LGBT Lobby Brags: We’re Getting to Kids Through Sci-fi, Fantasy Books
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

To the credit of the Left, they are experts at finding subtle ways to infiltrate the lives and minds of those they wish to brainwash with their degeneracy.

The lunacy embraced by the modern Left — the open sexual grooming of children with pornography and LGBT propaganda — has sparked major backlash among parents throughout the country. Accordingly, policymakers in conservative jurisdictions have taken appropriate steps to curb this influence, such as removing books with explicit sexual content from classrooms and school libraries.

But the Left continues to look for ways to stay in the schools. Now, they are boasting about one genre that still gives them a foot in the door to young readership — fantasy and science fiction.

A recent piece at The Hill declares that “In an era of book bans, sci-fi and fantasy offer an LGBTQ refuge for young readers.”

“Science fiction and fantasy are providing an oasis for young readers craving LGBTQ characters they can relate to as activists and wary parents increasingly clamp down on material they find offensive,” Lonas contends, lamenting that conservative parents have successfully had explicit LGBT titles such as “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” “Gender Queer,” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue” removed from campuses.

“But while those memoirs and realistic coming-of-age stories take the hits, superheroes, space travel and dragons often escape mainstream notice — and the heat that comes with it,” Lonas continues. She cites a statistic from the American Library Association, which claims that last year saw the largest number of book bannings since the organization began keeping count 20 years ago. 

Per the American Library Association, there were 2,571 books prohibited from schools in 2022, compared to 1,858 in 2021.

The piece from The Hill further reads:

Author TJ Klune told The Hill he knows some schools have at least a few of his magical, queer-themed works, including “The House in the Cerulean Sea,” “Under the Whispering Door” and the young adult “Extraordinaries” trilogy.

Klune said the “Extraordinaries” series, which centers on a gay high schooler in a world where superheroes are real, has been mentioned in book-banning conversations before, but he hasn’t seen the full onslaught faced by other writers.

Klune says he is confused as to why his books, which he describes as “very sex positive,” have “slipped under the radar.”

Lonas posits that this is because it requires “significantly more effort to sift for LGBTQ content” in fantasy works, noting that a title such as The House in the Cerulean Sea could be about anything; it sounds innocuous, and only upon taking the time to read it in earnest would one realize it centers around a gay romance.

What’s notable about the article from The Hill, along with the remarks from the pro-LGBT authors quoted in the piece, is the way they gloat about getting their perverse content under the radar and to the eyes of underage readers.

The fact that the LGBT community wants to groom our children is not a secret at all anymore; they are very clear about their desire to sexualize minors. Recall when the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus in 2021 released a video in which they declared “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”

They further added, “We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly. And you will barely notice it. You can keep them from disco. Warn about San Francisco. Make ’em wear pleated pants. We don’t care. We’ll convert your children. We’ll make them tolerant and fair.”

“We’ll convert your children. Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children,” the gay men sang.

Parents should take swift action to ensure their children are not being indoctrinated in LGBT. Getting kids out of the government schools is the most sure-fire way to achieve this.

Within the school system, a greater level of oversight is needed. And this is precisely what the Left fears. Lisa Jenn Bigelow, an author of queer-themed kids’ books, told The Hill that she fears “soft censorship,” which is when “when gatekeepers might decline to purchase or include a book in classrooms and libraries because, sometimes, they disagree with the content themselves, but more often, even they’re worried that the content could provoke a book challenge from the community. And so rather than take that risk, they just say, ‘Well, we’re not even gonna bother. We’re not gonna go there.’”

Thus, if parents continue to keep a constant eye on the literature being allowed on school campuses, the pressure will cause the gatekeepers to self-censor in some instances.

Pro-parental rights groups such as Moms for Liberty can pull this off by having committees within their organizations dedicated to that specific purpose.

Evil never sleeps. Neither should parents.

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