Miss Universe Pageant Goes Bankrupt
AP Images
Anne Jakrajutatip
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When the first “trans woman” competed in the Miss Universe contest in 2018, everyone knew what would happen. Eventually, the contest would become a platform for the sex deviants.

That’s exactly what happened when JKN Global, a company owned by a “trans woman,” bought the pageant last year.

When the pageant is held in El Salvador tomorrow, two trannies — “Miss” El Salvador and “Miss” Netherlands — will compete.

But it might well be the last such pageant JKN stages. The company has filed for bankruptcy, which suggests that turning the pageant into a vehicle that calls mental illness and sex perversion a lifestyle isn’t good for business.

Thai Company Goes Belly Up

Just last week, having missed a payment on a $12 million loan, JKN filed with the Thai stock exchange, the New York Post and other media reported:

A public document sent to the Stock Exchange of Thailand from JKN Global Group declared “JKN Global Group Public Company Limited (the ‘Company’) has filed a petition for business rehabilitation with the Central Bankruptcy Court under the Bankruptcy Act B.E. 2483 (1940) (as amended) (the ‘Bankruptcy Act’) on November, 8 2023, [sic] the Central Bankruptcy Court has subsequently issued an order to accept the petition for business rehabilitation of the Company on November 9, 2023.”

JKN’s chieftain is Thai man-lady Anne Jakrajutatip, who purchased the company from a talent agency last year for $20 million.

That agency bought the brand from former President Donald Trump in 2015, when, announcing his candidacy, he told the truth about Mexican illegal aliens: Many are rapists and drug dealers. The pageant’s sponsors bolted and dropped to their fainting couches. 

The pageant isn’t JKN’s only endeavor. The company also sells energy drinks, cosmetics, and health products; but pushing trans propaganda seems to be its top priority, and the Miss Universe contest is the perfect vehicle. 

Let cross-dressing weirdos compete, and the world will approve.

“Trans women are women, full stop,” the pageant told CNN:

We are here to celebrate women, full stop. This has been true for more than a decade, and we’re proud to have made this change very early on, compared to other programs.

This year, “Miss” El Salvador is man-lady Marina Machete, and “Miss” Netherlands is Rikkie Kollé.

Tranny Priority

In 2018, a “trans woman” called Angela Ponce Camacho was the first such loon the pageant permitted to compete.

Jakrajutatip saw Camacho and immediately decided he had to buy the pageant and turn it into a vehicle for pervert propaganda.

“In 2018, the Miss Universe competition came to Thailand, and this time, I sat in the front row, watching Ángela Maria Ponce Camacho, Miss Spain, make history as the first trans woman to compete onstage,” Jakrajutatip told Cosmopolitan on October 9, a month before his company declared bankruptcy:

Ángela wept when it was over, telling the crowd she didn’t need to win—she just wanted the world to know that a trans woman could make it. I wept too. I knew in that moment I wanted to dedicate my life to doing more for the LGBTQ+ community and for women everywhere.

That’s how I eventually ended up in talks with IMG, the company that then owned Miss Universe. I asked if they’d be interested in a new owner: me. I told them that not only did I know how to reach a global audience, but I could also take the competition to new heights. I mean, why was an organization that claimed to be about female empowerment owned exclusively by men? I wanted to create something that was run by women for women—not something for men to ogle over. In October 2022, my company paid $20 million and I signed the papers making me the first female owner of Miss Universe. I had zero hesitation. There was only joy.

When homosexuals and sex perverts infiltrate organizations, they either try to seduce other employees into becoming perverts or, once in positions of power, quickly pack the ranks of employees with their ilk to establish complete control. But that’s nothing new. Contemplating the federal government’s employment of homosexuals, a Senate committee reported that truth in 1950:

Our investigation has shown that the presence of a sex pervert in a Government agency tends to have a corrosive influence upon his fellow employees. These perverts will frequently attempt to entice normal individuals to engage in perverted practices. This is particularly true in the case of young and impressionable people who might come under the influence of a pervert. Government officials have the responsibility of keeping this type of corrosive influence out of the agencies under their control. It is particularly important that the thousands of young men and women who are brought into Federal jobs not be subjected to that type of influence while in the service of the Government. One homosexual can pollute a Government office.

Another point to be considered in determining whether a sex pervert is suitable for Government employment is his tendency to gather other perverts about him. Eminent psychiatrists have informed the subcommittee that the homosexual is likely to seek his own kind because the pressures of society are such that he feels uncomfortable unless he is with his own kind. Due to this situation the homosexual tends to surround himself with other homosexuals, not only in his social, but in his business life. Under these circumstances if a homosexual attains a position in Government where he can influence the hiring of personnel, it is almost inevitable that he will attempt to place other homosexuals in Government jobs.

A more recent example is the Lavender Mafia that infested the ranks of Catholic bishops and priests, most notably leftist former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Last Time for Miss Universe

Yet Jakrajutatip also allowed any woman to compete, including mothers and divorcées.

As well, “we’re widening our background checks (trust me, there will no longer be male leaders eyeing down delegates in the dressing room), and in addition to our all-female leadership team, our hosts and most judges are also women. The latter are CEOs, scientists, politicians, you name it — powerful and impressive in their own right.”

Jakrajutatip didn’t say what he will do about a “trans woman” competitor “eyeing down delegates in the dressing room.” 

What will happen to the contest should JKN not recover isn’t known. But if the entry of unattractive men means anything, we do know that a man will be crowned Miss Universe one day.