At White House “Pride” Event, Biden Blasts Laws Protecting Kids From Transgender Mutilation
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At a White House event on Saturday meant to celebrate LGBT “Pride” Month, President Joe Biden took the opportunity to blast the growing litany of states who have outlawed so-called gender-affirming care for children. Among such procedures being banned by certain states are the irreversible removal of sexual organs and dangerous hormone therapies.

The South Lawn of the White House was decked out in balloons and rainbow flags for the occasion.

Thus far, at least 19 states have passed laws shielding children from risky and oftentimes irreversible therapies for children experiencing gender dysphoria. Biden made clear that he and his administration would rather that such laws cease to exist. Among states with laws protecting children are Texas, Mississippi, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana.

Alabama and Arkansas have also passed laws protecting children from transgender surgeries, but both laws have been temporarily paused by judicial injunctions.

“You know, and when families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different state to protect their child from dangerous anti-LGBTQ laws, we have to act. We have to act as a nation,” the president told the crowd gathered on the South Lawn:

We need to push back against the hundreds of callous and cynical bills and laws introduced in states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors and nurses. These bills and laws attack the most basic values and freedoms we have as Americans — that’s not hyperbole; that’s a fact: the right to be yourself, the right to make your own health decisions, the right to raise your own children.

Biden made similar remarks last December when he signed the redundant Respect for Marriage Act, which ostensibly made same-sex and interracial marriages legal, despite the fact that both were already legal.

In that speech, Biden also had claimed that “trans kids” needed to be protected from “the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states, targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need. And we have to protect these children so they know they are loved and that we will stand up for them and so they can [speak] for themselves.”

Speaking of children, earlier in the June 10 ceremony, First Lady Jill Biden had an interesting take regarding our younger generation.

“Today, we are here to find joy,” the First Lady said. “We want our kids just to be kids, running around and, hey, eating too much sugar.…”

But her husband wants those same children who can’t be trusted to monitor their own sugar intake to be able to make life-altering decisions regarding their reproductive future.

Despite the recent craze surrounding transgenderism, and mainstream acceptance which frankly borders on full-fledged encouragement of it as a lifestyle, the president lamented that many in the LGBT movement fear for their safety.

“You know, too many people in the LGBT community are worried and afraid about their future and their safety,” he said. “So today, I want to send a message to the entire community, especially to transgender children: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. And you belong!”

In Biden’s America, though, the LGBT lobby does much more than just belong — they think that they run things. For an entire month, corporations, broadcasters, and politicians do little else but cater to a fringe group of the population who claim they are being oppressed by commonsense laws intended to protect children from making life-altering decisions that they aren’t fully capable of making.

In America, children are denied the opportunity to drink alcohol, consent to most sexual relations, and vote in federal elections, in addition to myriad other things that common sense dictates they are not yet responsible enough to decide for themselves.

Yet Joe Biden, his wife, and his entire administration seem to want to do away with such barriers when it comes to transgenderism and simply allow children to make permanent decisions regarding their reproductive capabilities, without regard as to whether those decisions are safe or truly in their best interests.