Conservative partisans online will sometimes, waxing perjorative, call our major liberal political party the “Demoncrats.” Many would assume they’re just speaking loosely, too. Yet Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Independent who caucuses with the Democrats, has now given the critics more ammunition to make their case.
That is, on Friday, Sanders held a rally featuring a song portraying God as a sexual predator who assaults people. Profoundly vulgar, blasphemous, and anti-Christian, it included lyrics such as “Does your god have a big fat d***?”
The singer was a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) individual named Thomas Gabel. Gabel is a man claiming female status and going by the name “Laura Jane Grace.” The New York Post reports on the story (I’ve edited the terminology to reflect reality; e.g., the proper pronouns):
[Thomas Gabel], the singer and guitarist of punk band Against Me!, proudly shared footage of [his] solo performance opening for the far-left Senator in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Friday night — singing a new song called “Your God (God’s D–k).”
In it, [he] sings: “Does your god have a big fat d[***]? Cause it feels like he’s f[******] me.”
“When he whips out his meat does your world fall to its knees?” [he] sang at another point in the footage shared by outraged critics.
“Does he chew c[***] like bubblegum and give b[******]s like a vacuum?” Grace added in the vulgar two-minute song….
Not Surprising — but Disgusting
Moreover, “The song specifically attacks Christianity with mentions of Easter and God’s son,” asserts commentator Robby Starbuck. It doesn’t do so in style, however, as Gabel isn’t even a good singer. This is evidenced in the video below.
Not surprisingly, the performance brought wide condemnation. As Starbuck put it, “Pure evil is what the Democrats stand for now. Make no mistake, this is a war of good vs. evil.”
As to this, one could wonder: What purpose was there in the performance other than to offend? Sure, it will attract attention, and has done so. But the profoundly divisive message certainly won’t serve to broaden Sanders’ base. In fact, it’s just another incident that causes people to incredulously wonder how tone deaf the Democrats can be. After all, they just lost an election due, in part, to such wokeness.
What’s more, while commentator Andrea Widburg wrote that the performance “was not a great idea,” Senator Sanders apparently disagrees. Why, he even thanked Gabel for the music.
Given this, it’s not surprising it would’ve been a Sanders underling who booked Gabel, as his staffers reflect their boss. We’ve seen this reflection before, too — frighteningly.
In 2020, Sanders field organizer Kyle Jurek was caught on video talking about putting political opponents in Stalinesque “gulags” and saying that the campaign was full of people of his mind. Note here, too, that even Bill and Hillary Clinton weren’t left-wing enough for the Jurek crew. As he put it, a Sanders regime would “force the Clintons to kill themselves by instituting a ‘reign of terror.’”
By the way, it appears that Sanders never repudiated Jurek, either.
Evil, but Sick and Pitiable, Too
Of course, since Gabel’s song’s nature speaks for itself, it’s instructive to go beyond condemnation and ponder cause. As to this, Widburg made some interesting points.
Mentioning that she once was a liberal Democrat working in San Francisco, Widburg said that she knew many homosexuals there. A couple of these people were performers, and she states that she found them amusing — for a while. The “entertainment” got old, however, for a simple reason: As with Gabel, everything was sex, sex, and more sex.
“Their entire identities revolved around their sex lives,” Widburg wrote. “They weren’t lawyers or product managers who were gay. They were just gay men who had day jobs — including one who is a rabbi!” She later elaborated:
People who are so-called “transgender,” though, take it a whole new level. Some have the genuine mental illness of body dysphoria, being unable to recognize the reality of their bodies. Many, though, are sexual fetishists, who either get a sexual kick out of mentally having intercourse with their own “female” bodies (autogynophilia) or they’re exhibitionists or voyeurs who now have societally-approved access to women.
And all that gets us to Thomas Gabel, who claims he is a woman. If you look at his history, you won’t be surprised to learn that, when he was 12, his parents had an acrimonious divorce that saw him losing his father and eventually living with his maternal grandmother. That was when he started drinking, doing drugs, dropping out of school, and getting in trouble with the law. He also suffers from depression. These things are a recipe for wanting to escape one’s body.
The Real Escape
Interestingly, the very thing Gabel so viciously attacks offers a kind of escape itself. That is, Christians will speak of becoming “a new creation.” This means, with faith and God’s grace, leaving evil behind and becoming reborn. The psychological poison that is sin will be purged, and the person begins to live in light and virtue. And since, as Aristotle noted, living a moral life is a prerequisite for happiness, this can yield peace and contentment.
Of course, though, why Gabel attacks Christianity is an old story. People tend to hate whatever threatens behaviors to which they’re emotionally attached. Enter Christianity. They know that if its standards were resurrected, they couldn’t engage in their “lifestyle choices” without reprobation. What’s more, they mistakenly often believe that their unhappiness is caused by these negative societal judgments and not by what really causes it: the psychological poison (sin) itself.
This all matters because as long as people think a MUSS status, or anything else, is inborn, they may assume it’s “natural” and beyond negative judgment (even though this is the mistake of biological determinism). If they realize, however, that these problems result from psychological scarring, it’s a different matter.
People such as Gabel — and Sanders, apparently — need help, not enabling publicity. And our society does, too, if a segment of it thinks the rally display should for a moment be tolerated.