The planned “Trans Day of Vengeance” planned for Saturday, April 1 was called off because organizers feared a “threat to life and safety” of trans people in the wake of the mass shooting Monday at Nashville’s Covenant School. But other “protests” in three states have stepped in to fill the void. And while the “trans community” feigns fear for life and limb, the truth is that they are the ones perpetrating and planning violence.
Monday’s deadly shooting at a private Christian school was likely the result of increased violent rhetoric from the Left in general, and the LGBTQ community in specific.
Until public backlash in the wake of Monday’s massacre demanded its removal, mega online retailer Amazon — never one to miss a liberal trend — sold a “Trans Rights…Or Else” T-shirt featuring rifles (including an AR-15 and an AK-47 — called by the liberal establishment “assault rifles”) and a shotgun, clearly indicating violent intentions. And while this writer realizes that such comparisons are dog-eared, he must of necessity ask if the reader can imagine Amazon selling a T-shirt featuring those guns and a caption promoting any of myriad conservative ideas.
And the recently ousted press secretary for Arizona Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs, Josselyn Berry, found herself on the outside looking in as a direct result of public backlash after she tweeted a GIF of a scene from the 1980s movie “Gloria” showing a woman with two revolvers. Berry’s caption read, “Us when we see transphobes.” Her tweet was posted less than 12 hours after Monday’s tragedy claimed the lives of three nine-year-olds and three adults at Covenant. Anyone who interprets her tweet as celebratory, congratulatory, or both can easily be forgiven for following the rules of logic.
The White House chimed in, too, with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressing the press days after the Nashville shooting to say that the “trans community” is “under attack right now.” But while it is allegedly the “trans community” that is under attack, a report by John Nolte published by Breitbart shows that the Nashville attack is not an anomaly. There have been four trans mass shooters in less than five years.
And that is not surprising. All of this vitriol from the Left should be seen the light of a study published in 2022 that found “transgender youth” were among the groups at highest risk for “violent radicalization.” Go figure: young people who are confused about the very nature of their being and stirred up by the incessant and ubiquitous drumbeat of “everyone is out to get you” from the Left are easily wound up and turned loose on society at large. And with pro-LGBTQ groups and their comrades in both the liberal wing of government and liberal media telling them that they are targets for “genocide,” and that violence is the solution, it is little wonder that some percentage of them would arm themselves for war and target the Christian enemy.
Jean-Pierre’s pandering echoes that of pro-LGBTQ groups that have cast shade on the death of six innocent people by spinning even that tragedy in favor of LGBTQ “rights.” One such group, the Trans Resistance Network (TRN), published a statement saying that the death of one of their own by police — while murdering children and adults — was a “second and more complex tragedy” than the murders themselves.
And that brings us to the planned — and canceled — “Trans Day of Vengeance.” Both promoters and those who had planned to attend the event espoused violent intentions. And while promoters attempted to paint their violent rhetoric in terms of figurative language (claiming that there can be any other meaning of “vengeance” than violence), planned attendees stripped the veneer from that lie with their own online posts.
As the report linked above from Catholic Vote shows:
The event, which is supposed to take place outside the Supreme Court, is branded as a peaceful protest, but screenshots of those planning attendance may prove otherwise. One account from a user called “Pinko Scum” threatens to “[take] a few of you with me,” while another threatens to “kill” and “behead” “christcucks.”
That report is accompanied by a picture showing four posts featuring planned attendees carrying weapons and making threats. And yet, Our Rights DC — which planned the “Day of Vengeance” along with other militant LGBTQ groups — announced that the event was canceled “due to credible threat to life and safety.”
So, Saturday has not seen the Supreme Court besieged by a veritable cornucopia of angry, gender-confused radicals hell-bent on blood (as long as it’s not their own). But that did not stop other angry, gender-confused radicals from storming state capitols leading up to the “Day of Vengeance.”
As Catholic Vote reported Friday:
In the hours and days immediately following the mass-murder of three adults and three children at a Christian school in Nashville by a woman who identified as “transgender,” pro-”trans” and other Leftist activists have descended on the state capitol buildings of Tennessee and two other states to make political demands of elected leaders.
Tennessee, Kentucky, and Texas — which have all taken measures to protect minors from being used as political fodder through surgical and chemical mutilation — found themselves on the receiving end of screaming, chanting mobs of militant advocates of perversion as a result of their stand on the issue. In Tennessee, “a crowd of 500 reportedly rushed the state capitol,” according to Catholic Vote. Furthermore, “Hundreds entered the building, and footage from the incident shows protesters nearly overwhelming security personnel.”
In Kentucky, the scene was similar. Kentucky’s “protest” actually looked as if it may have been modeled after what Democrats call the “January 6 Insurrection,” complete with a horned leader — although this one looks more like a priest of Satan.
Fox News reported that the storming of the Kentucky State House “— which came as the state House voted to override Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s veto of Senate Bill 150 — resulted in the arrests of 19 people.”
And in Texas, on Monday — just hours after the deadly shooting of six by the angry, gender-confused activist in Nashville — “a large group of ‘trans’ activists performed a ‘die-in’ in a demonstration against legislation” in the Lone Star State to protect minors from the barbarism of sexual mutilation in the name of “gender-affirming care.”
Yes. Hundreds of gay activists played dead hours after one of their own actually killed three children and three adults. And they did so because, they claim, they are the ones being targeted.
Meanwhile, authorities still seem to be stonewalling the public release of the manifesto left behind by the young woman responsible for the Nashville massacre. Since such manifestos are often published before the smoke has settled, it is suspicious that police and the FBI are hiding this one. It is clear that this shooting — perpetrated by a radicalized LGBTQ activist with reported mental health issues — does not fit their narrative, and it is suspected that the manifesto will show that the shooter targeted the school because it was a Christian institution.
If that proves to be the case, that young woman was just following the course to which she was directed by the liberal establishment and its media minions.