Arbitration Court: “Trans Woman” Swimmer Thomas Can’t Swim in Olympics or Other World Events
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William "Lia" Thomas
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Common sense prevailed this week when an arbitration court drowned man-lady swimmer “Lia” Thomas’ attempt to compete in the Summer Olympics and any other elite women’s events.
Thus, real women are safe from mediocre men swimmers like Thomas who would cheat them out of their victories.

But for how long, no one can say. “Transgenders” — particularly “trans women” — aren’t likely to take this defeat as the final word, and will be stamping their feet and swinging their purses at the powers-that-be until they give in.

And swimming isn’t the only sport in which “trans women” compete and slaughter the real women in what appears to be a concerted campaign to destroy women’s sports

The Case

The trouble for real women in swimming began when Thomas — real name William — who swam for the University of Pennsylvania in NCAA competition, decided he was a woman.

He changed his name, and the NCAA, in all its wisdom, went along with the pretense and let him compete. He also had access to women’s locker rooms, which not only forced the women to undress in front of him, but also permitted the 6-foot-4-inch bruiser to flash his nether anatomy at the shocked and frightened women.

Lo and behold, Thomas became a champion, “winning” the NCAA’s Division I 500-yard freestyle swimming championship in 2022.

World Aquatics authorities apparently thought better of permitting men to compete against women. In 2023, they passed a rule saying that “transgender women” cannot compete against women unless they “had male puberty suppressed beginning at Tanner Stage 2 [of puberty] or before age twelve, whichever is later; and have since continuously maintained their testosterone levels below 2.5 [nanomoles per liter].”

That left out Thomas, who claims he began to feel like a woman in high school, well after Tanner Stage 2.

Thomas appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). It ruled that Thomas “lacked standing” to challenge swimming officialdom’s rules, and rightly dismissed his complaint.


“Thomas called the CAS’ decision ‘deeply disappointing’ in a statement provided by her legal team,” The Associated Press reported

“Blanket bans preventing trans women from competing are discriminatory and deprive us of valuable athletic opportunities that are central to our identities,” he sobbed. And now, “trans women” everywhere must “fight for our dignity and human rights.”

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, AP reported, got the vapors. Said headmistress Kate Ellis, “World Aquatics continues to spread disinformation about transgender people as a distorted way to ‘protect women.’ Transgender women are women and all athletes who want to play and follow the rules should have a chance to do so.”

No, they aren’t women, as former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines said.

“Great news! Lia Thomas won’t be able to compete in women’s category at the Olympics or any other elite competition,” she wrote on X:

He has just lost his legal battle in the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruling.

This is a victory for women and girls everywhere

Gaines has good reason to be furious about Thomas. When she tied him in 2022’s 200-meter freestyle final, he took home the trophy. 

Gaines told the Daily Wire that an NCAA official told her “we only have one fifth-place trophy, so yours will be coming in the mail. We went ahead and gave the fifth place trophy to Lia, but you can pose on the podium with the sixth place trophy.”

But Gaines was also incensed that Thomas was permitted in the women’s locker room, a terrifying turn of events she recounted publicly in tears. The women, she said, were not forewarned that Thomas would be there, able to gawk at the women and expose himself to them.

Thus did The Babylon Bee add this amusing rejoinder to arbitration court’s decision:

“Disqualified Lia Thomas Asks If He Can Still Just Hang Out Naked In The Olympic Women’s Locker Rooms”

Mission to Murder Women’s Sports

News reports the world over show that the only result of permitting “trans women” to compete with real women is humiliation for the women and, possibly, career-ending injuries.

In Australia in March, Australia’s Flying Bats soccer team slaughtered the Macquarie Dragons 4-0 to win the coveted Beryl Ackroyd Cup and its $1,000 prize. The reason: The Bats fielded five “trans women.”

But the Bats didn’t win just that game. They won every game they played during the four-week tourney. Parents were so angry they pulled their daughters out of matches, the Daily Mail reported. They didn’t know their daughters would play against young men.

Shortly thereafter, 24 women quit the St. Patrick’s Football Club because they didn’t want the Bats to stomp them into the ground, and not just point-wise. A Bats player had previously broken a St. Patrick’s player’s leg in two places. The brutal hit ended her soccer-playing days.

“Why have a female comp if males can play in it?” wrote Kirralie Smith, an activist with Binary Australia.

As The New American has reported in multiple stories, men who pretend they are women are dominating women’s cycling, weightlifting, and track and field.

Women’s arm wrestling is another target, as is women’s darts.

Simple truth is, “trans women” are murdering women’s sports, and sports officials across the spectrum are permitting them to get away with the crime.