Ex-president Bill Clinton, who in 1998 said in response to questions about infidelity, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky” (even though he did), apparently isn’t alone among Democrats in having the morals of an alley cat. That’s what a new study shows, anyway.
The recently released research, from the Institute for Family Studies (IFS), found that “Republican husbands, especially religious ones, are less likely to cheat on their wives than Democratic husbands,” the organization writes.
This isn’t the first time the IFS has discovered a Dem-Rep infidelity divide. In 2022, the organization studied women and found the same phenomenon. In 2017, it revealed such a gap between Democrats and Republicans in general. And related to this, the IFS discovered in 2015 that conservative counties have more stable families than Democratic counties do.
Of course, is this surprising? Would people who tout “situational values” and shades of gray have much regard for marriage vows?
Till _____ Do Us Part
As for the current research, the IFS writes:
Republican men are less likely to stray than other men. That might be partly because, when it comes to attitudes about cheating, it’s actually Democrats who have become more accepting of extra-marital sex in recent years. This trend has been especially pronounced among Democrats since what Matt Yglesias called the “Great Awokening” (circa 2014), when many Democrats lurched hard to the cultural Left.
Since this hard left turn, which included growing progressive support for polyamory, a large minority of Democrats, including Democratic husbands, have abandoned the classic fidelity norm. Just a decade ago, three quarters of ever-married Democratic men aged 18-55 believed that having sex with someone besides your spouse is “always wrong,” according to the General Social Survey (GSS). Today, only half do. By contrast, four-in-five ever-married Republican men (18-55) embrace the classic norm that extramarital sex is “always wrong,” with no signs of change over the same period.
Do note that this reflects a wider phenomenon. That is, in general Democrats have changed radically in recent times — embracing extremism — while Republicans’ ideology has remained more constant.
In other words and contrary to mainstream media narrative, the Democrats are the party of radicalism, not the GOP.
To illustrate the point, who is embracing bizarre agendas/ideas such as open borders, DEI (officially sanctioned discrimination), “transgenderism,” and microaggressions? Where and what are the Republican analogues to these things? They don’t exist.
No Shock
So is it surprising that Democrats, possessed now of radicalism (and maybe something else), would also be more radically unfaithful? It comes as no shock at all to commentator Olivia Murray. As she writes, opining on the IFS study:
You mean to tell me that the guys who embrace baby murder (both as a matter of policy and personal attitude) because it allows them to exploit women for their own personal sexual gratification aren’t that bothered about respecting the marriage bed?
Oh, and the guy who pushes baby murder on the mother of his child post-coitus so he doesn’t have to grow up and take responsibility for his own actions isn’t wild about trivial things like honor, duty, and commitment?
“Men” who think nothing about deranged crossdressers invading female spaces to sexually violate women and girls and force them to be participants in a deranged fetish environment aren’t that concerned about protecting their own woman?
… I mean, could this not be expected considering the very stark political divides and the values espoused (as a whole) from each side? Republicans promote and support strong, traditional families (which inarguably includes marriage as God designed it), maturity, protection of children, and self-sacrifice.
On the other side? Democrats believe that sex is a “social construct,” baby killing is a woman’s right, and children are sexual beings. We’re grossly different people.
In fact, many Democrats descend from the authors of the Sexual Devolution and are themselves boosters of it today. This, along with their generally loose “morals,” helps explain why perhaps 90 percent of those implicated in sexual misconduct via the #MeToo movement were left-wingers.
Forged in Vice?
But could it really be that Democrats truly are worse people? This proposition certainly wouldn’t surprise author Peter Schweizer. After all, in his 2008 piece “Don’t listen to the liberals — Right-wingers really are nicer people, latest research shows,” he wrote:
There is plenty of data that shows that Right-wingers are happier, more generous to charities, less likely to commit suicide — and even hug their children more than those on the Left.
Schweizer’s explanation for this is that “your politics influence the manner in which you live your life.” In reality, though, this is the mistaking of correlation for causation.
It’s said that “politics is downstream from culture.” Less well understood is that a person’s politics is downstream from his own personal culture. This itself is downstream from his spiritual, moral, and philosophical foundation.
So it’s not that your politics influences how you live your life so much (though everything can have an effect). It’s that the aforementioned deeper realm influences your politics and how you live your life.
Age-old Wisdom
As to this, Greek philosopher Plato wrote about how people come to be what they are. Emphasizing early years’ socialization’s significance, he said that a child should be raised in an atmosphere of nobility and grace. This will engender in the little one an “erotic” (i.e., emotional) attachment to virtue. This is the only kind a small child can develop because he’s still too young to appreciate virtue intellectually. Once this attachment is reality, though, the youth will have a more correctly formed emotional foundation. And then, once he reaches the age of reason, he’ll be more amenable to accepting the dictates of reason because his feelings won’t be contrary to them.
Unfortunately, however, it’s easier still to develop in a child an emotional attachment to vice. (After all, things left to themselves naturally move toward disorder.) Today’s popular culture itself works toward this end. And once this attachment exists, upon reaching the age of reason the individual will be quite unreasonable.
Generally speaking, it is this kind of person, with a soul darkened by sin, who gravitates toward ideologies equally dark. For example, Marxism in 1917 Russia and Nazism in 1933 Germany — and what we call “leftism” today.
Marinated in godlessness, moral relativism/nihilism, and narcissism, leftists readily embrace the credo “If it feels good, do it.” This is a recipe for falling into error even for the saintly and, for those weaned on vice, for falling into hell.