Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling delivered a Christmastide message over the weekend on X: “Trans kids” don’t exist.
“No child is ‘born in the wrong body,’” she wrote to a pro-trans X user. There followed two more posts that won’t make her any more popular with the “transgender” movement.
Rowling’s posts continue the social-media war she is waging against “trans activists” and their supporters, including doctors, who think the “cure” for a kid confused about his or her sex is toxic hormones and genital mutilations, or “gender reassignment surgery,” as it is called in far-left “trans” code.
Early this year, Rowling mixed it up with a “trans” Scottish Green Party candidate called “Sophie Sparkles.” And she had quite a time ridiculing and criticizing Scotland’s new hate-crimes law that criminalizes speech that offends kooks like Sparkles.
Too Much TikTok
The latest row on X began when Rowling responded to an attack of her absolutely correct take on trans madness.
“I wish you would use your immense power for good,” a user wrote. “Your hateful focus on trans kids is hurtful and unnecessary.”
Replied Rowling:
There are no trans kids. No child is “born in the wrong body”. There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined.
The reply immediately went viral and made news, for instance, in London’s Telegraph.
A user called GeneralTM replied that “parents are the problem.”
That is true, and crazy mothers are behind most of the “trans” madness among kids, as the unfortunate children of more than a few Hollywood starlets show.
But Rowling added another note. It isn’t just parents, she wrote, it’s social media — notably TikTok — spreading the “trans” plague, along with Big Pharma and “doctors who make Frankenstein look ethical”:
Kids are watching TikTok videos of surgeons selling the idea that bodies can be modified like Lego. Schools affirm kids’ trans identities behind parents’ backs. A certain kids’ charity in the UK sent out breast binders to pubescent girls without parental consent. Many parents are struggling to protect kids from a Zeitgeist telling them that anxieties about puberty, sexuality and growing up can be fixed by lifelong reliance on Big Pharma and by doctors who make Frankenstein look ethical.
One user asked whether Rowling would tackle plastic surgeries such as lip or breast augmentation.
“The moment any of those things causes infertility, the loss of the ability to orgasm and a lifetime’s reliance on powerful hormones your body wasn’t designed to cope with they’ll become relevant to the discussion,” she wrote.
In October, Rowling highlighted a Daily Mail story about a United Nations report that detailed the number of medals women have lost to men since men began competing in women’s sports as “transgenders.”
“Over 890 medals, across 29 sports, stolen from women by men,” Rowling wrote.
Hate-speech Law
In April, Rowling opened a campaign against Scotland’s ridiculous hate-crimes law that criminalizes “offensive” speech.
The bill criminalizes behaving “in a threatening or abusive manner, or communicat[ing] threatening or abusive material to another person, with either the intention to stir up hatred against a group of persons based on the group being defined by reference to one of the listed characteristics, or where it is a likely consequence that hatred will be stirred up against such a group.”
Also protected by the law is “a social or cultural group; perceived religious affiliation; sexual orientation; transgender identity; and variations in sex characteristics.”
Thus does it forbid publishing “offensive material” not only “through websites, blogs, podcasts, social media etc., either directly, or by forwarding or repeating material that originates from a third party; through printed media such as magazine publications or leaflets,” but also by “online streaming, by email, playing a video, through public performance of a play, etc.”
When it passed — on April Fools Day, appropriately enough — cops quickly received some 8,000 complaints.
That same day, Rowling unloaded on the law and its “trans” protectees.
“Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal,” she wrote on X “I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.”
Rapists & Sparkles
Then, in a long thread, Rowling targeted 11 “trans women,” one of whom is a rapist.
“Lovely Scottish lass and convicted double rapist Isla Bryson found her true authentic female self shortly before she was due to be sentenced,” Rowling wrote:
Misgendering is hate, so respect Isla’s pronouns, please. Love the leggings!
When the Scottish Green Party chose “Sophie Sparkles,” a “trans woman” who typically dresses as a little girl, for a seat in Parliament, Rowling couldn’t let it pass:
I’ve just realised who you are, Sophie! I thought I recognised the face! Well, I can certainly see why @scottishgreens wanted you as a candidate.
The party deselected the weirdo for his online activities, including calling Rowling a “torn faced cow.”
To his credit, “Mizz Sparkles” apologized on X. “I must rise above the toxic narrative … and help show the world how wonderful trans people are,” he wrote.