LGBTQ Blues: When the Slaves Revolt on the Democratic Plantation
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More Muslims have entered the United States since 9/11 than during our whole history prior to that dark day. This, along with the last few decades’ massive, nation-rending (im)migration in general, is all good said the immigrationists, whose rallying cry was, “Our strength lies in our diversity!” Of course, the Democrats among them (in other words, most of them) had an ulterior motive:

As modern history teaches, 70 to 90 percent of our Third World (im)migrants will vote Democratic upon naturalization. So import enough of them and “Voila!” — our power and agenda will be cemented, said the statists.

Yet “the best laid plans of mice and men” (and mouse-like men) sometimes go awry, as is said. The Democrats are learning this, too, with events in Hamtramck, Michigan, where the following has transpired:

  1. Democrats supported Muslim immigration and empowerment.
  2. Muslims voted for Democrats, further empowering them and enabling leftists to advance their agenda.
  3. Muslims then ran for office as Democrats.
  4. Eventually, Muslims seized total political power in the town.
  5. They then promptly scuttled the leftists’ sexual devolutionary agenda.

Muslim residents were triumphant. In fact, wrote The Guardian in June, on “Hamtramck’s social media pages, the taunting has been relentless: ‘Fagless City’, read one post, emphasized with emojis of a bicep flexing.”

The leftists, however, aren’t so jubilant. Fox News reports on this along with providing some background, writing that the “LGBTQ residents of Hamtramck, Michigan voiced their feelings of ‘betrayal’ over the Muslim city council’s decision to remove Pride flags from public property, according to the Washington Post.”

“The council unanimously voted in June to ban Pride flags from public flag poles, citing a desire to respect the religious rights of citizens opposed to the symbol,” Fox continued. “This decision, months later, is still considered an act of betrayal by LGBTQ citizens to the symbol of ‘diversity’ they hoped the council would uphold.”

And the Post writes that now, “the ethnic, cultural and religious diversity that made Hamtramck something of a model is being put severely to the test.” The flag ban “has angered allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community, who feel that the support they provided the immigrant groups has been reciprocated with betrayal.”

Ex-Hamtramck mayor Karen Majewski, who lost re-election in 2021 in large part because she supported the “Pride” flags’ display, expressed this dismay. “We supported you when you were threatened,” she complained, “and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.”

My, my, somehow, naughty traditionalists everywhere, overcome with schadenfreude, are now hearing Jerry Seinfeld saying, “That’s a shame.” Really, though, as commentator Silvio Canto, Jr. asks, just as sarcastically, “Who knew that Muslim parents would oppose LGBT values?”

“Betrayal? Really?” Canto later wrote. “Maybe the LGBT community never really understood the value system that these immigrants have.” And, actually, to truly understand it, realize it’s not a value system (“values” is a secular term). It’s a perceived-virtue system.

This is why leftists will ever lose this battle, too: They’re following fashions and their feelings.

The Muslims are following what they consider God’s commands and may believe their eternal salvation is at stake. Translation: The passion and perseverance, the high morale and motivation, are all theirs.

Yet there’s far more to unpack here, too. A sampling follows.

Between Iraq (West) and a Hard Place

If devout Christians seized a town’s reins and enacted Hamtramck’s laws, the media demonization would be relentless. We’d hear that “Christian nationalists” were poised to create a theocracy and threaten national survival. But in this contest between two Democratic, “victim group” constituencies, the sexual devolutionaries and Muslims, the mainstream media response has been muted. All Newsweek could muster, for example, is that Muslim parents “defy intersectionality.”

Right/Left Silliness Exposed

Correctly noting that the anti-sexual devolutionary Muslims aren’t “right-wing ideologues,” Al Jazeera writes that Muslim “ideology is neither left nor right. Our ideology is centred in our unshakeable faith, grounded in our immutable creed.”

Born during the French Revolution, the right-left political paradigm presents a simplistic, dualistic conception of reality that ignores that multitudinous perspectives exist: The Truth and a plenitude of lies. And only the Truth matters.

An Almost Irresistible Force Meeting a Movable Object

G.K. Chesterton predicted in the 1920s that the next great heresy would be an attack on morality, sexual morality in particular. This has come to pass with what I’ve termed the Left’s cherished Sexual Devolution. It has appeared unstoppable, too — until now. Faith-born passion, catalyzed by the Muslims, can trump lust-born passion and very well could spell the end of the Left’s institutionalized national orgy.

Tolerance, Exposed

“Tolerance” implies the abiding of a perceived negative (i.e., you wouldn’t “tolerate” a delicious meal; you would have to tolerate a bad cold). This fact makes clear that leftists aren’t the fonts of tolerance they claim to be (quite the opposite); ergo, cancel culture. This is reflected in how a teacher in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, told a Muslim student that you “do not belong” in the country if you reject sexual devolutionary ideology.

You can be forced to tolerate what you detest, however — as the Hamtramck libs are learning.

And the Democrats may learn that the problem with ever-increasing diversity in a democratic (as opposed to Democratic) coalition is that it’s like herding cats. What’s more, when one of those invited cats is a lion, you just may find that he takes over the pride — and quashes the Pride.