The last Friday of the Muslim religious-observance month Ramadan is pro-Palestinian “International Quds Day.” Born of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and declared by then-Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini, it has been held annually for 45 years now and is marked by rallies in protest of “usurper Israel.” That’s what Khomeini called the Jewish state, in his Al-Quds Day declaration, which he concluded with, “I ask God Almighty for the victory of the Muslims over the infidels.”
So perhaps it’s not surprising that this event has long been attended by chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” But here’s what is new:
On this past Quds Day, on April 5, were heard “death to America” chants in America.
This happened in Dearborn, Michigan, which won’t surprise critics who’ve dubbed the city “Dearbornistan.”
The chants were also heard, however, in New York City and several Texas municipalities.
(Some call this nation-strengthening diversity.)
What’s more, several high-profile politicians — including Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer — have refused to condemn the radical, violence-stoking, anti-American chants. For many, apparently, the “Death to America” voting bloc is just too appealing.
The Washington Examiner reports on the Dearborn scorn, writing that the city, “part of Michigan’s 12th Congressional District, is represented in Congress by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the only Palestinian American member of Congress and likely also the staunchest supporter of Gaza among both chambers.”
“‘Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,’ Tarek Bazzi, a local activist, said on Friday in a video shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute,” the outlet continued. “The video [below the next paragraph] appears to cut for a moment before chants of ‘Death to America’ ring out in the background.”
“‘It’s not Genocide Joe that has to go, it is the entire system that has to go’ Bazzi added” — expressing a sentiment that perhaps finds much support among college professors, mainstream-media Machiavellians, and other assorted cultural devolutionaries. He also was discovered to have called for Israel’s “absolute annihilation” in another, recently unearthed video.
Bazzi also stated that “Malcolm X said, and I quote: ‘We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this Earth.’” Whether this means that Bazzi, who’s also identified by media as a “teacher,” intends to return to his ancestors’ Muslim land was not reported.
As for reactions to the rhetoric, Dearborn mayor Abdullah Hammoud and some community leaders did issue denunciations, while the organization hosting the April 5 rally, the Al Quds Committee Detroit, called them “wrongful” and “a mistake.”
But many liberal figures couldn’t manage even this. In fact, the “Daily Caller, which has been following the story, noted that it contacted Michigan Democrats to ask if they condemned the chant, with a number of them replying in the affirmative,” relates American Thinker. “However, despite repeated requests for a statement of condemnation, The Daily Caller said that others, including Rep. Debbie Dingell, Rep. Haley Stevens, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Sen. Gary Peters, and Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to share their stance on the matter, while Gov. Whitmer did not respond to a request for comment.”
The silence of Covid Lockdown Queen Whitmer is especially telling. As commentator Ingrid Jacques writes, providing perspective, the governor
did take time to mark the end of Ramadan with this tweet to Michigan Muslims on Tuesday: “Eid Mubarak, Michigan. I hope you and your families had a blessed Ramadan. May you all have a blessed Eid and come together to celebrate all that makes our communities strong and our state even stronger.”
Why has Whitmer been silent about highly publicized comments made in her state — comments so clearly beyond the pale that even the White House has condemned them?
… In February, Whitmer had no problem weighing in soon after The Wall Street Journal ran an opinion column with a headline that alleged Dearborn is “America’s Jihad Capital.”
She, along with President Joe Biden, were quick to condemn the opinion piece as Islamophobic and hateful.
Why can’t Whitmer speak up in a similar way now?
Jacques concludes that Whitmer, a Democratic National Committee vice chairwoman, is desperate to deliver swing-state Michigan for Biden in November. After all, losing the Great Lakes State would likely mean losing the election (though vote fraud may render all these analyses moot). As for Whitmer, who herself has presidential ambitions, failure to deliver her own state may mean not being a future Democratic nominee.
Nonetheless, the incongruence here is striking. We live in a land where snowflakes complain about “microaggressions” and demand “safe spaces,” where people have gotten “canceled” for disagreeing with the “LGBTQ+” agenda, using a politically incorrect word, having worn blackface 20 years ago, or making a harmless joke about women in the laboratory. But chants of “Death to America”?
The man has every right to his opinion, you bigot!
What this really illustrates, though — again — is how demography is destiny. More Muslim (im)migrants have entered the United States since 9/11 than did during our entire history prior to that dark day. And when Islamist sympathizers become a large enough voting block, as in Michigan, they’ll be pandered to because that’s what politicians do.
There is an irony here, however. As in Hamtramck, Michigan, where an all-Muslim government prohibited the “Pride” flag’s display on public property, such demographic transformation doesn’t bode any better for the leftist agenda than it does for Americanism; i.e., this means that concern about microaggressions will go the way of the dodo.
Macroaggressions, though, may be a very different story.