Within 24 hours of President Donald Trump taking the oath of office, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began the raids to arrest and remove illegal-alien rapists, murderers, and other thugs from the United States.
In what border czar Tom Homan called a “game changer,” ICE agents arrested more than 300 illegal-alien criminals. Agents also went to jails to release another 300 into agency custody.
Homan also told Fox News that border encounters had dropped to fewer than 800 since Trump took office two days ago. Plus, illegal entries under President Joe Biden’s CBP One mobile application have ended, as have entries under the CHNV program to stuff the nation with penniless Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans.
As well, pursuant to Trump’s executive order to stop the illegal-alien invasion at the Southwest border, agents there are summarily deporting captured illegals.
The Raids Begin
Immigration authorities have not only arrested those hundreds of illegal-alien criminals, but also virtually stopped illegal crossings.
Confirming the immediate arrest and deportation of illegal-alien criminals that Trump promised, Homan said that ICE collared more than 300.
“We’re concentrating on the worst first, the public safety threats and national security threats,” Homan told Fox:
And just yesterday, in the last 24 hours, ICE arrested over 308 … serious criminals. Some of them were murderers. Some of them were rapists. Some of them raped a child. Some were sexual assault of a child.
And GOP Senator Katie Britt of Alabama said ICE bagged, or will bag, another 300 directly from jails.
“Promises made, promises kept!” Britt wrote on X. Aside from the savage criminals arrested, she wrote, “ICE also went to jails and ordered almost 300 additional aliens to be released to ICE custody rather than our nation’s streets.”
Total illegal-alien thugs arrested and ready to be deported: more than 608.
“Common sense,” the senator concluded, “is back.”
As for illegals who are not major criminals and therefore targeted by ICE, they’d better not be caught with a criminal, Homan said.
“Here’s what’s going to happen”:
We’ll find the bad guy, but when we find him, he’s going to be with others, others that may not be a criminal priority. But guess what? If they’re in the United States illegally, they’re going to be arrested, too.
As for the far-left state and local officials who have promised rebellion and insurrection to stop mass deportations, Homan had a message. “Game on.” Homan has said those officials will be arrested for harboring illegals, a federal felony.
Their nationwide cooperation raises the question of whether they could be charged with conspiracy.
Far-left open-borders Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes didn’t get the message, Fox reported.
“I also will not have any part of and will fight the attempt to set up what I believe are essentially concentration camps and family separation camps in the state of Arizona,” an unhinged Mayes said yesterday.
She might just find herself in a federal prison cell with other state and local officials who vowed to break federal law. But that aside, Homan said that ICE detention centers are not “concentration camps.”
“So she’s saying that she doesn’t want public safety threats out of the community? I also am insulted by the term ‘concentration camps.’ Are you serious?”
We just lost a Border Patrol agent to a shooting up in Vermont yesterday, and they’re the Gestapo? Are you serious? Concentration camps? ICE has detention centers. They have the best standards in the entire industry. I’ll compare ICE detention standards in any state or federal facility or any county facility [to] the entire world. We’ve got the highest detention standards, so that’s an insult, and it’s a lie.
Apprehensions Down, Too
Homan’s other good news: Border agents had apprehended just 766 illegals at the Southwest border when he spoke to Fox, a precipitous decrease from the thousands per day under President Joe Biden. As well, agents did not release a single one.
The decrease is a “game changer,” he said.
And again, Biden’s illegal program to import migrants with the smartphone application has ended. So has his illegal program to fly migrants directly into the country.
ICE revealed the baleful result of Biden’s illegal policies in a report to GOP U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales of Texas. More than 650,000 illegal-alien criminals are roaming American streets, including more than 13,000 murderers and more than 25,000 sex criminals.
Deportations at Border Begin
Meanwhile, CBS reported, summary deportations at the border have begun, pursuant to Trump’s Day 1 executive order titled “Guaranteeing the States Protection Against Invasion.”
Citing his constitutional authority, Trump suspended alien-invader entries into the United States and ordered their immediate removal.
“Internal government documents indicate that, as of Tuesday night, the president’s ‘full’ 212(f) authority was being implemented across Texas’ border with Mexico, making nearly all migrants who arrive there subject to quick expulsion,” CBS reported:
The documents cite the public health-related 212(f) authority that applies to “aliens that traveled through a country with a communicable disease.”
The order includes illegals caught at the Canadian and coastal borders, such as Florida’s. Officials told the network, in so many words, that “migrants” had better migrate back home where they belong:
Two Customs and Border Protection officials, who requested anonymity to discuss internal guidance, said migrants will not be allowed to see an immigration judge or asylum officer under Mr. Trump’s edict, which effectively suspends U.S. obligations under domestic and international law to ensure people fleeing persecution are not returned to danger.
One of the officials said Border Patrol agents were directed to swiftly deport migrant adults and families traveling with children under the president’s directives, after taking their biometrics and fingerprints. Migrants who are not from Mexico are to be detained pending their deportation.
As The New American has repeatedly reported, most asylum claims are bogus. So-called asylees come to the United States for jobs and free stuff. A study from UCLA found that 99 percent of asylum claims are invalid.