The hosts of the popular reality-television series Shark Tank, and their counterparts overseas, recently got the red-carpet treatment at UN headquarters in New York City. From all over the world, the hosts of the popular international series of shows featuring up-and-coming entrepreneurs were subjected to a clinic on the ideology of sustainable development.
UN officials were hoping that these highly recognizable paladins of free-market capitalism would come away ready to do the bidding of the globalist establishment — and they were not disappointed. Subjected to a propagandistic full-court press on behalf of the sustainable development agenda, well-known Shark Tank faces such as Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, and Barbara Corcoran gushed afterwards about the event and how it had changed their perspectives. “To me the whole day was a wakeup call,” Corcoran exclaimed. “What we learned today is that we have more power than we thought to make a difference in business. Now I’m going to choose different products, different businesses.” Kevin O’Leary, a regular guest on Fox News, told viewers of a carefully-scripted video of the event, “the sustainable development goals are a blueprint for a better future for everyone everywhere. Join me and people all across the globe in taking action!”
That such self-styled captains of industry could be so easily deceived by the blandishments of UN functionaries speaks volumes of the power and reach of globalist propaganda, of which the twin fictions of sustainable development and anthropogenic climate change are two of its most conspicuous achievements.