House Pandemic Subcommittee: Fauci Influenced CIA’s Covid Origin Inquiry 
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Anthony Fauci
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Dr. Anthony Fauci was secretly visiting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in an apparent attempt to influence the agency’s investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the chairman of the House coronavirus panel. If true, this could indicate a deliberate effort by the federal government to shape the narrative surrounding the creation of the virus. 

In a letter sent on Tuesday to the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Christi A. Grimm, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who leads the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, unveiled what he characterized as “concerning information” uncovered by his panel. He contended that this information reinforces growing concerns regarding the dissemination of the “false narrative” about the origins of the Covid virus by numerous federal agencies. 

As the letter notes, 

According to information gathered by the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played a role in the Central Intelligence Agency’s review of the origins of COVID-19. The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters — without a record of entry — and participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s review. 

The specific date of Fauci’s undisclosed visit to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, is not provided in the letter. It is also unclear whom Fauci met with. 

Wenstrup wrote, “The American people deserve the truth — to know the origins of the virus and whether there was a concerted effort by public health authorities to suppress the lab leak theory for political or national security purposes.” For that purpose, the representative asked Grimm to share all information related to the “movements of Dr. Fauci throughout the pandemic.” 

In particular, Wenstrup is requesting access to documents and communications involving HHS, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), and the U.S. Marshals Service (responsible for Fauci’s security) regarding his entry into any buildings owned, operated, or occupied by the CIA. In addition to that, the subcommittee is requesting Special HHS Agent Brett Rowland — an apparent source of the latest revelation — participate in a transcribed interview regarding Fauci’s alleged whereabouts with the spy agency. 

Fauci, who headed the White House’s response to the pandemic during both the Trump and Biden administrations, has faced numerous inquiries regarding the origins of the virus. These inquiries have centered on whether the virus originated from the Wuhan Lab of Virology (WIV) or through the transmission of infection from an animal to humans. 

In February, reports released by the Department of Energy and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) asserted that the virus likely originated from a lab. Fauci, however, strongly contended that the assessments were inaccurate, arguing that he did not “see any data for a lab leak.” 

As noted by Wenstrup, Fauci’s questionable off-the-books visit to CIA comes on the heels of recent whistleblower accounts suggesting that the agency may have skewed its own investigation of Covid origins by providing substantial financial incentives to six analysts to reach “inconclusive” results. 

Late last year, it was also revealed that Fauci “prompted” the drafting of the key scientific paper that “disproved” the lab-leak theory. Published on March 17, 2020 in Nature Medicine and written by five renowned scientists, the paper titled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2″ played a crucial early role in shaping the pandemic narrative and policies. 

To this day, the intelligence community remains split on Covid origins, with the majority of the spy agencies considering the virus to have emerged from nature. On June 26, 2023, the Director of National Intelligence declassified a 10-page report on the matter, in which it noted “biosafety concerns” and “genetic engineering” taking place at the WIV. The document also contended that some Wuhan scientists fell ill in the fall of 2019 with symptoms “consistent with but not diagnostic of COVID-19.” Yet, the ODNI provided that “Almost all IC [intelligence community] agencies assess that SARS-CoV-2 was not genetically engineered” and “was not developed as a biological weapon.” The CIA was said to “remain unable to determine the precise origin” of the pandemic. 

The circumstantial evidence strongly indicates that the CIA played a central role in the creation and management of the Covid pandemic. This revelation comes from the highly regarded scientist Dr. Robert Malone, who cited CIA insiders describing the agency as the world’s “most powerful organization” and the only one with the capacity to initiate and coordinate a global health crisis. The two-part in-depth interview “Puppet Masters of the Pandemic” is available here (part 1) and here (part 2).