Two of the Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers are making court appearances in Ottawa today following their arrests yesterday. Police arrested Tamara Lich and Chris Barber in separate locations near Parliament Hill, without any resistance from either convoy leader.
Lich told The Canadian Press she witnessed Barber’s arrest; hers came later in the evening. She also said that her bank froze her account. A CBC reporter spoke with her between the two incidents and asked what her response would be to arrest. “Hold the line,” she said.
American Greatness reported that each are charged with counselling to commit mischief. Barber faces an additional charge of counselling to disobey a court order and counselling to obstruct justice.
Daniel Bulford was with Lich when police arrested her. Bulford is a former officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who lost his job of 15 years for refusing the COVID vaccination. He serves as the liaison for the Adopt-A-Trucker movement that supports Freedom Convoy 2022.
Barber and Lich became international internet sensations as they traveled in the lead rig of the Freedom Convoy, “Big Red,” as it slow-rolled from British Columbia to Ottawa in January.
Lich posted a video message to convoy supporters early Thursday, acknowledging that her arrest was likely “inevitable,” and begging protesters to “stay peaceful and please take care of each other, and know that this too shall pass.” She said, “There will be a tomorrow, and we will get through this.”
The arrests come on the heels of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergency Act on Monday. According to the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that act is only intended to protect Canada against extreme threats to national security. Social media is awash with videos showing an increased police presence since Monday, as protestors remain peaceful.
The Freedom Convoy has been parked on the streets of Ottawa for three weeks with thousands of Canadians joining them throughout the weeks to encourage them and bring them food and fuel. The truckers say they intend to stay until all COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in Canada are lifted. Rebel News is live on the scene today covering the police crack-down.