Elementary Sex-ed Class Pushed Puberty Blockers, Gender Wheels
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A Washington state elementary school offered inappropriate sex-education lessons to students without parental consent or district approval that included gender wheels, promoted puberty blockers, and provided students a list of preferred pronouns, as reported by The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. 

“Fourth and fifth graders at Lincoln Elementary in the Olympia School District received sex-education lessons on May 9. Parents said the school told them that the lessons were district-approved. But students were given unapproved lesson plans. Materials presented by Planned Parenthood included drawings of pubic hair shaped like an animal, and students were told they could pick from a number of contrived genders to identify as. Some of the materials promoted medication to block puberty,” Rantz shared on a KTTH blogpost.  

Parents upset with the unapproved class after “finding the lesson plans from their kids, not the school” began speaking out explaining the “lessons were agenda-driven.” This was after parents were told the curriculum would follow district-approved, “evidence-based” lesson plans. 

“Our primary concern for our kids is the fact that the school district presented the information as being very neutral and quite honestly basic pubescent/anatomy driven,” one father of a Lincoln Elementary student said in an email to The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “Then when we became privy to the actual content of the presentation (after the fact and at our own discovery, not the school’s disclosure) it was completely different.” 

One concerned father reportedly asked “why ‘”fringe” medical treatment’ is being presented to 9 – 11 year old kids,” after learning that “students were told that puberty blockers, like SUPPRELIN LA, are one of the ‘supplies that could be helpful during puberty!'” 

The class pamphlet instructed these young students that “Some kids are he. Some kids are she. Some kids are they. And some kids have more pronouns to share because everyone belongs!” Rantz shared images of the lesson pages, one of which asked students, “What pronouns do you like to use? What feels good to you? Is there a way you like to describe your gender? If not, that’s okay!” 

KTTH reported: 

Students were also given a “gender wheel” worksheet as part of the elementary school sex ed. It listed different identities, like trans, intersex, drag king, trans femme, agender person, girlish boy, boi grrl, and nonbinary person. It introduces children to “they” and “ze” as pronouns (along with, inexplicably, “tree”) and teaches kids that “ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limited beliefs transform and evolve.” 

The pamphlet included sexually graphic drawings showing “pubic hair art, with one shaped like a cat and another like a heart.” Other graphics offered, according to Rantz, are “’examples of intersex variation,’ which show private parts with both male and female characteristics. Intersex people, at most, represent about 0.05% of the world population, but students would assume it’s much more common”: 

“The anatomical pictures seem to be playful or dismissive of the fact that an extremely small subset of the population are either intersex/transgender, but misrepresent them as a considerable chunk of the population,” the father told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “Either or, here nor there … why are kids being made to question their bodies and what naturally occurs during puberty?” 

The sex-ed class was reportedly led by an adult, and conducted by Teen Council, a peer-led sex-education program provided by Planned Parenthood. KTTH reported that a community activist representing Lincoln Elementary parents said the principal apologized, “acknowledged the presenters ‘went off script’ and claimed the school was ‘also surprised and did not know what they were going to do.’ She said parents were promised that the school would not use the presenter in the future.” 

The Olympia School District’s only response to KTTH about the unapproved lessons was from a district spokesperson, who said, “We are investigating the matter and working with staff to get more information to determine next steps.” The principal for Lincoln Elementary reportedly sent a similar email to parents this week, adding, “If you have any questions, please reach out to me.” 

District-approved or not, this curriculum is a clear example of what’s wrong with public education in this country. The looney lefties are seeking to indoctrinate our kids. Parents need to be active in their children’s education, and, if in any way possible, private or homeschool them.  

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