Chem Prof Suspended for Trolling Leftists on Twitter As “Woman of Color”
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The University of New Hampshire has suspended an assistant chemistry professor for disguising himself as a “woman of color” on Twitter. Yet the latest faker did not misrepresent himself to gain the social privileges available only to officially aggrieved minorities.

Rather, multiple reports allege, Craig Chapman used the identity to fight “woke” culture under the guise of a black immigrant, who demanded that university departments stop confessing to imaginary sins as racism or “transphobia.”

In other words, Chapman was trolling the radical Left.

On October 1, the campus newspaper divulged that someone outed the professor on Reddit and Twitter.  Chapman, the newspaper reported, was “posing as a woman of color on Twitter under the name ‘The Science Femme’ with the handle ‘piney_the.’”

Writing as his alter ego, Chapman claimed he blocked his department from publishing a Maoist confession of guilt for racism.

“I was successful in killing my dept’s woke statement on recent social unrest,” “The Science Femme” wrote. “This took several weeks and may have permanently burned some bridges, but I think it’s important. It’s a toxic ideology that cannot be given an inch. Here are the lessons I learned.”

Then came the description of his department’s descent into politically correct madness:

After the tragic death of George Floyd the woknistas in my dept felt compelled to make a collective statement. It was a self-flagellating admission of guilt and shame for things we had not done that no sane person would agree to sign.

I was successful in removing all woke terminology from the statement including anti-racism, white supremacy, white privilege, and claims of systemic racism. Before attempting a similar feat, it’s important to make sure you know what all these terms really mean.

Chapman then suggested joining committees and subverting their statements by demanding facts and evidence for claims of racism.

“Once you’re one of these committees you have to act as if you are unaware of the woke agenda,” he continued. “Be respectful, but when they say something dumb, which they will, maintain your composure and ask questions that makes [sic] them define to find EXACTLY what they mean.”

The subversive then throws down a spike strip to blow the committee’s tires:

Get them to define their terms precisely. This will draw the process out, which is important. Do they really mean that all white people are racist? Is discrimination really ok if it’s in the service of anti-racism?

If they claim your department or organization is racist, ask for specific examples so that you can better fight racism. You can’t fight what you can’t identify. They’ll never produce real examples.

Feel free to sporadically inject reflexive statements along the lines of “racism is bad,” “we all hate racism,” etc. It’s true and gets them keyed in and more open to what you are saying.

Stick to Enlightenment ideas, reason, and logic. Ask for evidence whenever a claim is made. You will often be accused, as I was, that asking for evidence of bias is proof of white privilege. Simply reject that claim as I did.

Say that one’s race has no bearing on the evidence of a claim. If bias exists, it exists, and it doesn’t matter the race of the person looking for it.

If you have enough nonwoke people in your department your questions will be well-received and claims like “everyone in the dept is racist” will be seen as absurd, as they should be. Appeal to the concept of treating everyone equally. This is the foundation of academia, and is in danger.

Chapman identified himself as a woman of color or person of color in deleted tweets, the newspaper reported, but in at least one, “The Science Femme” mercilessly trolled critics. “LOL,” a tweet replied to an accusation of “privilege.”

“I’m an immigrant woman of color who grew up in poverty, sleeping on a dirt floor. What a tool you are.”

In its report about Chapman’s suspension, Inside Higher Ed noted that he also accused “another junior academic” of celebrating the suicide of Mike Adams, a conservative professor at the University of North Carolina.

“The Science Femme” also tweeted nude photos of former Representative Katie Hill, who was forced to resign after her bizarre sexual shenanigans were exposed, The Concord Monitor reported

Campus leftists who monitor what they call racism are not amused. Unlike whites such as Jessica Krug, who identify as black out of “self-hatred,” a professor told IHE, Chapman is “probably a right-wing a****le trying to get one over on feminists.”

H/T: Breitbart