ‘You don’t destroy your hotel. You are only there temporarily. This is not your home.’[”]
“[The employees] endure a lot of disrespect from the migrants, and there [are] some nice migrants, but there’s too much alcohol, too much drugs and too much violence, and you have teenagers … going into the staircases and making out like it’s Lover’s Lane,” Rodriguez said. “This is a free-for-all.[”]
The hotel, which was converted to house the sudden flood of migrants into the city, is just blocks away from the Watson Hotel in Hell’s Kitchen, where dozens of asylum seekers have been camped out for several days protesting their relocation to new accommodations in Brooklyn. [The protesters have since been moved.]
Fox News provides further detail, writing:
The Row is no longer open to guests and has become a dedicated migrant hotel for individuals who have completed the trek from the southern border to New York City.
But even though Rodriguez said “some” of the migrants were grateful they received room and board at the expense of New York taxpayers, the overwhelming sentiment has been anything but.
“Their self-entitlement is beyond belief,” Rodriguez said. “They believe that… the hotel is theirs, and they’re going to do…what they want, and our general manager really don’t [sic] care about any of the workers’ toxic conditions or hostile conditions. All he cares about is the money.”
There are more than 38,000 migrants in New York City with 26,000 currently staying in Big Apple hotel rooms, according to Mayor Eric Adams’ office.
At the Row specifically, it is costing taxpayers around $650,000 per night to house the migrants, ringing in around $500 per night per room.
Rodriguez noted the hotel is making more money from the city than it would if it hosted guests, and suggested that is the motivation behind the complicity from hotel management.
“They wanted more money, so it’s easy money from the city,” Rodriguez said.
It’s at least good, though, that our national and big-city governments are rolling in the dough and that we don’t have any domestic problems to attend to, such as an opioid crisis, failing infrastructure and schools, moral decay, and a teetering economy.
Yes, that was sarcasm. As for budgets, our national debt is $31.1 trillion as I write this, and surely will be greater by publication time, while NYC projects that its budget deficit will “shrink” to $2.9 billion this year.
This should all end well, however, as we’ve repeatedly been assured that our “strength lies in our diversity.”
Below is an interview on the hotel hellions that Rodriguez recently gave to Newsmax.
And what follows is an early January Fox News interview with Rodriguez on the illegals’ wasting of food (and other matters).
Consideration of the above could bring us back to Biden’s statement about how some illegals are “more American than most Americans are” because, he explained, “they have done well in school” (so did Ted Kaczynski, Unabomber). He received criticism for this in some quarters, but not nearly as much as President Trump did for expressing a contrary sentiment. To wit:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump told Time magazine in 2015. “…They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Do note that, especially now, many border jumpers originated in countries other than Mexico. You can make your own decision about who was more correct, Biden or Trump. Obviously, though, people committing the crime of breaking in to our country aren’t generally going to be their lands’ best and brightest.
Rodriguez has a message for them, too. “We have homeless people, we have veterans, that don’t have what these migrants been given,” he told Newsmax. “I mean, it’s time to either go back to your country or take what this country is giving you.”
What they’re giving us, however, are more future voters with a profound spirit of entitlement. And if you’re the political party of entitlement, of robbing patriot Peter to pay migrant Paul, that’s exactly what you want.
To learn more about the migration crisis and what can be done about it, click here.