If you learned your child’s nanny didn’t want you to know what she was doing with your kid behind closed doors, while you weren’t around, you’d be more than suspicious. You’d give her the boot (and that’s also what nanny-cams are for). Yet should it be any different if the person wanting “alone time” with your child is a schoolteacher?
Parents may again want to ponder this question after yet another teacher was caught with her ideology down. The scene of this trespass was a California Teachers Association (CTA) conference concerning “how to indoctrinate schoolchildren without their parents’ knowledge,” as Fox News host Tucker Carlson put it.
In a Thursday television segment titled “Your Kids, Our Rules,” Carlson warned that educators are “grooming seven-year-olds” and played a video clip of a first-grade teacher named Blaire Wyatt instructing her fellows that “it’s best to hold meetings for gender identity clubs during lunchtime, so the parents never know.”
“Yes, that lunchtime is kind of that sweet spot where the kids don’t need to come early or stay late and it kind of eliminates a little bit of that parent interaction if there are kids who would like to attend, but maybe their parents are unaware that they’re interested in participating or are unaware that they’re out at school,” said Wyatt.
“So, if we can get it to happen at lunch, that seems like a really good structure to, you know, protect the kids’ identities and protect — allow them to attend,” she continued.
Unfortunately, Wyatt is hardly an outlier, reported Carlson’s segment guest Abigail Shrier, who broke the story. She warned that even “at the elementary school level — eight- and nine-year-olds” — teachers are “telling them to rename the clubs things like PRISM club, so that the parents won’t know what’s going on in the club.”
Given this, is it any wonder a recent survey “found that 39 percent of Americans aged 18-24 refer to themselves as LGBTQ,” as The New American reported last month? Don’t chalk this result up to liberal poll bias, either, as the research was conducted by Arizona Christian University and Foundations of Freedom, traditionalist entities both. Rather, it reflects how the sexual devolutionary pseudo-elites have both normalized perversion and made associated labels “cool.”
As for the CTA conference, which took place in October, documents from it “also show that teachers admit they read students’ Google search histories, looking for signs of interest in gender issues so they can take advantage of them,” Carlson further related.
Regarding the secretiveness, Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze, told the host that the “deception is actually the point” and that both the October conference and more recent CTA videos make this clear. What “the California Teachers Association is doing is they’re deciding how to recruit students to these clubs, how to coach them in…solidifying this gender identity or sexual orientation identity, and they’re doing this by deceiving parents, specifically, telling teachers how to keep the existence of the clubs and the membership from the parents” (video below), she stated.
Videos such as the above have become increasingly common, in a trend that intensified with the COVID-19 distance-learning status quo. And below is another example, also out of California, featuring an “educator” boasting about transforming students into ANTIFA revolutionaries.
It’s not just the Golden State, either. What follows is an August video of a Utah teacher going on a left-wing rant and telling her students, “Most of ya’ll parents are dumb.”
There was yet another August story (tweet below), one about teachers exposed as complaining online about how distance learning frustrates their indoctrination efforts.
Then there was the 2020 incident (video below) in which a Washington schoolteacher expelled a 10-year-old from a virtual discussion for saying he admired President Trump — and then lied to the boy’s mother when questioned about the trespass.
Getting back to the CTA sexual devolutionary club recruitment, it certainly doesn’t play well in e-Peoria. The third-highest-rated comment under the Carlson/Shrier YouTube video reflects this and makes two valid points, reading, “1) This is called GROOMING! 2) Imagine if they said ‘Let’s have Bible Club over lunch so parents don’t know.’”
The highest-rated comment states, “These people need to start getting prosecuted and convicted for child abuse.”
While true, our cultural realities make it more likely that you’ll be investigated if you make the above remark at a school-board meeting.
Just as distressing — as “A man who’s capable of deceiving only others is not as dangerous as a man capable of deceiving himself,” as the saying goes — is that many leftist foot soldiers actually believe in their cause. As Shrier put it, in “one of the videos I watched put out by the California Teachers Association, the teachers instructed other educators that children as young as seven need support in their sexual identity, and they believe it is their job to provide that.”
This is why I speak of our age’s great carnal heresy, the “Sexual Devolution”: Millions of people really have come to believe that bad is good — have come to feel it on an emotional level — and thus proceed with zeal and the approval of their own consciences.
Reversing this will require more than just firing some teachers, though that’s a necessary short-term, mitigatory measure. What’s needed is to seize back the culture so that, instead of children being inculcated with an emotional attachment to vice, they’re once again instilled with such an attachment to virtue. This is where the rubber hits the road, too, because when vice rules their hearts, wicked ideology will ultimately rule their minds.