Idaho Bill Would Ban mRNA Vaccines in the State
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A bill introduced in the Idaho state Senate would effectively criminalize the use of mRNA vaccines in the state. Used in both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccine offerings in the United States, the technology has received increased scrutiny due to several reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in individuals who have received those vaccines.

Brought to the floor by Senator Tammy Nichols and Representative Judy Boyle, both Republicans, the bill would make it a misdemeanor to provide or administer mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines in the Gem State. The bill would include giving the technology to not only humans, but all mammals in the state.

The very short bill reads: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state.”

“A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor,” the bill adds.

Much of the legislators’ problem with mRNA vaccines is that they were used under emergency use authorization. Since that emergency has pretty much passed, many believe it’s past time to look more closely at the risky technology.

“We are seeing more and more concerns rising because of the mRNA vaccine,” said Nichols. “We have issues that this was fast tracked. There’s no liability, there’s no access to data. The risk benefit analysis has not been done. There’s no informed consent.”

Indeed, there is no liability at all, as both Pfizer and Moderna (and all other companies who created vaccines under the “emergency” circumstances) have been shielded from liability claims by the federal government under the PREP Act (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act).

Other Idaho politicians disagree with the bill’s basis, pointing out that the mRNA vaccines were eventually fast-tracked for full approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

“They ultimately were approved under the ordinary approval process and did ultimately, you know, survive the scrutiny of being subjected to all the normal tests,” said Democratic Representative Ilana Rubel.

But even that “fast-track” approval was highly politicized. Some of those intricately involved in the creation of mRNA technology agree.

One of the key inventors of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, has warned against further use of the Covid-19 vaccines.

“The vaccines don’t work and they are toxic,” Malone told Steve Bannon in January. “As the data come out, it’s clear that we have been misled in terms of the adverse events.”

He went on to say that certain batches of vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna “are killing a number of people.” Even so, the physician complains, “our government is completely silent about this.”

Malone is not alone in the scientific community in his disdain for the mRNA vaccines. According to Retsef Levi, a professor of operations management at MIT, the vaccines should be pulled immediately “because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promise[s] regarding efficacy. And, more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause [an] unprecedented level of harm, including the death[s] of young people and children.”

In a video shared on Twitter, Levi explained his concerns with mRNA vaccines, citing Israeli diagnosis data:

The analysis of the EMS [Emergency Medical Service] calls and diagnosis data from 2019 throughout the first half of 2021 revealed some very concerning signals. We detected an increase of 25 percent in the calls with cardiac arrest diagnosis among ages 16-39 in the first half of 2021. Exactly when the vaccination campaign in Israel was launched.

Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were widely used in Israel.

Besides the Covid-19 vaccines, other mRNA vaccines would be affected by the potential Idaho ban, as there are also mRNA vaccines for influenza, rabies, and Zika virus. The technology is also being studied for use in the treatment of certain cancers.

Once again, we see a state jumping in to address a problem that the federal government has created. There is mounting evidence that the mRNA vaccines introduced in the age of Covid-19 have resulted in increased myocarditis and pericarditis, especially in young people. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits this. What is somewhat surprising is that one of the states is actually acting upon principle to possibly put an end to these risky vaccines — at least in their back yard.